• 现代城市生活方式盛行的同时,传统信念仍然大行其道。

    Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle.


  • 这项发现是传统信念的冲击

    This discovery challenges traditional beliefs.


  • 离开学校时间并不来到一个完全改变景观设计师传统信念新世界

    She's actually not that far away from school, and she's coming to a world that's completely changing the traditional view of landscape architect.


  • 清教徒传统不是出于宗教原因,而是因为我喜欢他们某事努力、为目标努力的信念

    I'm deeply attached to the Puritan tradition, not in a religious sense, but they believed in working for something, working for goals, and I like that.


  • 凭借一根彩绳和坚定的信念,让中国结传统艺术在网络世界熠熠生辉,帮助更多人了解中国文化。

    She is using a length of colored string and determination to keep this traditional art of Chinese knots alive online and help more people understand the culture.


  • 一个传统佛教僧人由于他们信念已渗透他们的日常生活而过着极其简约的生活方式。

    A traditional Buddhist, such as a monk, lives an extremely minimalist lifestyle because their belief in these principles flow into their everyday life.


  • 一些相信其他国家学习使他们了解自己信念传统

    Some people believe that learning more about other countries often helps you to learn about your own beliefs and traditions.


  • 看起来问题核心涉及公民自由非常传统信念该国暴君统治,而暴君必须下台。

    The core of the problem, it appears, relates to civil liberties and the very old-fashioned conviction that the country is ruled by a tyrant who must go.


  • 行为金融放松了传统金融学理性假设认为并非是完全理性的,行为人在决策时常各种心理信念的影响。

    Behavioral finance lose the rational person hypothesis in traditional finance and think because people are not rational, their policy decisions are always be influenced by psychology or belief.


  • 正是因为这些信念所付出的牺牲,他们后人保持这样一个庆祝传统,虽然少了一些戏剧性兴奋和惊恐的感觉依旧变。

    And, because of those beliefs and the sacrifices they made we today have a tradition that is less dramatic but still exciting and a bit scary.


  • 道德作为调整人们之间关系行为规范人们习惯、信念舆论传统的力量起作用制度

    The morality as a behavior norm of regulating people relation is a soft institution that takes effect through the habit, idea and public opinion of definite times.


  • 小集团控制下,员工行为共同价值规范传统仪式信念及其组织文化方面的东西来调节。

    An approach to control in which employee behavior is regulated by the shared values, norms, traditions, rituals, beliefs, and other aspects of the organization's culture.


  • 造成矛盾原因可以归纳为:儒家传统思想的影响道家崇尚自由自然信念社会现实人格冲突的综合作用。

    The contradiction is the result of the combined effect of traditional Confucianism, Taoist belief and the contradiction between social reality and personality.


  • 雅思一些相信其他国家学习使他们了解自己信念传统

    Some people believe that learning more about other countries often helps you to learn about your own beliefs and traditions.


  • 我们理当关心中国传统文化未来命运,对中国焦点文化儒学的未来布满抉择信念

    We should be concerned about the future of traditional Chinese culture and be very confident about the fate of its core culture, Confucianism.


  • 历史事件记忆记叙文记忆总是犹太信念传统身分中央

    Memory of historical events and the narratives this memory have always been central to Jewish faith, tradition and identity.


  • 日本美容专家童年开始,从她的母亲(也是传统美容专家)学习及培养正确皮肤护理信念不同方法

    The Japanese beauty professional has been cultivated of the positive beliefs and different methodologies for skin care since childhood from her mother who is also a traditional beauty professional.


  • 美国文学具有建构民族特性国家形象传统,而“美国信念”则美国特性核心因素。

    There is a long tradition of constructing national identity and images in the history of American literature with "American Creed" as the core of American character.


  • 然而这种影响带动了整体变革因为美国消费文化所有传统公认信念具有侵蚀性。

    Yet, such changes come as part of the package, since American consumer culture is corrosive of all traditions and established truths.


  • 参加这场竞选是因为我有一个古老而又传统信念公共事业应该帮人们解决问题实现理想

    I entered this race because I have an old-fashioned conviction: that public service is about helping people solve their problems and live their dreams.


  • 传统道德信念我们球队队员注入了昔日的活力。

    The old moral support is what gives us players the old pepper.


  • 我们传统教育中,从小灌输所谓仁民物,对仁、爱、忠、信、义等刻板的信念

    In our education since childhood, we are told to love people and to treasure things.


  • 我们传统教育中,从小灌输所谓仁民物,对仁、爱、忠、信、义等刻板的信念

    In our education since childhood, we are told to love people and to treasure things.


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