• 合理调整必须(澳大利亚就是这种调整的显著部分)。

    But considerable adjustment is needed to get there (and Australia is a very prominent part of that adjustment).


  • 结论大多数感染药药物利用指数小于1合理用药意识还需进一步增强

    CONCLUSION: the utilization ratios of most anti-infectives were less than 1, however, the consciousness of rational drug-use should be further raised.


  • 卖方妥善保存这些材料合理损耗除外,根据买方指示处理返还这些材料。

    Seller shall maintain such materials in good order and condition subject to fair wear and tear and shall dispose of or return such materials as Buyer directs.


  • 看起来无害合理使用的话也能成为犀利的武器严重状况就是被纸割伤

    Paper seems completely harmless, but deployed 1 properly, it can be a serious weapon: paper cuts are just the worst.


  • 总的说来这个地区有着极大的农耕发展潜力合理地去利用这些需要更好制度基建设施的支持。

    The region as a whole has enormous farm potential, but fulfilling it will require better institutions and infrastructure.


  • 合理帮助方式并非唾手可得,原因之一是食品问题不是可以一刀切就可以解决问题,另外也因为一些现在亟需的帮助长期来看可能使问题糟。

    But getting the right kind of help is not so easy, partly because food is not a one-solution-fits-all problem and partly because some of the help needed now risks making matters worse in the long run.


  • 知道是个合理的要求,话说

    I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out.


  • 我们不想如果出价合理, 我们给予考虑

    We have no wish to sell, but if you make a fair offer, we will consider it.


  • 国有化威胁可以暂时避免,如果乘客合理愤怒不能短时间内得到解决,国有化的威胁卷土重来

    The threat of nationalization may have been seen off for now, but it will return with a vengeance if the justified anger of passengers is not addressed in short order.


  • 虽然研究濒危物种可能科学家提供一些领悟仅仅为了研究目的而饲养这些动物的话,其饲养成本合理

    While studying endangered species may provide some insights to scientists, the cost of keeping these animals in existence can not be justified for research purposes alone.


  • 因此肯尼迪所指虽然GDP衡量国家经济活动常用方法作为一种衡量标准,已经不够合理了。

    So what Kennedy was referring to was that while GDP has been the most common method for measuring the economic activity of nations, as a measure, it is no longer enough.


  • 也许一些关乎生死最高原则事情可以证明这种冒险是合情合理的,属于一类别的事情并不

    There may be some matters of life and death or highest principle, which might justify such a risk, but there aren't many things that fall in this category.


  • 管关于情商的普遍观点远超出了研究能够支持的合理范围,大众化的总体效果是利大于弊的。

    Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful.


  • 们知道合理饮食对我们的身体健康有益,事实证明,食物和烹饪食物对我们的心理健康也有好处。

    We know about the benefits of eating fittingly for our physical health, but food, and cooking it, are proving to be good for our mental health as well.


  • 我们不想如果出价合理我们给予考虑。

    We have no wish to sell, but if you make a fair offer, it shall have attention.


  • 需求程序员代码来说都合理的,用户期待符合当地文化通用格式输入查看数字

    That requirement is reasonable for programmers and code, but users expect to enter and view Numbers in the common format for their local culture.


  • 香烟的外包装上当然需要健康警示图标尺寸大小必须合理。”

    The packages definitely need health warnings, but they’ve got to be a reasonable size, ” he said.


  • 领养者可以支付费用开支领养中介也可以得到合理酬金仅此而已。

    Costs and expenses can be paid, and a reasonable fee may go to the adoption agency involved, but nothing more.


  • 如果需要安全程序,那么使用FLOSS程序就相当合理-您需要某种方式评估确定对于目的是否足够安全。

    It's perfectly reasonable to use a FLOSS program if you need a secure program — but you need to evaluate it in some way to determine if it's secure enough for your purposes.


  • 欧盟是个合理提议同时建议美国更多

    The European Union calls it a reasonable offer, but suggests it could go further.


  • 自从采取了合理措施之后,泰国人不幸缅甸富裕的多,自由的多,也快乐的多。

    But by any reasonable measure the Thais are massively richer, freer and happier than the wretched Burmese are.


  • 进行一些合理猜测还是可能的

    But some reasonable guesswork is possible.


  • 品尝美食合理控制

    Eat delicious foods, but in reasonable portions.


  • 虽然工程角度来看,这些解决方案合情合理结果并不理想

    Whilst these sorts of solutions are reasonable as an engineering approach, the result is clearly not ideal.


  • 所有这些听起来相当合理恰恰这些建议指出不足

    All this sounds reasonable, but these recommendations also point to the book's weakness.


  • 这些情况虽然在实际合理的,强调需要针对于公共信息模式给定用法备用附加的信息约束

    These situations, while justified in practice, emphasize the need for alternate, or additional, information constraints for a given use of common information schemas.


  • 然而即使安全层面考虑禁令合理的,有争议的。

    Yet even if it is justified on security grounds, a ban would still be controversial.


  • 然而即使安全层面考虑禁令合理的,有争议的。

    Yet even if it is justified on security grounds, a ban would still be controversial.


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