• 众所周知来自近海工业船舶声纳噪音污染阻碍水下通信这些噪音真的鲸鱼赶到我们海滩上吗?

    It is known that noise pollution from offshore industry, shipping and sonar can impair underwater communication, but can it really drive whales onto our beaches?


  • 起初受试者会被噪音扰乱大约分钟后他们任务中的表现噪音影响的对照组受试者一样

    The noise was quite disruptive at first, but after about four minutes the subjects were doing just as well on their tasks as control subjects who were not exposed to noise.


  • 实上,研究人员发现,面对面的互动和对话会影响创作过程,联合办公区或咖啡店虽然有一定程度的噪音,同时也不会受到干扰。

    Indeed, the researchers found that face-to-face interactions and conversations affect the creative process, and yet a coworking space or a coffee shop provides a certain level of noise while also providing freedom from interruptions.


  • 这个似乎是版权末日来临噪音其实掩盖住了一个更为突出一点:传播发售渠道障碍已经完全坍塌了

    But all of this noise about the approaching end of copyright obscures a more salient point: the barriers of distribution have utterly collapsed.


  • 我们习惯滴答和车来人往噪音却是一种非常重要学习形式我们不妨试想一下无法进行习惯化的情形。

    We get used to the ticking of a clock or to noise of traffic but it's actually a very important form of learning because imagine life without it.


  • 到了一定程度太多声音就成了噪音

    But at some point, too many voices become noise.


  • 数字电流相比模拟电路噪音抗性强,依然十分脆弱

    Though digital circuits are more resistant to noise than analogue designs, they remain vulnerable.


  • 有时候想法关键点可能是对实践时最终产生了更多噪音

    Sometimes the kernel of the idea might have worked out, but the way you did it wound up causing more noise.


  • 其他一些专门宝宝们设计白色噪音应用程序这个的最爱

    I've checked out other white noise apps designed specifically for babies, but this is my favorite.


  • 叫卖声很精神很有音韵尽管只要开始磨刀锋金属磨石噪音就会引来老妇人们,带着她们心爱的旧菜刀

    His call is bracing but melodious, although once he sets to work on a blade, the noise of grindstone on metal brings out the old women with their beloved worn-out cleavers.


  • 以前的研究显示,噪音心脏病以及高血压也有关系——它可能增加人们压力以及干扰睡眠。

    But previous studies have linked noise to heart attacks and higher blood pressure, too-possibly due to increased stress and sleep disturbance.


  • 之后睡眠变得越变越轻,也会更易受到噪音的干扰。

    'But later sleep is much lighter and more prone to be disturbed by noises.'


  • 新的研究表明具有相反效果无论节目什么,最终结果电视噪音抑制了口头交流

    But the new study shows the opposite effect: whatever the programming, the ultimate outcome of television noise is to inhibit verbal exchanges.


  • 最近调查表示噪音可能更具危险性,它使压力指数患病风险大为提高——“噪音这个词源拉丁语,原意是作呕。

    But recent studies suggest that noise could even be dangerous, increasing stress levels and risk of illness - the word "noise" does derive from the Latin "nausea" after all.


  • 当时这种发动机噪音太大,同时担心万一某个风扇叶片折断划破机身后果不堪设想。

    But the engine was noisy, and there were concerns about what would happen if one of the blades broke off and tore into the aircraft's fuselage.


  • 两冲程汽油动力的工具环境污染噪音众所周知的厉害,电动的替代品又往往持久不足,难以实际使用。

    Two-stroke, gas-powered tools are famously polluting and loud, but electric variants typically lack the power or durability to really be practical.


  • 免干扰思考也许上去是普遍官能即使是普遍官能企业生活噪音中也十分难得。

    This might sound like common sense. But common sense is rare amid the cacophony of corporate life.


  • 由于噪音隐私因素,这里生活环境越来越差,潜在的商业价值逐渐加强。

    While the living conditions become worsen because of the noise and privacy factor, its potential for the commercial used is enhanced.


  • 可以许多方法来娱乐自己,不要制造太大噪音特别是公共场所夜里

    You can enjoy yourselves in many ways, but please don't make loud noises, especially in public places and at night.


  • 他们准备时候听见了一阵大的噪音

    But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise.


  • 拆毁噪音高速带来了兴奋满足好莱坞电影引发肾上腺激增方法类似这种方式无疑更具触感

    Demolitions, noise and speed bring excitement and satisfaction in a similar yet much more tactile manner than the way Hollywood films deliver the rush of adrenaline.


  • 尽管可以分为多并且可以包含注释人们还是认为Perl5正则表达式很晦涩,初级perl编程人员来说,它们类似线路噪音(line noise)。

    Even with multiple lines and comments, it would be generous to call Perl 5's regular expressions dense — they are more akin to line noise to a beginning Perl programmer.


  • 人们似乎习惯于这些噪音

    But people seem to get used to these noises.


  • 确实意味着噪音危险性比如说孤儿院抚育成长要一些,而孤儿院才确实精神健康的大

    That does not prove that it does not exist: but it does mean that noise is less dangerous than, say, being brought up in an orphanage-which really is mental health hazard.


  • 林桂感激他们加油紧接着不安地形容乒乓球项“必须安静的环境里进行”比赛,而噪音意味着一种不尊敬

    Gui, who said she appreciated the cheers, nevertheless seemed uneasy afterward as she described table tennis as a sport "where you have to be quiet" and the noise as a sign of disrespect.


  • 耳机听音乐可以集中精力阻挡忙碌工作环境带来噪音干扰确保离开座位时候摘下耳机。

    Plugging into music can be a great way to concentrate and block out the noise and distractions of a busy work environment, but be sure to take them off every time you leave your seat.


  • 转速降低以后,流量反而增加而且泵的噪音降低肯定打不到理论流量。

    Speed is reduced, the pump flow rate will increase instead, and the noise of the pump will be lower, but certainly can't flow theory.


  • 城市很多噪音人们总是关闭了他们,我从不知道隔壁

    But when I moved to the city, there were so many noises, people always closed their door and I never knew who was living next to me.


  • 城市很多噪音人们总是关闭了他们,我从不知道隔壁

    But when I moved to the city, there were so many noises, people always closed their door and I never knew who was living next to me.


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