• 上述结论至少英国沃里大学马太·拉安德鲁·斯瓦尔德得出结论。

    That, at least, is the conclusion of Matthew Rablen and Andrew Oswald of the University of Warwick, in England.


  • 应该这样想:现在采用巴马式的疗法巴马式的反应

    Think of it this way: Mr. Bernanke is getting the Obama treatment, and making the Obama response.


  • 一旦经济复苏确立,同时失业率下降必须上调利率缩减美联储资产负债表。这将导致国会也许还有巴马的攻击

    Once the recovery is entrenched and unemployment is falling, he will have to raise interest rates and shrink the Fed's balance-sheet, inviting attack from Congress and perhaps Mr Obama.


  • 龙彭格先生编制一个帮助塑造巴马思考写作人名清单,里面包括.韦和尼采,梭罗和爱默生,兰斯顿.休斯和拉尔夫.埃利森

    Mr. Kloppenberg compiled a long list of people who he said helped shape Mr. Obama’s thinking and writing, including Weber and Nietzsche, Thoreau and Emerson, Langston Hughes and Ralph Ellison.


  • 瑞尔·奥克有头脑,性格父亲带大成为一个牧羊人以后设法足了多塞特的诺科姆租下自己的农场

    Gabriel Oak was a sensible man of good character, who had been brought up by his father as a shepherd, and then managed to save enough money to rent his own farm on Norcombe Hill, in Dorset.


  • 2007年,小姐利匹集训到了图森市,成了这儿的自行车协会的员,这里训练组织严密,竞争激烈

    In 2007, Ms. Bertine's Olympic training took her to Tucson, where she became part of a close-knit, intensely competitive cycling community.


  • 10月6日帕罗·举行的会议上,Facebook老板·扎宣布了一系列关于这个世界上最大社交网站运营方式变革

    At a meeting in Palo Alto on October 6th, Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, announced a series of changes to the way that the world's largest online social network is run.


  • 然而还有第二种而且险恶解释一种形成怀疑商人》(Merchants ofDoubt)主题的解释。该书作者是美国学者内米·雷斯埃里·康韦布鲁姆出版社于八月出版

    However, there is a second, more sinister explanation, one that forms the focus of Merchants of Doubt, by US academics Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway, which is to be published this month by Bloomsbury.


  • 格表示Facebook主页名列第一的650万粉丝的数字超越了巴马粉丝专页一举成为加利福尼亚社交网络服务中最受欢迎一员。

    A Michael Jackson page at Facebook has topped 6.5 million fans, unseating Mr Obama's "fan page" as the most popular at the California-based social networking service, according to Mr Zuckerberg.


  • 父母奥克·布洛姆索菲娅·玛丽亚·昆特4个儿子2个女儿

    My parents, Auke Bloembergen and Sophia Maria Quint, had four sons and two daughters.


  • 画像保罗·奥克·斯勒(Paul g . oxborough)正式肖像画里融入了喜欢的记忆。

    Figure painter Paul G. Oxborough brought fond memories to this formal portrait.


  • FACEBOOKCEO.扎)2011年76周三位于加利福尼亚帕罗总部发布会期间观看视频通话的演示PaulSakuma /APPhoto

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, left, watches a demonstration of Video Chat during an announcement at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, Calif., Wednesday, July 6, 2011. , Paul Sakuma / AP Photo


  • 一群咯咯傻笑,可能未成年的头脑简单的漂亮女孩,她们格位于加利福尼亚州帕罗图(PaloAlto, Calif)的夏季公寓沙发上吸食大麻电子游戏

    The giggling, possibly underaged bimbos who do bong hits and play video games on the couch of Zuckerberg's summer rental in Palo Alto, Calif.


  • 休斯·扎哈佛大学时的室友,曾加入过巴马竞选团队。

    Hughes, Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard dorm roommate, was an online organizer for the Obama presidential campaign.


  • 几天一年中最长的那个午夜,可以听到瑞尔·奥克诺科姆山上吹笛子

    A few days later, at nearly midnight on the longest night of the year, Gabriel Oak could be heard playing his flute on Nor-combe Hill.


  • 只有一个意见比对自己的意见更加信赖这个人就是瑞尔·奥克

    There was only one person whose opinion she trusted more than her own, and that person was Gabriel Oak.


  • 摘要本文7个事实带领大家走进侯庄的诞生地——佩萨·雷良产区。

    ABSTRACT: This article will take you to the Pessac-Leognan region, where Chateau Haut-Brion was born, with 7 facts.


  • 紧跟在赫兹格之后,德海姆提出了一个完整工作设计模型

    Following herzberg's work, Hackman and Oldham proposed a more complete model of job design.


  • 伊州州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇任命填补贝拉·巴马空出参议院职位罗兰·里斯这样说。

    Roland Burris, who was appointed by Illinois's governor, Rod Blagojevich, to fill Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat.


  • 着,突然注意到瑞尔·已在教堂走来,正同情注视着

    She was still crying when she suddenly noticed Gabriel Oak, who had come up the path on his way to the church, and was watching her sympathetically.


  • 年老的酒店老板,留着白发长长的胡子僵硬地把头转向瑞尔。“诺科姆瑞尔·奥克!”

    The ancient maltster, with his white hair and long white beard, turned his old head stiffly towards Gabriel. 'Gabriel Oak of Norcombe!'


  • 年老的酒店老板,留着白发长长的胡子僵硬地把头转向瑞尔。“诺科姆瑞尔·奥克!”

    The ancient maltster, with his white hair and long white beard, turned his old head stiffly towards Gabriel. 'Gabriel Oak of Norcombe!'


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