• 时候我们在溃烂腐朽时会掩藏自己感觉然后这些伤口开始传染给灵魂其他部分

    Sometimes we bury our feelings where they fester and decay, and then begin to infect other parts of the psyche as well.


  • 一次准备晚饭的时候艾玛妈妈第一次注意到艾玛的伤口

    Emma's mom first noticed the cuts when Emma was doing the dishes one night.


  • 伪科学、反科学耀武扬威的时候科学只有角落里伤口

    As psuedoscience and anti-science bask in its glory science can be found in a dark corner quietly licking its wounds.


  • 负压疗法降低了频繁伤口绷带需要之前每天换13降低到天才换一次;在医护人员紧缺时候,这会起到很大的作用。

    Negative-pressure therapy decreases the need to change wound dressings from one to three times per day to once every few days, a major benefit when medical staff is in short supply.


  • 平静下来后,才意识一个是我她从浴缸里救出来,那时候她的手腕上布满伤口

    Once she calmed down, I realized that I had pulled her out of a bathtub a month earlier, her wrists covered in slashes.


  • 原来,就把马克留尔拖上岸的时候莫拉进了根鱼骨她们确认马克留尔已经安全以后,便一奔向学校卫生室让护士包扎伤口

    Mora had punctured her foot on a fish bone while helping McClure out of the bay, so once he was safe, the young women headed for the campus infirmary, where a nurse bandaged her wound.


  • :“很小的时候感情上受到伤害,即使长大后可以抚平伤口刺骨伤痛早已留下是你永远都无法抹去的。”

    "I think that emotional marks are made early on," Ferrer said. "Even if you can rationalize them as you grow up, they still leave that dank sadness you can never truly shake."


  • 这名叫史蒂芬·福格蒂的受害者腿部有40伤口告诉人们怎样拼命击打鲨鱼才得以逃生的,他说,“时候只是后面咬住

    Steven Fogarty, who suffered 40 puncture wounds to his leg, told how he survived the attack by punching the bull shark in the face. "Something just grabbed me from behind.


  • 它们愈合时候感觉不好——因此,我不会清洗它们’,而是再次隔开伤口

    I felt kind of bad when they started to heal - and so I would 'freshen them up' by cutting again.


  • 男人被人狠揍时候不会的表情,但是女人清理伤口时有退缩表现

    A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds.


  • 狂犬病病毒大脑时候神经细胞间跳跃前行,就是为什么即使踝部一个被感染动物过的伤口最终导致某人死亡的原因。

    Rabies hops between nerve cells as it races to the brain, which is why even an infected bite on the ankle will eventually drive someone mad.


  • 烧伤的时候维他命CE胡萝卜可以加速伤口愈合

    Vitamins C, E and beta-carotene also facilitate healing if you get burned.


  • 这个早些时候膝盖撞上车门导致伤口病菌感染

    The month earlier, he'd slammed his knee into a car door, an injury that became a staph infection.


  • 伤口总会痊愈时候泪水风干潮湿地方总会见到阳光

    There will always be a time of healing wounds, tears will also be airing, moist place always see the sun.


  • 后来自己静静地思考觉得也对了,正是孤独,最脆弱时候如果这个时候生气正如他的伤口撒了一大把

    Later, quietly thinking, think he is right also, a person is sick, it is his most lonely, most vulnerable time, if this time to his anger, as in his wound Sangsa a lot of salt.


  • 时候总会双手悄悄地抚平了伤口不会别人知道

    Person has the time of wanting to cry always, you can stroke quietly with your both hands always to level my wound, will not let others know.


  • 当初爱情匆匆走过除了伤口留下什么总是寂寞流泪时候,用的双臂紧紧抱着我。

    The initial love passed through in a hurry, could leave behind anything except the wound, you always lonely burst into tears in me, closely was hugging me with yours double arm.


  • 没有注意也不确实在交的时候手指伤口是否流血

    I had not noticed it before and have no idea if it was bleeding at the time I was fingering her.


  • 年前足球的时候折断了手臂伤口非常疼痛,以致我一个月都不能移动我的手臂——我很厌恶那样。

    Two years ago I broke my arm playing football. The injury was quite painful and I couldn't move my arm for month — I hated that.


  • 男人被人暴打的时候不会表现出痛苦神色但是一有女人试图给清理伤口他就退缩。

    A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds.


  • 那个时候也没有一个合适的医生可以来帮处理蜘蛛伤的伤口

    There was no doctor my mother could bring me to see about my spider bite.


  • 那个时候也没有一个合适的医生可以来帮处理蜘蛛伤的伤口

    There was no doctor my mother could bring me to see about my spider bite.


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