• 阳性使我们感到沮丧阴性不会

    False positives upset us, but false negatives do not.


  • 术后3个月发现1持续存在,直径增大

    A persistent endoleak was only found in 1 case, but no enlargement of the false lumen diameter 3 months later.


  • 悬而未决的贸易协定实现出口目标关键,则不够诚实。

    But it is simply dishonest to pretend that pending trade deals are pivotal in achieving the export target.


  • 植入术各类并发症却时有发生,其中又以纤维包膜挛缩最为常见

    Nevertheless, variable complications after breast implantation now and then happened, and the most frequent and severe one is adverse capsular contracture.


  • 试验理性较高巧合上皮外伤糜烂处赤露阳性但假阳性变界限或不规矩。

    The test sensitivity is high, even regret coincidence epithelial thickening or trauma of erosion: false positive, false positive but the white boundary is not clear or not.


  • 日里我们的确有一万个理由去放松,患上综合症”的人群得及早摆脱这种消极情绪,好好调整心态恢复正常状态上来。

    But people who suffered from the syndrome should discard their passive mood and adjust themselves, and back to the right track as soon as possible.


  • 以前从来没有,”海龟,“起来像是不同寻常胡言乱语。”

    "Well, I never heard it before," said the Mock Turtle, "but it sounds uncommon nonsense."


  • 指的这样的一个数据实例我们创建的这个模型预测应该正的,事实相反实际却是的。

    Basically, a false positive is a data instance where the model we've created predicts it should be positive, but instead, the actual value is negative.


  • 人类大约50种各自区别微笑只有一种区别真正重要的真的的。

    Humans produce about 50 distinct types of smiles but there's one distinction that really matters: between real and fake.


  • 个就是名人世界电视的大腕那都的。

    You got a celebrity world, big figures on TV. But it is false.


  • 这种方法缺陷极高配对概率许多部分配对的结果是,配对实际违法人员没有关系。

    But this approach is crippled by a very high false positive rate - many partial matches turn up people unrelated to the actual perpetrator.


  • 尽管已经证实这些故事的,杂志电视台报导,不断地传来传

    These stories have been picked up by magazines and television stations and have continued to circulate even after being proven untrue.


  • 虽然不会故意走进教训行为里,世界肉身魔鬼会试图把我们引诱这些里面去。

    While the sheep don't tend to intentionally walk into false teachingsand bad behavior, but the world, the flesh and the devil willattempt to lead us astray into such.


  • 尽管斯托·瑞斯动力不会提供额外的运动优势没有任何理由说动力——穿于健全人身上的外化骨骼——无法做到这点。

    Although Mr Pistorius's unpowered prosthetics do not provide any metabolic advantage, there is no reason why powered prosthetics, or exoskeletons worn by able-bodied people, cannot do so.


  • 一个本不存在地方互联网能力使它变得真的一样,让它半真半地存在。一切都让着迷

    I was really fascinated by the appearance of a non-existent place that the Internet had the power to make real and give a semi-existence.


  • 不用担心会领哪儿-它们是到达同一个地方的.看起来它们是死胡同是一.

    It doesn't matter which one you take - they'll both lead to the same place. They look like dead ends, but they're just false walls.


  • 这种情况下,两个前提为真结论的。

    A situation where both those premises are true and that conclusion is false.


  • 却导致了阳性的结果,换话说,一些正常组织反而怀疑癌变

    But that introduces false positive results; in other words, some normal tissues are marked as suspicious.


  • 虽然理论上说,法规应该扼制这些行为,那意味着公济么消防健康其他部门的检查。

    Despite new rules that are supposed to restrict them, he faced a procession of bogus inspections by fire, health and other agencies.


  • 尽管硅胶体在不断被改良还是容易破裂最终需要更换

    And despite the improvements in silicone implants, they're still vulnerable to ruptures and may eventually need to be replaced.


  • 下次思考关键三个前提是否的确全部或许一个几个为呢。

    But the point to think about for next time is just, is it really true that all three of the premises are true, or might one or more of them be false?


  • Shermer建议母亲好好解释这些城市神话通常的——结果并不乐观承认

    Shermer suggests calmly explaining to your mother that urban legends are usually untrue - "but I'm not optimistic," he admits.


  • 由于信息与事实相反,所以页面建立的这个cause其实的,还是有27000签名抵制搬迁

    Despite the fact that he divulged on the page that the cause was fake, 27, 000 people signed up to protest the move.


  • 不是什么问题如果要选择的话,我肯定选大卫·爱登,他让人兴奋专业解说让人听着怎么也普拉一天到晚样的话剧腔要来得强。

    The video is the same, but the voices are different. It's not a huge deal, but given the choice I'd take Attenborough's excited professorial narration over Oprah's fake drama any day of the week.


  • 兰花英国受大众喜爱的植物兰花养护对兰花出奇的困难,在得到真品之后HumaQureshi学习了如何照看它。

    Orchids are the most popular plants in the UK, but can be surprisingly difficult to care for. Fake-orchid fan Huma Qureshi learns how to look after the real thing.


  • 当地媒体近日报道25英国女拳击手萨拉·布莱登申请参加2012年伦敦奥运会遭到拒绝——因为的。

    25-year-old Sarah Blewden, a UK boxer hoping to represent her country at the 2012 Olympics, has been banned from the ring because of her breast implants, local media reported recently.


  • 当地媒体近日报道25英国女拳击手萨拉·布莱登申请参加2012年伦敦奥运会遭到拒绝——因为的。

    25-year-old Sarah Blewden, a UK boxer hoping to represent her country at the 2012 Olympics, has been banned from the ring because of her breast implants, local media reported recently.


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