• 它们传播事务管理质量消息传递定时

    They propagate transactions and control the quality and timing of message delivery.


  • 通过传递进行请求所有者唯一标识符,支持调用者标识传播

    By conveying a unique identifier of the owner who made the request, it enables propagation of the caller identity.


  • 传播标识ltpa非常有用意味着可以体系结构不同层之间传递ltpa令牌,并且仍然保持调用者标识。

    LTPA token is also very useful when propagating an identity, which means that you can pass along the LTPA token in the different tiers of the architecture, and still keep the identity of the caller.


  • 非言语传播信息传递另一人那儿。

    Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another.


  • ·克莱齐奥认为,尽管书籍从外观看来老旧过时,但它仍然是传播信息最佳工具,能够把信息传递天涯海角。

    For Le Clézio, the book, despite its old-fashioned appearance, remains the best tool for disseminating information to the furthest corners of the planet.


  • 发布不仅供应程序用于添加删除与主题有关消息可用于将来自一个消息传递引擎的消息传播总线中的其他消息传递引擎上。

    Publication points are used not only for applications to add and remove messages on topics, but also to propagate messages from one messaging engine to the others in the bus.


  • 麦克·卢汉的理论传统观点挑战,传统观点认为内容——无论是印刷还是电影电视传播的内容——传递内容的媒介要重要得多

    McLuhan challenged the traditional notion that contentwhether in print, in film or on television — is automatically more significant than the medium through which it is delivered.


  • 然而我们中的大多数并没有意识这种传递大部分由非言语方式传播的,这种方式不同口头言语或者书面言语。

    However, most of us fail to realize that a great deal of our communication is of a non-verbal form as opposed to the oral and written forms.


  • 然而实际上这样并不能增加电磁信息传播速度- 电磁信息波幅整体形状传递的。

    This, however, does not increase the speed at which the actual electromagnetic information travels — this is conveyed by the overall shape of the wave's amplitude.


  • 关乎传播媒介转换而不是传递信息需要引起人们兴趣

    It's about changing the medium, not the message, and getting people interested.


  • 似乎传递这样一个信息因为,世界需要广泛传播这个信息】:非传统医学浪费巨额钱财

    For the message needs to be broadcast that alternative medicine is a colossal waste of money.


  • 通过唾液传播亲吻传递暴露咳嗽打喷嚏的人群中,或者分享东西例如杯子

    It is spread through saliva and can be passed by kissing, exposure to coughs and sneezes, or sharing things like cups.


  • 你们粉丝客户也带入公关传播中—他们传递信息

    Involve your fans and customers in your PR distribution - get them to pass information along.


  • 使用版本6引入WebSphereApplicationServer基本消息传递功能支持身份传播首选方法

    A first approach to support identity propagation aspects using WebSphere Application Server basic messaging capabilities introduced from version 6.


  • 假定传染性的因为肝炎传播经常出现拥挤的、不卫生情况下,它人与人之间怎样传递的是一个

    It was assumed to be contagious because epidemics of hepatitis often occurred in crowded, unsanitary conditions, but how it was passed from person to person was a mystery.


  • 如果新闻传播过程看作言语交际的过程的话,新闻标题可以看作交际中要传递重要信息

    If news propagate course can be looked as a speech intercommunicate course, news title is the most important information of the society.


  • 一些英国教堂建议教区居民用拥抱代替握手传递和平信号”,防止流感传播

    Some British parishioners are being advised to hug rather than shake hands "as a sign of peace" in measures by churches to try to stop the spread of swine flu.


  • 事件可以生产传递消费甚至系统中被传播

    Events can be produced, delivered, consumed, and even broadcast in a system like this. One big benefits of this type of system is that.


  • 激光时间传递通过激光脉冲空间传播来实现地面卫星时钟地球远距离两地时钟的同步。

    Time transfer by laser pulses is based on the propagation of light pulses between satellite and ground clocks or between remote clocks on THC Earth.


  • 现在讨论中国在时间构架实践方面的中心性,中华文明如何语言、语言和文本的方式进行各种实践的传递传播

    I now move to Chinese time-frames and practices of centricity, how a Chinese civilisation is transmitted in its own practices, including non-verbal as well as verbal and textual practices.


  • 合适的水声传播模型水下信道传递函数预报基础

    The proper sound propagation model is the basis of transfer function prediction of underwater acoustical channel.


  • 想象是否野火一样传播或是点滴传递,或是只是深入那些接受它的人。

    I wonder if this will spread like wild fire, or whether it will travel in drips and drabs, or whether it will just seep through to those who are open to it?


  • 大众传播媒介现代社会信息传递不可或缺重要工具人们的社会生活起着越来越重要的作用

    Mass media is an important tool which is indispensable for transmitting information in modern society and is exerting more and more important influence on the lives of people in the society.


  • 广告翻译原则强调再现广告传播功能从而达到情感传递的目的。

    Principles in advertising translation stress on conveying the communicative function of Ads so as to accomplish emotional transmission.


  • 语言传递信息工具传播媒介物理方式必然语言本体塑造作用

    Language is the tool of information transferring, whose transmitting medium and physical manners has the function of shaping the language phenomenon.


  • 书籍作为人类表达思想传播知识传递信息重要载体装帧设计是非常重要的。

    As a very important carrier for people to express ideas, diffuse knowledge and transmit information, the book design seems of great importance.


  • 传播可以引入多或通道或者不平行的通道强调传者传递信息

    The communication can summarily introduce fewer or additional channels, or a channel that is not parallel, to emphasize his desired message.


  • 可见,翻译作为文化交流传播必要手段不仅语言转换方式更是传递文化信息、记载文化与构建文化的方式。

    Translation, as the means of culture communication and transference, is not only the way of transferring language, but also the way of spreading, recording and constructing culture.


  • 描述四大新闻媒体传播方式分析了网络新闻特点给出校园网络新闻采集传递审核发布的方法。

    The way promulgating of four news media is described. The feature of netnews is analyzed. It is described that how the campus netnews is gathered, spreaded, verified, and released.


  • 描述四大新闻媒体传播方式分析了网络新闻特点给出校园网络新闻采集传递审核发布的方法。

    The way promulgating of four news media is described. The feature of netnews is analyzed. It is described that how the campus netnews is gathered, spreaded, verified, and released.


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