• 他们发现总体上,单身伴侣相比食用食物总类较少,摄取的水果蔬菜鱼类也较少。

    They found that, in general, people who live alone have lower diversity in what they eat and that they eat fewer fruits and vegetables and less fish than people who are partnered.


  • 使伴侣呆在一起情感依赖羞耻恐惧可怕循环

    What makes those abused stay with their abusive partners is the horrible cycle of emotional dependence, shame and fear.


  • 应该一个能够根据环境线索帮助消费过上数字生活的数字伴侣

    And, it should be a digital companion that picks up on environmental cues and helps me live my digital life.


  • 作为争执中的一员经常会发现自己要求伴侣同意你,坚持接受事实解释无情地推进你的观点

    In the midst of one of these arguments, you often find yourself demanding that your partner agree with you, insisting that she accept your interpretation of the facts, relentlessly pushing your point.


  • 再加上大部分网上只想在附近25 - 30英里之内寻找伴侣实际意义上的候选人数量很少的。

    And given that most online daters look for partners who live no more than 25-30 miles away, the real pool of potential mates is often tiny.


  • 世界卫生组织澳大利亚加拿大以色列南非美国,40% - 70%女性谋杀伴侣杀害的。

    In Australia, Canada, Israel, South Africa and the United States, 40 to 70 per cent of female murder victims were killed by their partners, according to the World Health Organization.


  • 虽然有助于有趣的活动,但如果这些交友寻找长期伴侣他们可能犯了错误

    But though it could make for an interesting campaign year, such daters could be making a mistake if they are seeking long-term partners.


  • 应当你的亚当,”怪物说——但是创造在把他的伴侣做好拒绝了

    "I ought to be thy Adam," the creature says-but his creator rejected him before his mate was made.


  • 餐馆创建许多老年人无依无靠,宠物他们唯一伴侣可是很多因为生活困难不得不宠物送到动物救济中心。

    The owner said pets are the only companion of many lonely elderly people, but some have had to send their pet to animal shelters due to economic difficulties.


  • 寻找方法挤出时间抽离照顾这个角色并且回一名伴侣——这样可以让你放松感觉到伴侣的支持。

    Find a way to set aside the caregiver role from time to time, and be a partner instead - so that you can relax and feel nurtured by your partner.


  • 恋爱能力得到进化是因为求爱注意力放在一个更合适的伴侣身上会为他们节约时间精力并且增加他们存活以及重生几率

    The ability to fall in love evolved because those who focused their courtship attention on a preferred partner saved time and energy and improved their chances of survival and reproduction.


  • 选择三明治焦虑时间长于为选择职业伴侣而焦虑时间——看之下,这二似乎应该反过来

    I have spent infinitely more time flapping over my choice of sandwich than over my choice of career, or of spouse - which at first sight seems rather upside down.


  • 一些研究已经发现约会的人倾向于在与候选伴侣见面澄清任何即便是微小虚报信息。

    Some researchers have found that daters tend to come clean about any slight misrepresentations they have made before meeting a potential partner.


  • 伴侣(施摩)体验给予快乐的那种享受,见证一个特别时刻

    Her partner (the giver) will experience the joy of giving pleasure and witnessing a special moment.


  • 那些男性参赛得到奖赏一个女孩选中,两人成为伴侣仅仅晚上共处一宿。

    For the male contestants the prize is to be chosen by a girl and then to pair off, perhaps for marriage, or just for the night.


  • 许多伴侣成为这种想法受害如果伴侣真正在乎他们清楚的想法感觉

    Many couples fall victim to thinking "if my spouse really cared about me, they'd be able to figure out what I'm feeling or thinking."


  • 比如注视前任伴侣照片激活那些可卡因吸食大脑所激活的区域——可能能够帮助解释那些虚幻的爱情小说中的许多情节。

    For instance, looking at photos of exes lit up regions that are activated in cocaine addicts' brains - which may help explain quite a lot of the plot of those Twilight books.


  • 研究70对伴侣他们另一半外表吸引力打分,得出了这个积极幻觉理论

    The 'positive illusion' theory comes from researchers who asked 70 couples to rate their other halves for attractiveness.


  • 的确我们科学家彼此交流一直都比喻:我们说自私DNA孤儿接收蛋白质像是伴侣基因像是搭车旅行

    Indeed, we scientists use metaphors all the time when we communicate with one another: we speak of selfish DNA and orphan receptors and proteins that serve as chaperones and genes that hitchhike.


  • 那些已婚伴侣的测试的皮质醇和睾酮浓度增长慢。

    The ones who were married or in relationships had less of an increase.


  • 这些改变公司网络中扮演角色单纯内容发布提供现实中的人们提供真正互联数字互联服务的伴侣

    And that changes the role of companies on the Web from mere content publishers or providers to truly connected digital partners for real people.


  • 研究使用软件调查细分他们理想伴侣体形然后他们实际伴侣做出比较

    Researchers relied upon software that allowed participants to specify the body shape of their ideal silhouette, which was subsequently compared with the actual specs of the respondents' partners.


  • 有的参与告知伴侣男人有染有的女人有染。

    Some participants were told their partners had been unfaithful with a man, others with a woman.


  • 缠扰大多骚扰那些他们认识人,而且39%的犯罪受害以前伴侣根据最新的英国犯罪调查。

    Most harass someone they know; 39% of perpetrators are former partners of their victims, according to the latest BCS.


  • 一系列调查中研究发现三分之二伴侣男性首先

    In a series of surveys, researchers found that two-thirds of couples report that the man was first in confessing love.


  • 一系列调查中研究发现三分之二伴侣男性首先

    In a series of surveys, researchers found that two-thirds of couples report that the man was first in confessing love.


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