• 尽管爱因斯坦更好物理学家希尔伯特是更好数学家

    Although Einstein was the better physicist, Hilbert was the better mathematician.


  • 1915年,应数学物理学家大卫·希尔伯特邀请爱因斯坦哥廷根做了演讲

    In 1915, Einstein made a trip to Gottingen to give some lectures at the invitation of the mathematical physicist David Hilbert.


  • 这次访问胜利兴奋地一个朋友说:“说服希尔伯特相信广义相对论。”

    The visit was a triumph, and he said to a friend excitedly, "I was able to convince Hilbert of the general theory of relativity."


  • 爱因斯坦惊恐发现希尔伯特爱因斯坦的讲座中学到的东西都拿来了,而且争先恐后首先提出正确的方程式。

    Einstein discovered to his horror that Hilbert had taken what he had learned from Einstein's lectures and was racing to come up with the correct equations first.


  • 研究论文通过思考一些复杂支离破碎细节涉及希尔伯特系统数学来支持论证

    The research paper, thought a bit esoteric and lacking in detail, supports its argument with math involving Hilbert systems and entropy.


  • 关于一家酒店预言故事,生动传达理论奇异之处,此故事在当今被称作希尔伯特旅馆

    He vividly conveyed the strangeness and wonder of Cantor's theory by telling a parable about a grand hotel, now known as the Hilbert hotel.


  • 不过并非直接奔向内容,我们沿着希尔伯特推荐的思路走。

    But rather than working directly with sets of Numbers or points, let me follow an approach introduced by Hilbert himself.


  • 综上所述结论希尔伯特旅馆容纳不下所有实数

    The conclusion is that the Hilbert Hotel can't accommodate all the real Numbers.


  • 干涉效果很多量子现象重点,希尔伯特数学理论找到本质的描述

    Such interference effects lie at the heart of many quantum phenomena, and find a natural description in Hilbert's mathematics.


  • 酒店业来说意味着,如果所有实数来到前台要求入住,即便希尔伯特旅馆也是没有足够房间接待他们的。

    For the hospitality industry, this means that if all these real Numbers show up at the reception desk and bang on the bell, there won't be enough rooms for all of them, even at the Hilbert Hotel.


  • 希尔伯特不仅拥有成百上千房间——而是无穷的房间。

    For the Hilbert Hotel doesn't merely have hundreds of rooms - it has an infinite number of them.


  • 世纪,数学家就提出过这种构造假设(译注:指希尔伯特曲线),现在这种假设就应用于人类基因组立体结构描述

    This type of shape was mathematically postulated over a century ago, and has now been shown to describe the genome’s three-dimensional structure.


  • 大巴的数量无穷而且严重辆大巴上载无穷多的乘客,无不暴躁要求旅馆兑现“希尔伯特永远可住”的诺言。

    There are infinitely many buses, and worse still, each one is loaded with an infinity of crabby people demanding that the hotel live up to its motto, “There’s always room at the Hilbert Hotel.”


  • 量子语境中的解释为把song作为称为语义环境的多维希尔伯特空间中的标志,所有相同意思单词集中在这个标志附近。

    Interpreting "not" in the quantum sense means taking "songs" as an arrow in a multidimensional Hilbert space called semantic space, where words with the same meaning are grouped together.


  • 梅尔·希尔寻宝公司的潜水员比尔·伯特在搜寻“阿托卡夫人号”沉船发现条40英寸(约101厘米)长的。 “阿托卡夫人号”1622年的一场飓风中,永远沉没美国弗罗里达州的海底。

    Bill Burt, a diver for Mel Fisher's Treasures, spotted the 40-inch gold chain while looking for the wrecked Nuestra Senora de Atocha, which sank off the Florida Keys in a 1622 hurricane.


  • 艾伦意识到一点,就知道希尔伯特问题答案

    And once he had seen this, he knew the answer to Hilbert's question.


  • 我们将详细讨论核心课程十分重要的特质,引导出再生希尔伯特空间理论(RKHS)中个非常关键概念

    We discuss at length the properties of a very important class of kernels which lead to the key notion of Reproducing kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS).


  • 希尔伯特节日快到了葡萄酒圣诞集市市里的大教堂广场举行组织者们必须提供公共厕所

    Hilbert said that with the festival season approaching and a wine festival and Christmas market due to take place in the Münsterplatz town square, organizers must provide public toilets.


  • 一部分包括细化变换倒谱技术希尔伯特变换分析器计算机之间数据传输

    The first part includes zoom transform, cepstrum analysis, Hilbert transform, and the data transfer between the spectrum analyzer and the computer.


  • 最近提出偏移算法一种基于光线折射希尔伯特变换水槽波浪测量方法

    The shift method presented recently is a flume wave measurement method based on light refraction and Hilbert transform.


  • 数学逻辑原则代表了辩论希尔伯特重要贡献之一

    Principles of Mathematical Logic represents one of Hilbert's important contributions to that debate.


  • 利用希尔伯特变换解调分析频带信号得到对应频带信号的包络

    The reconstruction signals were demodulated with Hilbert transform, and envelope spectrum at each band was obtained.


  • 加利福尼亚州年夜学马丁·希尔伯特博士率领了这项研究,指出该项数据异常巨年夜,自然对比暌怪牛之一毛。

    Dr Martin Hilbert of the University of South California, who carried out the study, admits that the Numbers involved are too large to comprehend - but that they are dwarfed by nature.


  • 最后总结出广义希尔伯特变换如何信号边缘检测中取的最佳效果

    Finally, it studies how to obtain the best result using generalized Hilbert transform in noised signal edge-detection.


  • 提高了解调分析速度精度克服希尔伯特变换应用局限性

    The speed and accuracy of demodulation analysis are improved greatly, and the limitation of Hilbert alternation is overcome.


  • 文中介绍了希尔伯特变换解调原理以及用FF T程序实现解调的步骤

    The principle of demodulation by Hilbert transform and its performing steps using FFT subroutine are introduced in this paper.


  • 本文运用希尔伯特变换空间调制器使十字光栅一级衍射强度分布用于精密定位

    Using a Hilbert transform Modulator, the intensity distribution of first-order spectrum of crossed-slit is used for accuracy positioning in practice.


  • 本文给出希尔伯特一般相乘快速串行并行算法

    This paper presents a fast sequential and parallel algorithm for the generalized Hilbert matrices multiplied by general matrices.


  • 经验模态分解方法端点效应条插值中以及希尔伯特变换中。

    There are two types of end effects in the empirical mode decomposition method: in the spline interpolation and in the Hilbert transform.


  • 筛选过程插值产生函数关键一步,是希尔伯特分析基础

    In the course of filtration, interpolation is the essential step to produce the intrinsic mode functions, and the basis of the Hilbert spectral analysis.


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