• 如果你频繁这样做,在别人的眼中,你就会从一个自信的小丑变成滑稽的吉娃娃狗。

    If you do it too often, you can transform in the eyes of others from a confident joker to a Chihuahua dog.


  • 所做的决策持怀疑态度。即使最终作出一个决定十分可能因为缺乏自信,你相信你做出现有情况有利的决定

    No trust in Decisions Made: Even if you finally do make a choice, it is very possible that because of your low self-confidence, you have no trust that your decision was the best for the circumstance.


  • 身边离开了一个自信的托尼·布莱尔一切变得更为艰难、更为寂寞

    But it will be harder and lonelier without a confident Tony Blair at his side.


  • 可能一个称职求职者如果面试时缺乏信心,再称职也无济于事,”补充说道,“然而不要过分自信。”

    "You may be a qualified candidate, but none of that matters if you walk into that interview lacking confidence," he added. "Don't act too confident, though."


  • 一个自信可以自身产生疑问脆弱的时候,它惧怕这种疑问。

    A confident society can ask questions of itself; when it is fragile, it fears them.


  • 埃卡佩提选了最有可能成为候选人的那个,如果这场竞争自信一点的话,他有可能一个看起来更弱忠诚的人。

    In choosing Mr Ávila, he has opted for the strongest possible candidate; were he more confident about the race, he might have picked someone who was weaker but more loyal.


  • 是成就一个人人都无比自信城市必须付出的代价.

    But that’s a tradeoff for fostering a city of people who believe they can do anything.


  • 当然可能的,即使真的一样,狗儿也会很快地过分自信从而变成一个彻头彻尾不同生物

    It's possible of course, but even if he did, very soon he would gain confidence and turn into a quite different creature altogether.


  • 当然,在如此早年认定这位希望成为大联盟职业选手的人显得过早设想一下这种无法停止不切实际自信持续一二十后会变成怎样。

    Of course, it would be premature to call the major-league hopeful a narcissist at such an early age, but imagine that same kind of unstoppable, unrealistic attitude 10 or 20 years later.


  • 虽然我们恋爱中的女人应该自信女人爱上一个男人害怕失去,会开始自信

    Although we say that women in love should be confident, but a woman love a man, she will be afraid of losing, will start not confident.


  • 外表看起来自信一个决定开始慌乱,就是现在心情吗?

    Looks very is confident, but the heart began to make a decision, this is my mood now?


  • 曾经一个卑微女孩因为卑微,总是认为能力不够事实上,我只是没有自信

    I used to be a humble girl, the thing is that I am too humble, I always think that my ability is not good enough, but in fact, I am just not confident.


  • 庄重为例,休利特把定义临危不惧”,即便面临高压局面依旧能够保持冷静自信只是一个方面。

    Hewlett defines it as "grace under fire" and the self-confidence to stay calm in high-pressure situations, but there's more to it than that.


  • 反过来说使用一个较为随意邮件结束语也能展示自信

    Conversely, using a casual ending can show your self-confidence.


  • 人生本来就是无止境的追求道路漫长艰难而且充满坎坷只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信迎接挑战永远真正的胜利者

    Life is an endless pursuit. It is the road long, difficult and full of ups and downs, but, as long as he has a brave and confident heart to meet the challenge, he will always be a real winner!


  • 道路漫长艰难而且充满坎坷只要自己勇敢顽强地以自信迎接挑战永远一个真正胜利者

    It is the road long, difficult and full of obstacles, but, as long as he has a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, he will always be a real winner!


  • 表面上看,幅图似乎一些道理我们仔细思考时,我们会发现这个现象之下一个明显趋势缺乏自信

    Superficially, it seems to be somewhat reasonable, but when weighing in the mind, we find there is an apparent tendency underlying this phenomenon: the lack of confidence.


  • 或许有时工作能力非常自信好汉也得三个帮,只有获得了必要的帮助,才能事情做成

    Torturing your body with bad foods, especially in the peak energy time of your day, can only pull you backwards from becoming a money making person.


  • 纵然只有相对比较时间进行准备目前世界排名第二自信自己将会以一个比较好的状态迎接2010赛季开始

    World No. 2 Rafael Nadal believes he is in better shape for the start of the 2010 tennis season than he was this year, despite having a relatively short time to prepare.


  • 为什么成绩会退步”有人问瑞士人。“自信一个问题成绩不好只是暂时的,信心满满的时候很快好起来”。

    "Why should you move backwards?" asked the Swiss. "Confidence is one thing, but that can be temporary and that can fade as quickly as it came really."


  • 一个称职竞选者许多方面表现突出重要的是自信

    A capable candidate should be outstanding in many ways, and above all, confidence.


  • 结识朋友杰克(Jack),他是一个有点书呆子气、颇为自信产品经理

    The first friend I made was Jack, a nerdy but self-confident product manager.


  • 并不是自信这样课程确实正确道路上一个强大助推力

    I'm not as confident as I'd like to be, but our coaching sessions are a huge push in the right direction.


  • 鲍伯以前害羞军旅生涯使成为一个自信男人

    Bob used to be very shy, but his time in the military turned him into a more confident man.


  • 路途漫长困难而且充溢坎坷只需本人英勇顽强地自信迎接挑战永远一个真正的成功者

    It's way long, difficult and full of obstacles, but if he tenaciously to a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, will always be a real winner!


  • 路途漫长困难而且充溢坎坷只需本人英勇顽强地自信迎接挑战永远一个真正的成功者

    It's way long, difficult and full of obstacles, but if he tenaciously to a brave heart to meet the challenges of self-confidence, will always be a real winner!


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