• 监护权激烈地争夺着,一边是抚养长大的养父,一边是从未生活在一起亲生父母

    Kimberly has been the object of an angry custody battle between the man who raised her and her biological parents, with whom she has never lived.


  • 但是有人相信兹·家族精神与这份报纸联系得如此紧密,即便遭逢危机也不可动摇。

    But there are those who believe the ethos of the family is so deeply committed to the paper that it will remain unshakeable.


  • 本周以色列人庆祝1948年战争巴勒斯坦人则为哀悼。这场战争缔造犹太人国家却导致巴勒斯坦大多数阿拉人流离失所。

    THIS week Israelis celebrate and Palestinians mourn the war of 1948 that created a state for the Jews but resulted in the flight of a large portion of Palestine's then Arab majority.


  • 但是如同被公开写给泰勒最新的情书所见证的一样,尽管经历20拉扯谩骂直到生命依然爱

    But as newly released love letters from Burton to Taylor attest, despite 20 years of hair-pulling and name-calling, he loved her until the very end of his life.


  • 二月份开罗的塔哈利广场庆祝阿拉春节德国媒体对此鲜有赞扬辞。

    In February he celebrated the Arab spring in Cairo's Tahrir Square, drawing rare praise from the German media.


  • 最后又精力充沛地开始展示穿梭外交绚烂,日内瓦以色列及其阿拉敌国拉到了一起

    Finally he swung into the pyrotechnics of his "shuttle diplomacy" to bring Israel and its Arab enemies together at Geneva.


  • 帕甘博士北非一些阿拉国家多达百分40帕金森氏患者具有这种基因。 在德系犹太裔,也有百分11至14的患者有这种基因。

    Dr. Pagan says that up to 40 percent of Parkinson's patients from northern Africa, and some Arab countries, have this gene, and between 11 to 14 percent of patients of Ashkenazi Jewish descent.


  • 我们刚刚阿拉美国人进行了调查,百分80的人经济问题他们关心的。

    We just finished a poll of Arab Americans and 80 percent said the economy is their number one concern.


  • 罗斯47岁,他成功使全球五分国家参加奥运会。

    Ueberroth, 47, masterminded a triumph that involved four-fifths of the nations of the globe.


  • 这些斥责引用一本名叫瑟普拉诺”的一份鲍·英格尔桑迪·麦克卢尔的调查报告,而不是当地歌剧

    The rollicking book from which that quote is taken, by investigative reporters Bob Ingle and Sandy McClure, is called "the Soprano State", and it is not referring to the local opera.


  • 今天全球几乎五分美元储备不是G 7国家央行掌控,而是新兴经济提所控制,主要是中国产油国沙特阿拉

    Today, almost four-fifths of the globe's dollar reserves are held not by G7 central Banks but by emerging economies, notably China and oil producers such as Saudi Arabia.


  • 当时任职于摩托罗拉公司的通信系统部总经理位。

    At the time Mr Cooper was general manager of Motorola's Communications Systems Division.


  • 遥想时,兄长以色列士兵枪击毙命我便致力于中东阿拉国家联合,同时西方保持贸易往来。

    When I was five, my brother was shot by an Israeli soldier - since then, I have been dedicated to uniting the Arab countries throughout the Middle East and retain a trade flow with the west.


  • 吾辈不可败北”,斗林君言,“吾辈工作所用药品,为前人地下工作证实,其乃成功者也。”

    We don't have failures”, says Mr Doblin, “because we're working with drugs that have been tested in the underground, and work.


  • 16岁蒂芙尼哈里斯故事深深打动,如果看到了不道义的罪恶行为,她发言写信的方式参与进来与斗争。

    Moved by Berger's story and his message, Tiffany Harris, 16, said if she sees an injustice being committed, she will get involved by speaking up and writing letters.


  • 如果南克先生的应对千帆竞发全球经济或许变得更好一些

    If Mr Bernanke's is the face that launches a thousand ships, the global economy may be the better for it.


  • 所在印度洋个岛屿位于阿拉半岛以南210英里非洲以西106英里,隶属也门

    What and where: Island in the Indian Ocean, 210 miles south of the Arabian Peninsula and 106 miles west of the Horn of Africa. Belongs to Yemen.


  • 阿斯特··马斯登公司对伦敦银行家调查中,当问到他们认为未来座城市成为世界最大金融中心几乎五分四的人选择亚洲的城市。

    The London bankers in the Astbury Marsden survey were asked which financial centre they expected to be the world's biggest in ten years' time. Nearly four-fifths picked one in Asia.


  • 妻同房,就羞辱了叔,二人担当自己的罪,必无子女

    If a man sleeps with his aunt, he has dishonored his uncle. They will be held responsible; they will die childless.


  • 阿拉青年证明自由钥掌握他们自己手中并且一向如此。

    What the Arab youth have shown is that the means of their liberation is in their own hands, and has always been.


  • 拉罕•穆哈维透彻翻译抓住了诗中的渴望流亡

    Ibrahim Muhawi's limpid translation captures the longing, the ache of exile.


  • 万军耶和华仆人撒拉铁儿子所罗巴,到那日为印,因我拣选了你。是万军耶和华说的。

    In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, o Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.


  • 艾斯·惊讶技术如此发达,以至于轻点鼠标便发布海量信息

    Ellsberg marveled at how far technology has come, that with the click of a mouse such a massive volume of information can be released.


  • 格林斯潘继任者本·南克甚至比格林斯潘还有过而无不及。

    Ben Bernanke, Mr Greenspan's successor, holds these views even more strongly.


  • 耶拉篾兄弟长子米沙,西弗祖玛利沙儿子,是

    The sons of Caleb the brother of Jerahmeel: Mesha his firstborn, who was the father of Ziph, and his son Mareshah, who was the father of Hebron.


  • 耶拉篾兄弟长子米沙,西弗祖玛利沙儿子,是

    Now the sons of Caleb the brother of Jerahmeel were, Mesha his firstborn, which was the father of Ziph; and the sons of Mareshah the father of Hebron.


  • 其他景点坎特大教堂托马斯•贝克特大主教(亨利失使此君死于非命墓,相当成功。

    Other sites, such as the tomb of Thomas à Becket (whom Henry unwittingly had killed) at Canterbury Cathedral, are doing well too.


  • 其他景点坎特大教堂托马斯•贝克特大主教(亨利失使此君死于非命墓,相当成功。

    Other sites, such as the tomb of Thomas à Becket (whom Henry unwittingly had killed) at Canterbury Cathedral, are doing well too.


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