• 第三部分民事诉讼伪证成因分析。

    The third part is the reasons of civil perjury.


  • 周三传出的在镕可能被控作伪证说法就源于那些证词

    The reference on Wednesday to possible perjury charges against Mr. Lee stemmed from that testimony.


  • 你们居民因为犯下造伪证而死亡的时候,日子了。

    The day approaches when your citizens will perish for their crime of perjury.


  • 其中一个值得注意是否应该起诉那些将被法官指控非法杀人伪证士兵们。

    A notable one is whether prosecutions should be brought against those soldiers whom the judge came close to accusing of unlawful killing and perjury.


  • 伯南克应该因为之前伪证行为公然忽视我们身边到处存在通胀被起诉。

    Bernanke deserves to be impeached for his previous ACTS of perjury and for blatantly ignoring the price inflation that exists all around us.


  • 因此在法律上加大对伪证的防范惩治重建社会信用显得非常必要重要

    It is, therefore, necessary and important to prevent and punish perjury commitment legally and rebuild the social credit.


  • 完全依靠事实论证会使孤证巧合大行其道,伪证制造很大促进作用

    Depend entirely on the facts feasibility study meeting makes Gudzafflheng, coincidence is popular, and for perjury manufacturing plays a large role in promoting.


  • 目前理论界有关民事诉讼伪证研究不够全面深入有人对它进行专题研究。

    At present, the theoretical circle are still not comprehensive, in-depth, and very few people research the civil perjury.


  • 伪证判决几乎辩护尝尝铁窗滋味,而非联邦法官给他聊备一格惩罚

    Convicted of perjury after offering almost no defense, he deserved a taste of prison, not the slap on the wrist he has received from a Federal judge.


  • 2011年2月联邦公诉人减少控告伪证的次数,使受到指控的罪名11项减至5项。

    In February 2011, federal prosecutors reduced the number of perjury charges against Bonds, cutting the overall charges against him to 5 from 11.


  • 非官方反应outran案件联邦检察官美国职业棒球联盟追求费用,他使用过类固醇承诺伪证

    Unofficial reaction: he outran investigations by federal prosecutors and Major League Baseball, which are pursuing charges that he used steroids and committed perjury about it.


  • 证人作伪证提供的证据可信。

    This witness has committed perjury and no reliance can be placed on her evidence.


  • 下的时间里,我在报纸上找到了一个叫《臭名昭著的伪证者吐温》的标题。

    During the rest of the time, I got a title "the Infamous Perjurer Twain" on this paper.


  • 二天早上,我吃早餐时无精打采地看着报纸,看到了这段话:1863年,于瓦卡瓦克,34人控告州长候选人马克吐温先生作伪证。他打算掠夺一个贫穷女人的土地,她丈夫死后,这块地是她唯一的容身之所和支撑。

    The next morning, as I was looking listlessly over the papers at breakfast, I came across this paragraph: PERJURY—Mr. Mark Twain, a candidate for Governor, was convicted of perjury by thirty-four people, in Wakawak, in 1863. He intended to rob a poor woman of her land, her only stay and support after her husband died.


  • 出场了拒绝回答公诉人提出问题担心他们指控伪证因为她不会说谎,不会说出他们听到的内容。

    She appeared, but refused to answer the prosecutor's questions, fearing that they would charge her with perjury because she wouldn't lie and tell them what they wanted to hear.


  • 看看这位声名狼藉伪证犯!

    Look upon the Infamous Perjurer!


  • 〔备忘——这场竞选运动中,这家报纸以后但凡提到时,必称“臭名昭著伪证吐温”。

    Mem. -- During the rest of the campaign this paper never referred to me in any other way than as "the infamous perjurer Twain."


  • 赫尔女士两人都坚持自己说辞,至今也没知道到底谁犯了伪证

    Both he and Ms Hill stand by their stories. No one else knows which of them committed perjury.


  • 为了震摄潜在违法者,与交谈官员半数希望指控那些家长欺骗伪证一些人则敦促生成一个新的特殊刑事罪行

    To deter potential miscreants, half of the authorities he spoke to wanted parents tried for fraud or perjury, and some urged the creation of a specific new criminal offence.


  • 然而,德雷福斯案历经获得第二次军事审判机会,这次高级军官出示的伪证下,德雷福斯上尉再次有罪。

    Yet it took five years before the Dreyfusards secured a second military trial, at which the captain was again found guilty, this time after the top brass forged evidence against him.


  • 辩护结束前,请出了朱莉·希亚特·斯蒂尔后者证明斯塔尔的做法也是如出一辙,在两次拒绝陪审团前作伪证之后,斯塔尔就对她进行了指控。

    To close her defense, she called Julie Hiatt Steele, who testified that Starr had done exactly that to her, indicting her after she twice refused to lie for him in a grand jury proceeding.


  • 亚拉巴马州理查德·谢尔比、华盛顿州的斯莱德·戈顿、阿拉斯加州特德·史蒂文田纳西州弗雷德·汤普森弗吉尼亚州的约翰·了作伪证的反对票。

    Senators Richard Shelby of Alabama, Slade Gorton of Washington, ted Stevens of Alaska, Fred Thompson of Tennessee, and John Warner of Virginia voted no on the perjury count.


  • 尽管切尼死缠烂打,但布什仍拒绝赦免利比。 2007年,利比伪证妨碍中情局特工ValeriePlame身份被泄露调查两项罪名成立。

    Despite much badgering from Cheney, Bush refused a pardon for Libby, who was convicted in 2007 of perjury and the obstruction of an investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame, a CIA agent.


  • 审判之后9名证人居然有7撤回自己的证词,其中好几位由于警察施压,他们才不得不做伪证,其他人认为凶手另有其人。

    But after the trial, no fewer than seven of the nine recanted. Several of them said they had felt subjected to pressure by the police.


  • 宣誓包括宣誓人确认真实,并且若不真实愿意根据美国任何其他法律承担伪证陈述

    "Under oath" includes statements the declarant affirms to be true under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States or any state.


  • 宣誓包括宣誓人确认真实,并且若不真实愿意根据美国任何其他法律承担伪证陈述

    "Under oath" includes statements the declarant affirms to be true under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States or any state.


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