• 科学家们知道恐龙为何灭绝一些理论假定地理气候条件海平面的某些变化有关。

    Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changes in geography, climate and sea levels were responsible.


  • 多年来又有人提出一些其他理论没有一个科学界接受

    Over the years several other theories have been put forth, but none has been accepted by the scientific community.


  • 这个理论表明即使一些无私自私条件下同样某些自利的人会捐的少,这将抵消了利它主义者的额外贡献

    The theory shows that if some individuals contribute more than their share in an altruistic way, the more selfish individuals contribute even less, undoing some of the good done by the altruists.


  • 关于利他主义还有别的一些理论最有意思认为一切有亲缘关系的。

    There are several other theories about altruism, but one of the more intriguing ones is that it's all relative.


  • 同时这些分歧部分解释,为什么一些理论批评很晚才出现,虽然这个文学传统一直很高产

    But in the meantime that may partly account for a certain delay in the emergence of theory and criticism given the long-standing richness of the literary tradition.


  • 一些理论称,汇率升值可以减少储蓄这种做法充其量收效甚微。

    There are some theories that exchange rate appreciation can reduce saving, but the magnitude of the effect is, at best, minute.


  • 究竟存在着多少隐藏维度,这个问题依赖理论流行理论一些版本作为例子假设我们生活宇宙1011维。

    Just how many hidden dimensions exist depends on the theory, but some versions of the popular string theory for example, postulate we live in a 10 - or 11-dimensional universe.


  • 所以波尔理论得到了强有力的证实,其实存在一些反面数据

    So Bohr was validated in very, very strong measure, but there were also some contrary data.


  • 虽然不过而已,大型强子对撞机铅——铅对撞实验已经排除一些有关早期宇宙状态的理论

    Although it's only been three weeks, the lead-lead collision experiments in the LHC have already ruled out some theories about how the early Universe behaved.


  • 不必成为颜色理论专家作为一个商务人士了解一些色彩知识是有好处

    You do not need to be an expert in color theory, but it's good for business professionals to know at least a bit on the subject.


  • 本书包含了一些如“什么激励”这样的理论篇章,更多地提供了一些切合实际小提示建议现在就可以应用自己目前的生活中,对就是现在。

    The book contains some theoretical "what is motivation" type articles but mostly it offers practical tips and advice that you can apply to your own life NOW.


  • 大规模纵向农场比如图示的"Type O2"设计仍旧理论阶段,一些城市已经表示理论变为现实的强烈兴趣。

    Large-scale vertical farms, like the "Type O2" design seen here, are still only theoretical, but certain cities have expressed a serious interest in making them a reality.


  • 一方面,研究虔诚心所以可能一些理论知识

    On the other hand, I have studied devotion, so I may have some theoretical knowledge about it.


  • 即使真的发现了一些金融体系中的可利用异常因素理论基础有瑕疵的。

    But even if he had found some exploitable anomaly in the financial system, his rationale was flawed.


  • 实现工艺需要解决一些新的理论实践问题

    But to realise this process, some new theories and practical problems should be solved.


  • 虽然一些过于简单经济理论来看,随着劳动力供给增加可能意味着短期工资下降其实多方面的原因单单因为移民。

    While some overly simplistic views of economic theory might suggest that wages will decline in the short run as the supply of labor increases, this is not the case with immigration for many reasons.


  • 探索并没有停止,学界当中今天一些民事执行重大理论问题进行争论像执行权问题、执行原则问题

    But study circle among today still in for some civil execution in important theoretical problem carry out argument, picture carry out right problem and conducted principle problem etc.


  • 故事到结尾既然这个万物理论可能已经建立一些热切希望去利用

    But this isn't quite the end of the story. Now that the theory of everything may have been found, some are keen to use it.


  • 实用主义与古典实用主义在一些基本观点上表现出很强的一致性两者在谈论问题角度、深度最终要实现的理论目标等方面均存在明显差异。

    Although there exists strong coherence concerning some basic viewpoints of the two pragmatism, there are also many differences o the topics of thinking Angle, depth and the final theoretical target.


  • 先买权,即优先购买权,我国现行法中一项重要制度立法过于简略,缺乏可操作性,一些理论研究适应实践需要之处。

    Preemption is an important system in Chinese law. However, the legislation related to it is so simple that it is hard to operate. Some coherent theoretical research also can't match the fact.


  • 解构主义翻译翻译理论做出了巨大贡献同时我们应该看到解构主义翻译理论明显存在一些缺陷

    Although deconstructive translation theory makes huge contributions to translation theories, we should also see that there exist some apparent defects.


  • 一些天才理论存在于火星表面,以某种方法形成峡谷

    But some genius theories that as soon that was a lot of water right under the surface, that somehow is causing the gullies to form.


  • 现在供应链成本管理研究已经取得不少成果一些学者开始将委托代理理论引入供应链成本管理中,进行一些理论研究,对于供应链总成本没有一个量化模型

    Now, supply chain management has made many achievements and the theory of principal-agent has been introduced to supply chain management, but there is not a model to measure the supply chain cost.


  • 实物期权具有广泛发展前景理论存在一些问题必须引入动态对策分析的工具。

    Real option has a broad development prospects, but there are some problems in theory, we should introduce a dynamic analysis of the response.


  • 基本功训练少儿体操运动员教学训练中使用频率最高的概念之一长期以来有关基本功训练理论仍然存在一些模糊认识

    Basic training is one of words be used at most times in teaching and training of young gymnasts. But there are some haze understanding about the theory of it.


  • 目前,受应试教育深远影响,问题情境教学仅仅只出现一些理论文章研究中。

    But at present, profoundly influenced by the exam education system, the question situation teaching only appears merely in some theory article research.


  • 国内外创造型教师理论阐述教师创造性内隐观研究一些关于教师对创造型教师的认识的研究还没有。

    Explaining to creative teacher both at home and abroad quite more, and there is much study on teachers 'implicit theory about creativity.


  • 国内外创造型教师理论阐述教师创造性内隐观研究一些关于教师对创造型教师的认识的研究还没有。

    Explaining to creative teacher both at home and abroad quite more, and there is much study on teachers 'implicit theory about creativity.


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