• 前,这项纪录是由美国的蒂·斯茨保持,她在2010年22岁时横渡大西洋。

    Before, that record was held by Kaitie Spotz from the USA, who crossed the Atlantic as a 22-year-old in 2010.


  • 马克·吐温斯蒂芬·科尔大家庭最小,金·四个孩子中最小

    Mark Twain and Stephen Colbert were both the youngest in large families, and Jim Carrey was the youngest of four.


  • 担任这些职务时,他吉尔·西迪手下学习法律。

    While he held these positions, he studied law under Gilbert Cassiday.


  • 位退休IBM技术专家欧文·沃拉达斯 -杰说,这次大型机取得巨大成功使公司内部聚焦”。

    The huge success of its mainframes had made the companyinternally focused”, in the words of Irving Wladawsky-Berger, a retired IBM technologist.


  • 艾伦·加亨利·小教授,已经签约作为哈佛大学一任教务长

    Garber, the Henry J.Kaiser Jr.Professor at Stanford, has been appointed the next provost of Harvard University.


  • 俄亥俄州克里夫西保留地医学院心理学家雪利尔·金斯这些问题表现形式趋向多元。

    It's the flavor of those problems that tends to differ, said Sheryl Kingsberg, a psychologist at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Cleveland, Ohio.


  • 最近几周石公司、要塞公司、雷集团威尔·罗斯购买银行股权其中有佛罗里最大贷款机构,第一南方联合银行。

    In recent weeks Blackstone, Fortress, Carlyle, Wilbur Ross and others have bought stakes in Banks, among them Florida's First Southern and BankUnited, the state's largest home-grown lender.


  • 艾伦·,亨利·教授已经签约作为哈佛大学一任教务长

    Alan M. Garber, the Henry J. Kaiser Jr. Professor at Stanford, has been appointed the next provost of Harvard University.


  • 签字仪式,李肇星会见伦·格。

    Prior to the signing ceremony, Li held a meeting with Kellenberger.


  • 特约研究院麦当娜·莱露西·沙克尔福德以及特约评论员丽莎·瑞恩保罗·恩杰里·马肯均对此文有所贡献。

    Staff researchers Madonna Lebling and Lucy Shackelford and staff writers Lisa Rein, Paul Kane and Jerry Markon contributed to this report.


  • 比较阿拉兄弟国家土耳其世俗秩序有着深厚根基可以追溯到斯塔发•末尔(Mustafa Kemal)建国时的1923年。

    Compared with its Arab counterparts, Turkey's secular order has deep roots, going back to the creation of a republic by Mustafa Kemal in 1923.


  • 几个月成为·巴塔,·塔络,巴里·达文波特创立的《习惯课程》(The Habit Course)的内测用户。

    A couple of months ago, I became a beta tester for The Habit Course created by Leo Babuata, Katie Tallo, and Barrie Davenport.


  • 起来一个推销员的确有一些真正便宜货那里”,文·,在佛罗里达州银行房地产FortLauderdale地区经纪人,如是说。

    "Not to sound like a salesman, but there are some real bargains out there," said Kevin Berman, a broker with Bankers Realty Services in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


  • 俄勒冈州立大学代表队队员弗洛里安·普森格(FlorianKapsenberg)正在位于u -Haul通讯拖车控制室里操控漫游者。

    Oregon State University team member Florian Kapsenberg steers the rover from the team's control station in the back of a U-Haul trailer.


  • 1913年,吉姆西竞争对手,经营着“摩托车递送公司”的埃弗特麦克决定合并为一家公司,命名为“商业包裹递送公司(MPDC)”。

    In 1913, Jim and Evert McCabe, who led rival Motorcycle Delivery Company, agreed to merge with AMC and a new company was formed.


  • 这里可以看见已知3个卫星卫1,冥卫2,卫3。 包括冥王星在内的物体海王星(数十亿颗在海王星轨道之外绕行的小型冰体构成的碟形带)之上,围绕着太阳的作盘形轨道运行。

    Seen here with its three known moons, Charon, Nix, and Hydra, Pluto is a member of a group of objects that orbit in a disklike zone beyond the orbit of Neptune called the Kuiper belt.


  • 演员:本尼克特·巴奇,西耶拉·亨兹科林·弗斯,大卫·丹克,加里·奥德曼约翰·赫特,西·贝克尔,马克·斯特朗,西蒙·迈克托比·琼斯汤姆·哈迪

    Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Ciaran Hinds, Colin Firth, David Dencik, Gary Oldman, John Hurt, Kathy Burke, Mark Strong, Simon McBurney, Toby Jones, Tom hardy.


  • ·吉尔2006年3月8日公布——2009年6月30审核通过。

    By Katie Gilbert, published on March 08, 2006 - last reviewed on June 30, 2009.


  • 《新希望》原始剧本早期草稿中,水晶是被绝地西斯双方需求的一种原力聚焦人工制品。

    In early drafts of the original script to A New Hope, the Kyber crystal was a Force-focusing artifact wanted by the Jedi and the Sith.


  • 思琳?科瑞斯头南瓜色的秀发飘垂耀眼丝绒红色短上衣上,位于格拉斯顿的舞地板上,她流畅安静地舞动着,仿若一条在草丛中蜿蜒

    Kathleen Kores, her pumpkin-colored hair flowing over a blazing red velour blouse, moved along the floor of her studio in Glastonbury the way a snake moves in the grass, smoothly and silently.


  • 终于30多年术语最初拼写方式进入了《战》正典故事。

    Finally, after over 30 years, the term "Kyber" with its original spelling has worked its way into a Canon Star Wars story.


  • 财务大臣乔治财政支付审议中将大学教育国家直接经费投入削减40%似乎正是为了证明观点。

    As if to prove him right, George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, slashed direct state funding for teaching in universities by 40% in his spending review.


  • 现实中的报道2011年9月19日,正当许多媒体在取笑占据华尔街”运动新闻价值时,美国时事评论员?奥已经领先一步了。

    The real-life news: On Sept 19, 2011, much of the media perhaps was laughing at the notion of Occupy Wall Street being newsworthy. US political commentator Keith Olbermann, though, was a step ahead.


  • t表现记录布拉德·爱德华兹慷慨地分享老师作曲家低音提琴非凡·蒂。

    T his performance was recorded by Brad Edwards and graciously Shared by teacher, composer and double bass extraordinaire, Kelly Roberti.


  • 名字弗农·出生鲁日,路易斯安那州在1959年,但生活是一个很好的协议我一生威尔福斯,俄亥俄

    My name is Kyle Vernon, I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 1959, but lived a good deal of my life in Wilberforce, Ohio.


  • 秘书长伊夫林·巴克先生受命指挥英军有名的阿拉旅店女老板蒂安调着情。

    General Sir Evelyn Barker, in command of British troops under the mandate, dallied there with a celebrated Arab hostess, Katy Antonius.


  • 本月特点照片,朱阿尔德和麦可泰世界杯

    This month features a photo of David Alcaide and Michaela Tabb at the World Cup of Pool.


  • 本月特点照片,朱阿尔德和麦可泰世界杯

    This month features a photo of David Alcaide and Michaela Tabb at the World Cup of Pool.


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