• 这位物理学家预计这种隐形眼镜大约1美元,和传统抛隐形眼镜的价格差不多

    The physicist expects the lenses to cost about a dollar a pair, about the same as conventional one-day disposable lenses.


  • 巴格达数千民众聚集自己解放广场可能在三月卷土重来,每周五群众抗议传统

    In Baghdad several thousand gathered in their own Tahrir Square, and are likely to do so again on March 4th, Friday being the traditional day for mass protests.


  • 按照传统风俗儿童41捣乱戏弄别人。

    By tradition , children play tricks on 1 April.


  • 如今许多企业组织家庭试图通过食品银行捐款、向穷人捐赠礼物帮助需要家庭来保持节礼传统精神

    Today, many businesses, organizations and families try to keep the traditional spirit of Boxing Day alive by giving away money to Food Banks, providing gifts for the poor, or helping families in need.


  • 中秋节中国农历8月15一个家庭成员亲人团聚在一起传统

    The Mid-Autumn Day, falling on the 15th of August in the Chinese lunar calendar, is a traditional Chinese holiday for family members and loved ones to gather together.


  • 行在周五会议中表示将保持0.1%的官方利率不变,然而这些传统方式已经很难发挥大的作用了。

    With an official interest rate of 0.1%-which the bank left unchanged at its meeting on friday-it has little scope to do much more through conventional means.


  • 可以自己创造自家传统无论是家庭晚餐、家庭还是其他任何可以家人聚在一起的事情。

    You might also create some traditions at your house, whether that’s a family dinner time, Family Meetings or Family Day, or anything that brings you together.


  • 每年44- 6左右的清明节传统的扫墓

    Qingming day, the traditional tomb-sweeping day, falls on April 4-6 each year.


  • 同时许多传统观点认为制学校孩子学习发挥着极其重要作用

    At the same time, there are still many people who live under the traditional ideas that day schools play an extremely important role in children's study.


  • 同时许多传统观点认为制学校孩子学习发挥着极其重要作用

    At the same time, there are still many people who live under the traditional ideas that day schools play an extremely important role in children "s study."


  • 专家根据传统中国天文学农历55太阳年中达到最高点

    Experts say that according to traditional Chinese astronomy, the 5th day of the 5th month in lunar calendar is when the sun reaches its peak position in the year.


  • 大多数欧洲人按照传统庆祝圣诞前夜,也就是12月24

    Most Europeans traditionally celebrate Christmas Eve (December 24).


  • 感恩节美国传统,人们一般十一月第四星期四庆祝这一节

    Thanksgiving day is the most traditional holiday of America. It's always celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November.


  • 街道安全部队戒备森严,确保传统不会反对派所利用。伊朗人通常跳跃篝火燃放鞭炮的方式来庆祝

    Security forces flooded the streets to ensure that a traditional fire festival, which Iranians celebrate by jumping over bonfires and letting off crackers, would not be co-opted by the opposition.


  • 一节传统大约两千开始受到外来影响

    The old ways began to change with foreign influence some two millennia ago.


  • 注意一些传统函数可以返回

    Note that there are additional functions that return the year, month, and day.


  • 叫做全国拒检网络行动敦促人们星期三拒绝接受全身扫描。星期三感恩节的前一天,传统美国人一年中旅行繁忙的一

    An Internet campaign called "National Opt-Out day" is urging people to decline the full-body scans on Wednesday, traditionally the busiest travel day of the year for Americans.


  • 但是截止选举,竞选组织者总共收集到了9,000个移动号码传统电子邮件地址超过了250,000个。

    But by Election Day, the campaign had collected only about 9, 000 mobile Numbers, compared with more than 250, 000 plain old E-mail addresses.


  • 或者工作晚上犹太会堂举行,像很多传统的人士一样低调庆祝一下。

    Or, perhaps, it could be held at Ohel Moshe, on a weekday night, and celebrated in the low-key manner that many orthodox congregations celebrate bat mitzvot.


  • 大本钟和谐钟声1923年12月31首次BBC广播这也成为延续至今的一项传统

    The chimes of Big Ben were first broadcast by the BBC on 31 December 1923, a tradition that continues to this day.


  • 10月27专栏文章银行为什么银行业略约地填补了传统金融业造成部分真空

    I sketched in part of the vacuum that's forming in the traditional banking business in my Oct. 27 column, "Why big Banks hate banking."


  • 3月17许多爱尔兰美国人牛肉卷心菜这一传统食物庆祝·特里克节。

    On March 17th, many Irish Americans will eat a traditional meal of corned beef and cabbage to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day.


  • 正如盖伊·福克斯传统115篝火消失一样,如今面具们走上了街头

    Guy Fawkes has taken to the streets, just as he disappears from his traditional starring role on Bonfire Night, 5 November.


  • 正如盖伊·福克斯传统115篝火消失一样,如今面具们走上了街头

    Guy Fawkes has taken to the streets, just as he disappears from his traditional starring role on Bonfire Night, 5 November.


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