• 如今名英国学者估算根据每份工作需要的关键技能最容易自动化影响的工作什么

    Now, two UK academics have calculated how susceptible to - that means likely to be affected by - how susceptible to automation each job is based on some key skills.


  • 项目估算工具根据可用信息提供工作持续时间估计

    Project estimation tools provide estimates of effort and duration based on the available information.


  • 这次估算还是第一涵盖全美而不是根据地区年龄选择部分人口做调查,来自约翰霍普金斯大学研究报告作者这样说道

    The estimate is the first to cover the entire United States instead of select populations according to location or age, said the study authors from Johns Hopkins University.


  • 早期气温数据根据冰芯树木年轮估算出来的,虽然不如温度计那么准确,但我们依然看到,过去一千气温最高的十年。

    Estimates of earlier temperatures made from data such as ice cores and tree rings, though not as reliable as thermometers, suggest the decade may have been the warmest in the past millennium.


  • 据介绍,富豪福布斯》杂志根据各企业股价及其对各富豪个人总资产的估算编撰而成的。

    Forbes said its rich lists calculations were based on public share prices and its own estimates of privately held wealth.


  • 根据美国地质勘查局估算包括阿拉斯加海岸在内北极海底蕴藏着全球开采油气资源的22%,这些资源如今正因冰盖的融化离人们越来越

    That has opened more access to areas holding about 22 percent of the world's untapped oil and natural gas, including deposits off Alaska, according to U.S. Geological Survey estimates.


  • 根据他们报告这些估算可能有助于识别卵巢组织冰冻合适人选。

    These estimates, they report, might be helpful in identifying good candidates for the ovarian tissue freezing procedure.


  • 不论根据哪种估算方式,差不多有一半人口需要援助令人胆颤心惊的庞大救援人数。

    That by any estimate, is about almost half the population, will need assistance, which is a frightening figure to have to deal with, "he added."


  • 这些数字根据他们拥有股票数量估算银行指定盈利百分比作为股息分发

    These figures are based on the number of shares the executives own and estimates from the Banks about the percentage of earnings they plan to earmark for dividend payments.


  • 根据拉美裔中心九月份估算,2009年,2005年的850,000大约有300,000名未授权移民到达美国。

    According to a September estimate from the Pew Hispanic Centre, some 300,000 unauthorised immigrants arrived in 2009, down from 850,000 in 2005.


  • 根据皮尤拉美裔中心九月份估算,2009年,2005年的850,000至大约有300,000名未授权移民者到达美国

    According to a September estimate from the Pew Hispanic Centre, some 300, 000 unauthorised immigrants arrived in 2009, down from 850, 000 in 2005.


  • 根据各国能源消耗数据科学家估算全球CO2排放量比2009年下降了1.3个百分点。

    Based on energy consumption statistics from various nations, scientists estimate that global CO2 emissions dropped by 1.3 percent in 2009.


  • 根据估算自己还有年时间令局面开始出现转机;如若不成,则有可能失去美国支持

    He reckoned he had a year to start turning things around, or risk losing American support.


  • 根据估算超级搭档早期宇宙制造出的各种元素造成很深的影响

    According to his calculations, the superpartners would have had a profound effect on the ease with which certain elements were produced in the early universe.


  • 根据iSuppli估算所有Shuffle元器件耳机运输包装开销统共可以达到21.77美金,大约零售价28%。

    All told, the cost of the shuffle's components, the headphones, and the packaging it ships in comes to $21.77, according to iSuppli's estimates. That's about 28% of the device's retail price.


  • 根据一间莫斯科电影研究公司估算去年进口电影票房164亿卢布,将近本土电影票房的5

    Last year the imported stuff made some 16.4 billion roubles: more than five times as much as the home-grown product, estimates Movie Research, a Moscow outfit.


  • 根据经济学人情报组的估算,2010年的全球失业人数2008年高出6千万之

    According to Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) estimates, in 2010 there will be 60m more unemployed worldwide than in 2008.


  • 今明两年财政缺口正在不断扩大,110亿美元攀升至150亿美元;而根据预算立法委员会上月估算,这一数字将变为180亿美元。

    The projected size of the two-year shortfall has been creeping up, from $11 billion to $15 billion; $18 billion is last month’s estimate from the state’s Legislative Budget Board.


  • 根据瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)分析师估算银行持有的、用来抵御潜在亏损股本缓冲因此项规定而大幅减少

    Credit Suisse analysts calculate the rule would substantially reduce the estimated equity buffers that Banks hold against potential losses.


  • 根据高盛Michael Buchanan的估算2004年来,中国超额信贷量(信贷和名义GDP增速差额)的增速要比大部分发达国家

    Michael Buchanan, of Goldman Sachs, estimates that since 2004 China's excess credit (the gap between the growth rates of credit and nominal GDP) has risen by less than in most developed economies.


  • 根据估算,那次波动偏离均值有25倍标准差之巨

    According to my calculations it was a twenty-five standard deviation event.


  • 根据最新估算嘉能可的总价值高达600亿美元,公司去年盈利38亿美元,收入达1450亿美元。

    Most recent estimates put a value of about $60 billion on the whole of Glencore, which made profits of $3.8 billion in 2010 on revenues of $145 billion.


  • 根据估算,第100万名游客出现在5月19日上午时段

    The lucky visitor will very probably appear tomorrow morning, according to staff.


  • 然后根据以往经验估算得出如果电费上涨消费者耗电量降低多少

    Then estimates will be made, based on historical experience, of how much consumers would cut back their electricity consumption if its price rises.


  • 根据颜色明暗实度纹理条件,他们需要分钟之内估算其产肉量迅速评估牛肉质量

    In a matter of minutes, they have to estimate potential yield and quickly assess the quality of the beef, based on factors such as color, brightness, firmness and texture.


  • 根据IMF估算目前美国出台支出削减措施,力度还不到中期压低公共债务所需水平的一半

    At the moment, the US has outlined less than half of the tax increases and spending cuts necessary to bring its public debt down in the medium term, the IMF calculated.


  • 不一定根据边际效益估算各项开支

    Costs are not necessarily assessed against the marginal benefits.


  • 不一定根据边际效益估算各项开支

    Costs are not necessarily assessed against the marginal benefits.


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