• 的伴侣失败感受一样强烈可能会觉得哭泣没有男子气概的。

    Your partner can feel the loss as acutely as you, but may feel that it is unmanly to cry.


  • 但他可能会提高雇主必需缴纳款项,因为工人们最终需要依靠公共补贴购买自己保险项目

    He would boost the payments required of employers whose workers end up needing public subsidies to help them buy their own coverage.


  • 尽管患有这种综合症说话清晰说话方式时间舌头的位置而改变可能会使们的发音发生变化。

    Although people with the syndrome have intelligible speech, their manner of speaking is altered in terms of timing and tongue placement, which may distort their pronunciation.


  • 文化中人们可能会方式保持沉默,尤其但他处理人与人之间冲突不同权力之间的关系时。

    Other cultures may use silence in other ways, particularly when dealing with conflicts among people or in relationships of people with different amounts of power.


  • 不管志愿者是否喜欢香味,”赫什。“一些表示讨厌这种气味有香气房间里仍然可能。”

    "Whether the volunteers like the flower scent or not didn't matter," Hersh says, "Some reported that they hated the smell, but they still were more likely to buy the shoes in the scented room."


  • 这些朋友的朋友,我们可能一起进行社交工作也许我们仍然产生积极的影响因为我们有相同的兴趣

    These friends-of-friends, people we might spend time with at social or work gatherings, might not be like us but they can still have a positive influence because we share the same sort of interests.


  • 中学毕业生可能会抱怨别无选择只能接受大学随之而来学生债务

    School-leavers may moan, but they have little choice but to embrace university and the student debt that comes with it.


  • 可能会觉得奇怪甚至不可思议,从不觉得自己是矛盾体生活方式

    You may feel it queer and unimaginable, but they never think themselves paradox and argue that it's a kind of life style.


  • 众所周知虽然孩子们可能赞同儿科医生的建议父母可能会怀疑这种建议是否可行

    It has been acknowledged that while kids may welcome pediatrician's recommendation, their parents may doubt its feasibility.


  • /她可能会问你的资历和经验,但他们也问你为什么想得到这份工作。

    He or she will probably ask about your qualifications and your experience but they'll also ask you why you want the job as well.


  • 日本打招呼可能会鞠躬甚至对方名片不喜欢不看一眼名片放在口袋里。

    Japanese people may bow and even give out their business cards to greet others, but they dislike it when you just put the cards in your pocket without looking.


  • 些人能力强,也有些人工作很努力,但他可能会失败。

    Some people have good abilities and others work very hard, but they may fail.


  • 伤害到任何人,但他可能会认为你对们的饮食文化一无所知。

    It won't hurt anybody, but they may think you know nothing about their food culture.


  • 谈到成功的秘诀时,说:“许多人能力很强,还有人工作十分努力,但他可能会失败。”

    When talking about the secret of his success, he said, "Many people have good abilities and many work very hard, but they may fail."


  • 生也说了,她的年龄可能会导致一些问题,但他对手术的成功很有把握。

    The doctor also said that her age might cause some problems, but he was quite sure about the success of operation.


  • 管彼得罗斯基博士承认,由于设计工程项目或实施项目的人犯错,工程项目可能会失败,但他在这一本书中进一步拓宽了自己的观点,将更多可能导致失败的因素考虑了进来。

    Though he acknowledges that engineering works can fail because the person who thought them up or engineered them simply got things wrong, in this book Dr. Petroski widens his view to consider the larger context in which such failures occur.


  • 坚持认为这样蛋白质数目可能很多因为皮质醇受体进化过程中,导致不可改变性突变之间复杂相互作用的形式比比皆是

    But he argues that the number is likely to be large because the type of complex interactions between mutations that caused irreversibility in the evolution of the cortisol receptor are common.


  • 一致认同,最终很可能达到那个级别

    But they agreed that going to the highest level could be an eventuality.


  • 这样显示器可能贵,应该可以获得的。

    Such large displays will probably be expensive, but they should certainly be available.


  • 或许,你可能会因此而危及们的安全的出发点还是好的。

    They mean well, but they could still be minimizing the abuse or you could jeopardize their safety by obtaining their help.


  • 表示担心所在的村庄的头领可能会欢迎

    But what concerned him, he says, was the thought that leaders in his village might not welcome him.


  • 客户数据源修正丢失数据可能会寻求帮助

    Your customer should fix missing data in their data source, but they might ask for help.


  • 间或可能“信息有误或是误导”,永远不

    Sometimes he may be "misinformed," or "misled by others," but he is never, ever, wrong.


  • 风险投资可能因为专业知识欠缺而被批评很多的商业知识,一个VC黑莓手机可以一个宣传渠道。

    VCs might get criticized for their lack of domain knowledge, but they have great general business knowledge, and a VC's BlackBerry can be a distribution channel in itself.


  • 一个大型医院管理者可能知道如何进行手术肯定知道员工里有哪些熟练外科医生能做到这一点。

    The administrator of a large hospital is not able to perform surgery, but that administrator knows the process by which skilled surgeons are secured and retained on the staff.


  • 我们觉得可能会因为哥哥工作过而帮助我们,帮不了我们

    We thought they might help because my brother had worked for them, but they told us we weren't their problem.


  • 采访牧场农民可能因为这种方案农户的影响而表示反对,没有考虑动物权益问题

    The dairy farmers I've talked to may take issue with it for the impact it could have on smaller farms, but none of them sees animal welfare as an issue.


  • 可能会假装害羞,心里一定感到温暖幸福

    Your man may feign embarrassment, but he’ll be warm and happy on the inside.


  • 可能会假装害羞,心里一定感到温暖幸福

    Your man may feign embarrassment, but he’ll be warm and happy on the inside.


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