• 伯格目前正在收集至少具sediba骸骨。

    Berger is currently assembling at least two.


  • 其他古生物学家伯格化石一个非凡的发现

    Other paleontologists say Berger's fossils are a marvelous find.


  • 麦克。库伯格尔昨晚一个界外球击中头部死亡。

    Mike Coolbauge was killed last night after a line drive foul ball hit him in the head.


  • 然而伯格尔称,sediba可能具有他们认为的更古老的起源。

    According to Berger, however, A. sediba may have older roots than they think.


  • 看来有趣的伯格尔博士研究小组描述既像类人猿又像人特征奇怪组合

    More interesting, in his view, are the strange combinations of apelike and humanlike features that Dr. Berger’s team has described.


  • 然而本周,李·伯格博士领导一系列关于sediba最新研究成果科学》杂志上发表

    This week, however, a range of new research into sediba, again led by Dr Berger, has been published in Science.


  • 伯格尔博士同事们在论文中写道,这块颌骨一些类似人类特征然而并不表示这块颌骨主人必须是人类

    The jawbone has some human-like features, Dr. Berger and colleagues write, yet that does not mean the owner of the jawbone was necessarily human.


  • 李·伯格博士推断南方古猿sediba可能直接进化成了直立人,这使“能人”成为进化旁支甚至不是一部分

    Dr Berger posits that sediba may have evolved directly into Homo erectus, leaving habilis as an evolutionary sideline, and not even part of the genus Homo.


  • 向艾伯格粲然一笑

    He gave Alberg a dazzling smile.


  • 伯格四处翻找

    Alberg scrabbled around for pen and paper.


  • 伯格张口像是抗议转念一放弃了。

    Alberg opened his mouth, as if to protest. But he thought better of it.


  • 马克·西伯格:“不诚实。”

    "It's pretty dishonest," says Mark Silbergeld.


  • 不幸的是,伯特没有做到一点,并且很快就放弃了,为了取悦国王试图制作高质量瓷器

    Unfortunately, Bottger failed to achieve this and soon gave up, but in order to please the king he attempted to make high-quality porcelain.


  • 其他公会一样,怀伯格编织公会禁止女性成为主人但是主人遗孀除外

    Like most other guilds, the Wildberg weaver's guild banned women from becoming masters, however, it exempted master's widow.


  • 很多情况下实际上可以预测曲线。”该公司首席执行官克里斯托弗·阿伯格

    "The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases, " says company CEO Christopher Ahlberg.


  • 索伦·安德瑞森一名社会科学家伯格全球发展伙伴公司负责监督报告撰写进行辩护,这些数字显然粗略估计

    Soren Andreasen, a social scientist at Dalberg Global Development Partners who supervised the writing of the report, defended it, saying that it was clear that the numbers were rough estimates.


  • 怀伯格主妇并非没有受过训练因为正如欧吉维在其他地方指出的那样,妻子孩子主人一起工作他们训练可能是非正式的,仍然存在

    Wildberg master-widows were not untrained for, as Ogilvie notes elsewhere, wives and children worked with masters, their training may have been informal, but it existed nevertheless.


  • OLEX石油公司最近决定通过关闭格伦维炼油厂整合其塔斯伯格炼油厂的所有炼油削减炼油成本

    The OLEX Petroleum Company has recently determined that it could cut its refining costs by closing its Grenville refinery and consolidating all refining at its Tasberg refinery.


  • 伯格而言最大担忧夜间遭遇逆风因为这会拉长夜间飞行时间,且可能造成电池在日出耗尽风险

    Encountering a headwind at night is Mr Borschberg's biggest worry because that would make the night much longer, so he would risk running out of energy before sunrise.


  • 墨西哥湾索赔基金的负责人肯•菲伯格,“任何个人索赔都由我们机构决定不用BP汇报。”

    “On any individual claim, we don’t answer to BP. We decide,” says Ken Feinberg, who runs the Gulf Coast Claims Facility.


  • 我们正在进入一个非常时期人类赖以生存海洋功能正在发生巨大变化某些情况下开始失效,”豪厄格-·伯格

    "We are entering a period in which the very ocean services upon which humanity depends are undergoing massive change and in some cases beginning to fail," said Hoegh-Guldberg.


  • 金德伯格并未声称建立关于此类危机严格理论确实发现模式

    Kindleberger does not claim to have a rigorous theory of such crises, but he does discern a pattern.


  • 但是对症下药也短期有效,而且只是一些有效,西佛·伯格

    But the available medications work only for a short period of time and only in some people, Silverberg says.


  • 奥乌豪厄格-伯格我们目睹海藻丛林海洋生物群落,珊瑚礁主要生态系统衰落

    OVE HOEGH-GULDBERG: We are seeing a decline in major ecosystems like kelp forests, sea life communities, coral reefs and so on.


  • 为什么斯托·伯格先生如此焦急地制止挪威人使用天然气供暖烹饪食物非常高兴英国人这样

    Why is Mr Stoltenberg so anxious to stop Norwegians using gas for heating and cooking, and yet happy for Britons to do so?


  • ·汉密伯格高盛信贷策略分析师预测今年14%高收益债券无法偿付。2010年同样比例的债券完蛋。

    Charles Himmelberg, a credit strategist at Goldman Sachs, forecasts that 14% of high-yield bonds will default this year, with the same proportion going phut in 2010.


  • 宾馆负责旅客制订远足项目安蒂·伯格表示他们将会尽量把大树宾馆当地野生动物影响降到最小,而只是其中一步

    This is just one of the steps being taken to minimize Treehotel's impact on local wildlife says Anette Selberg, who is in charge of crafting an excursion program for guests.


  • 如果CEO营销总监创意反应良好,在离开房间之前尽力得到购买订单或者下一个合同,西·伯格

    If the CEO or marketing director responds favorably to your idea, try your best to get a purchase order or a signed contract ensuring payment before you leave the room, Silberg says.


  • 如果CEO营销总监创意反应良好,在离开房间之前尽力得到购买订单或者下一个合同,西·伯格

    If the CEO or marketing director responds favorably to your idea, try your best to get a purchase order or a signed contract ensuring payment before you leave the room, Silberg says.


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