• 听着,只想聊聊。

    Look, Lunk, I just want to talk to her.


  • 墨西哥伦克碑铭宫。

    Temple of the Inscriptions, Palenque, Mexico.


  • 伦克·霍夫先生先前微软软件开发员。

    Mr. Brinckerhoff was formerly a software developer at Microsoft.


  • 没有什么能够改变过去几个月的经历,

    Nothing can take away these past few months, Lunk.


  • 然而目前研究者没有发现伦克产生这种副作用迹象

    Yet the researchers for the current study found no sign of varenicline producing such adverse effects.


  • 二十分,斯特伦克夫人走出门廊为木槿浇水看到车倒出来小桥。

    TWENTY minutes later, Mrs. Strunk, out on her porch watering the hibiscus bushes, watches him back his car out across the bridge.


  • 作为一位全国知名专栏作家,特伦克博客中自揭私生活隐密细节商界震惊不已。

    A nationally syndicated columnist, Ms. Trunk shocked the business community when she revealed intimate details of her personal life on her blog.


  • 到目前为止里约奥运会玛利亚·伦克水上运动中心官员们无法给出一个(合理的)解释

    Rio officials at the Maria Lenk Aquatics Center have so far been unable to provide an explanation.


  • 乔治肯定,斯特伦克夫人暗暗刻意表现得丈夫不同因为新式教育,将手段温柔

    But Mrs. Strunk, George feels sure, takes leave to differ gently from her husband; for she is trained in the new tolerance, the technique of annihilation by blandness.


  • 星期天斯特伦克先生儿子们仅仅他的另一项体能教育计划礼貌严肃毫无乐趣

    On Sundays Mr. Strunk will play ball with his sons, but this is just another of his physical education projects, polite and serious and no real fun.


  • 如今应对斯特·夫人其他人询问时乔治总是回答是的收到吉姆的信儿,他好。

    And now, in reply to the questions of Mrs. Strunk and, the others, George answers that, yes indeed, he has just heard from Jim and that Jim is fine.


  • 此外往往还是这些如斯伦克怀特《经济学人风格书籍编辑告诉尽可能省略不必要

    Moreover, these are often the same people (like Strunk & White, or the editor of The Economist's style book) who tell you to omit needless words wherever possible.


  • 关于帕伦克这座失落城市最早描述出版1567年,作者是一位不知出处的西班牙神父,名叫佩德罗·

    The first published account of this lost city was in 1567, from a Spaniard, Father Pedro Lorenzo de la Nada.


  • 斯特夫人在对面时不时尽责地责骂孩子们告诫他们别骚扰跟他们解释教授工作非常辛苦

    Mrs. Strunk, who lives opposite, dutifully scolds her children from time to time, telling them to leave him alone, explaining that he's a professor and has to work so hard.


  • 球队老板斯坦·科伦克(StanKroenke)愿意支付奢侈。从上赛季开始丹佛干的就是一分钱一分货的买卖。

    That owner Stan Kroenke is willing to pay the luxury tax is nothing new — Denver began last season on course for the dollar-for-dollar hit, and those Nuggets were careening toward irrelevance.


  • 接着本尼到处晃荡扰乱三个小不点儿两个男孩女孩他们试着斯特·伦克家和芬家中间空地一个

    So Benny wanders off to interfere with three much smaller tots, two boys and a girl, who are trying to dig a hole on the vacant lot between the Strunks and the Garfeins.


  • 2004年以来,弗里德尔说道伦克工作研究者们已经发现了三个王家陵墓王室成员的祭祀还有一个高等贵族墓。

    Since 2004, Friedel says, researchers working at Palenque have discovered three royal tombs, a tomb of sacrifices, offerings to a royal, and a high noble's tomb.


  • 对alpha4beta2受体来说,既然伦克仅是部分激动剂--不是完全激动剂,吸烟者吸烟者的作用是不同的,

    Since varenicline is only a partial agonistnot a full agonist—at the alpha4beta2 receptor site, it performs differently in smokers and nonsmokers, she said.


  • 失败了亲爱的斯特伦克太太乔治他蹲坐在马桶上,巢穴里窥视着前方看着正把吸尘器袋里的东西清理垃圾桶里去。

    Your exorcism has failed, dear Mrs. Strunk, says George, squatting on the toilet and peeping forth from his lair to watch her emptying the dust bag of her vacuum cleaner into the trash can.


  • 斯特夫人家的本尼格芬夫人家的跑来跑去冒险的时候,如果吉姆看到乔治疯子般窗边咆哮着挥舞手臂怎么

    What would Jim say if he could see George waving his arms and roaring like a madman from the window, as Mrs. Strunk's Benny and Mrs. Garfein's Joe dash back and forth across the bridge on a dare?


  • 研究者伦克追溯到古典时期(大约公元200年到600年),关于这座城市的大多数知识来自古典时期(公元600年到900年)。

    Researchers say Palenque dates to the Early Classic (A.D. 200-600) period, but most knowledge about the city comes from the Classic period (A.D. 600-900).


  • 不过,黑暗中也有一线曙光,布伦克霍夫先生得到10公司的橄榄枝,他们网上读到,或由传言听闻公司失败,纷纷邀请他前来赴职。

    The silver lining, however, was that Mr. Brinckerhoff got inquiries from 10 companies about working for them after they read on the Web or heard through word of mouth that his company had failed.


  • 丰富碑文铭文以及记载考古学这座玛雅城市构建出第一条朝代时间线。 这座城市尽管令人过目不忘,但某些地方还是模糊不清

    Palenque's wealth of epigraphy (inscriptions) and recorded history has helped archaeologists to build the first time line of rulers of a Maya city—one that, while impressive, is still fuzzy in places.


  • 加尔统治时期伦克成兴建了很多广场建筑包括最高的“碑铭神庙”(Templodelas Inscripciones,陵墓),这些建筑共同的特色精致灰泥浮雕

    During Pakal's reign, many plazas and buildings, including the superlative Templo de las Inscripciones (his Mausoleum), were constructed in Palenque, characterized by very fine stucco bas-reliefs.


  • 斯你好吗? 真高兴看到恢复正常活动了

    How are you Lennox? Good to see you up and about.


  • 选定下列人员参加沃茨霍奇斯

    The following have been chosen to take part: Watts, Hodges and Lennox.


  • 的表妹玛丽·斯。”

    "This is my cousin, Mary Lennox," he said.


  • 的表妹玛丽·斯。”

    "This is my cousin, Mary Lennox," he said.


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