• 下面34显示一个文件传输开始和结束时所生成tweet

    Figures 3 and 4 below show the tweets generated by a file transfer starting and completing.


  • 一旦传输开始需要通过电脑没有连接-可以断开连接关闭电脑传输完成连接计算机

    Once the transfer is initiated, no connection through your computer is required - you can disconnect or turn off your computer and the transfer will complete without a computer connected.


  • 无线电开始传输大量信息,都是关于卫星轨道路径探测到辐射量以及陨石存在

    Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites.


  • 一旦检查点传输rss节点开始来自主要服务器日志记录存到RS次要服务器上的日志暂存区域

    Once a checkpoint is transferred to the RSS node, it will start staging the log records coming from the primary in a log staging area at RS secondary server.


  • 延时初始化一个数据请求到数据真正开始传输时间

    Latency: the time between initiating a request for data and the beginning of the actual data transfer.


  • 因此数据应用程序之间移动已经开始变得顺畅。除了这个好消息之外,还很兴奋看到,数据在设备之间的传输也正在变得更加容易。

    So, with the good news that data is starting to move around better between applications, I'm excited to see that it's becoming much easier to transfer data between devices.


  • 有些开始试图基于遍布整个组织、公认的互操作协议传输来建立他们的‘领域SOA联邦

    Some people are starting to try to federate their 'domain SOAs' based on agreed-to interoperability protocols and transports that span the full organization.


  • 设备定向发给设备的信息的指引下,从设备只能在偶数时隙开始传输

    A slave device may only start transmitting on an odd numbered slot, following a message from the master which was directed specifically to that slave.


  • 由于宽带连接能够传输语音数据一些国家(譬如智利)开始铺设宽带提供资金,而不是仅仅着眼于电话

    Since broadband links can carry both voice and data, some countries (such as Chile) are starting to subsidise broadband roll-out instead of just concentrating on phones.


  • 设备只能奇数时隙开始传输

    The master device may only start transmitting on an even numbered slot.


  • 4G通讯技术——能够让感觉到手机传输数据速度的飞跃,你熟悉的速度的感觉,4G预计未来一年时间左后开始成为热门技术。

    Offering cell phone data speeds several times faster than you're used to, 4G is expected to start heating up the airwaves in the next year or so.


  • 获得高可用性的同时,应用程序已经开始使用SCTP作为自己的主要传输机制。

    Along with availability, applications will begin to use SCTP as their primary transport.


  • 联合使用MDB一些JAXB代码可以文件传输开始结束进行Twitter甚至可以包括一次传输元数据中定义的一些散列标签

    Using a combination of an MDB and some JAXB code, you can enable Twittering about the start and end of file transfers, and even include some hash tags defined inside the metadata of a transfer.


  • 系统一识别到此动作,可利用DragSource对象通过传输信息定义操作开始点。

    Upon recognizing the gesture, the DragSource object can then be used to define the start of the operation with the information that is to be transfered.


  • 动作(action)执行一些功能开始任务传输文件更新数据库或者调用J2EE应用

    An action performs some function such as starting a batch job, transferring a file, updating a database or calling into a J2EE application.


  • 开始ToDo - List应用程序编码之前必须决定客户机服务器传输信息格式

    Before you begin coding the ToDo-list application, you must decide how to format the information sent between the client and the server.


  • 然后开始的形式传输数据可以听到声音声卡 (audioclock0) 设定其节奏。

    Then, the data starts flowing, and I hear the sound, as timed by my soundcard (audioclock0).


  • 为了减少文件大小数据传输速度备份计算机开始查找有无开源实用工具可用找到了WinFF转换文件

    To reduce file size and data-transfer speed, I went to my backup computer to search for open source utilities and found WinFF to convert files.


  • 大多数情况下,inflow传输侦听器开始,到消息接收方处结束outflow不同的方式开始,大多数情况下都传输发送方处结束

    In most cases inflow starts from a transport listener and ends with MessageReceiver, while outflow could start in a different manner and will most of the time end with transport sender.


  • 遇到问题时飞行员按钮就可以开始发送数据某些情况下比如自动驾驶系统出故障时,飞机会自动传输数据。

    In case of trouble, a pilot pushes a button to begin sending down data, and in some conditions, like the failure of autopilot, the data streams automatically.


  • 使用缺省传输队列开始看起来使状况有所改善,因为使得需要远程队列定义

    Using a default transmission queue at first glance appears to improve matters, because it removes the need for remote queue definitions.


  • 意味着开始密码传输接着几个小时里,可以容易收集到用来使发送信息可读取碎片数量.

    This means that, in the first few hours following the disseminationof a key, the number of pieces required to make a sent message readable can easily be gathered.


  • 保证这些图像组件正确顺序绘制每个像素(详见下文)—的实际的位块传输步骤开始之前已经确定。

    To keep these image components drawn in the correct order, each pixel'sor chunk's (more on that below) — frame is determined prior to the actual blitting steps.


  • 文件传输开始完成

    The start and completion of file transfers.


  • 巴马早些时候已经开始具体规划其中一部分资金如何分配例如增加3千公里电力传输线以及将美国风能太阳能的使用率倍。

    Mr Obama earlier began detailing how some of the money would be spent, such as adding 3, 000 miles of electric transmission lines and doubling America’s use of wind and solar energy. See article


  • 传输媒体可以使编辑器一个更快周转后生产运行开始

    Deliver media that gives your editor a running start for a faster turnaround in post-production.


  • 卫星北京奥运会开始传输数字电视信号届时数千万家庭将可直接收看奥运会盛况。

    Satellite will be in before the Beijing Olympic Games begin transmitting digital television signal, when tens of millions of families will be directly to watch the Olympics.


  • 机器会对标签位置进行控制使产品标签驱动电机开始运行传输带上保持一定滞后距离

    The label position control is used to enter a delay distance of travel for the Product before the label drive motor begins to move.


  • 太阳矿石连接,并它们传输信息开始它们的提升

    This will allow the sun to connect to the minerals and begin to transmit information unto them to begin their ascent.


  • 如果其中一个车轮旋转的迹象,ADB - X就自动给这个车轮施加动力直到重新恢复抓地能力动力传输重新开始为止。

    If a wheel threatens to spin, ADB-X can automatically apply brake force until grip is re-established and power transmission can commence again.


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