• 通过土地利用活动珊瑚破坏导致以棘幼虫为食捕食数量减少

    The destruction of coral through land use activities would cause a decrease in the number of predators that feed on Acanthaster larvae.


  • 不久的将来,它可能超过三成为最大的智能手机制造商。

    It may beat Samsung as the largest smartphone maker in the near future.


  • 所有新的连接指令都是查询层次指令,影响查询的执行

    All the new star join directives are query level directives that affect the execution of a query.


  • 飞船推进痕迹:如果是《迷航》中伏尔甘人制造的,我们怎么找不到呢?

    Find a propulsion signature from an alien spacecraft: Hey, if it worked for the Vulcans in Star Trek, why not us?


  • 冷却甚至塌陷,导致不同元素飘浮大气圈中或者沉积于底部,即闪烁元素表面或内部。

    The star might even be shrinking as it cools, causing various elements to float into the atmosphere or sink to the bottom — with that glittery zirconium layer front and center.


  • 知道是个孤僻听说跳舞啥的。考虑去参加共舞真人秀不?

    I know you are a private person, but I hear that you can really dance. Would you consider doing Dancing with the Stars?


  • 可能面临罚款更糟的情形,可能出版对达山——即标题提及退休刽子手——的采访控触犯《官方保密法》。

    He could be fined, or worse. He could also be charged under the Official Secrets Act for publishing interviews with Darshan Singh, the now-retired hangman in the book's title.


  • 今年,冥王进入双子摩羯宫,双子座而言,很多别人合作事情变的更谱。

    With Pluto having moved on into Capricorn, a lot of the major partnership issues you've faced will be lightening up.


  • 太阳能LED行业已经供应过量的危险,这就意味着可能承受与液晶平板曾经一样剧烈的价格下跌的打击。

    The solar and LED businesses already struggle with oversupply, meaning Samsung may get walloped by the same dramatic price erosion as it has seen in liquid-crystal flat panels.


  • 频繁火灾清空了下层灌木丛以使得更大的、毁坏树木的灌木壮大,它的这个角色已经被认识到了

    The role of small, frequent fires in clearing out the undergrowth so that larger, tree-destroying ones will not eventually take hold is now understood.


  • 那些强劲大风卷起层云彩,还有些小雨好一,一直持续清晨。

    Those mighty winds pulled in a band of cloud and some patchy rain through the small hours, and into the first part of the morning.


  • 宽广模糊伊伯中,微粒彼此碰撞的几率不大因此它们慢慢被海王的引力共振所俘获,时间非常漫长。

    In today's wide, fuzzy Kuiper belt, the particles don't meet very often, so they stick around long enough to fall into resonances with Neptune.


  • 一点的塌陷中子——高密度无生命体,但是没有黑洞那样那么奇特不可思议

    Stars a little less than that mass are thought to collapse into what are called neutron stars — very dense, dead stars, but not quite so exotic and weird as black holes.


  • 为了规避电子产品市场变幻莫测风险,可能慌忙行动,进入一个成熟的适合新兴国家大型企业“入侵领域

    In a bid to escape the vagaries of consumer electronics, Samsung may be ploughing headlong into the areas most ripe for invasion by a new breed of emerging-market titans.


  • 2020年,“猎户座牛郎月球着陆装置协同工作。

    By 2020, Orion will be paired with the lunar lander Altair.


  • 一直举办面向全球软件开发商讨论鼓励后者产品开发软件

    It has been holding workshops for software developers around the world to encourage programs for its products.


  • IAU定义改变我们将要探测器地平线号探测冥王事实科学家仍旧因我们探测数据而兴奋不已。

    The IAU definition, "doesn't change the fact that we're going to visit Pluto with [the New Horizons] spacecraft, and scientists are still going to go hog wild over all the data we collect.


  • 我们确定该行位于宜居区域内如果地表的话温度适中。

    We are certain that it is in the habitable zone and if it has a surface it ought to have a nice temperature.


  • 当然有的慢慢地长长的潮汐出去,就宽视场照片所看到的那样,几乎不发生灾难

    Surely, some get slowly flung away in long tidal arms as seen in the wide-field image, but that is hardly apocalyptic.


  • 也表示确实担心调查可能殃及形象

    But he said he does worry about the potential fallout on Samsung's image.


  • 世界癌症研究基金提示,巴克夏日推出大杯摩卡冰乐的热量达到561卡路里,超过成年女性天正常摄入卡路里的四分之一

    The largest version of Starbucks' Dark Berry Mocha Frappuccino, a limited offer for the summer, contains 561 calories--more than a quarter, WCRF notes, of a woman's daily calorie intake.


  • 获得过奥运划艇金牌越南作为随军医生的他授予青铜章。

    Dr. Esselstyn is also an Olympic gold medalist in rowing, and he was awarded the Bronze Star as an army surgeon in Vietnam.


  • 黑洞中超级高温气体燃烧发出白热光芒干涉下,转变为红色。

    The black hole's white-hot glow from super-heated gas is reddened by intervening dust.


  • 集团代表发表了详细的反驳声明,表示旗下公司管理层配合调查人员的工作。

    Samsung Group representatives have issued detailed rebuttals and said its various companies and executives will cooperate with investigators.


  • 舞台剧“舞动”中已经减掉了60因为她还要继续进行舞台剧演出,所以继续减肥

    She has lost 60 pounds getting ready for her appearance on "Dancing With the Stars," and she will continue to lose weight because she will be on the show for quite a while.


  • 使用长焦镜头拍摄远离北极增加相片上移动轨迹。

    Using a longer focal length and photographing stars far from the north star increase the distance stars will move across the image.


  • 流光所,岂乎?连所情节散架人物模糊,只余零细节,随记忆飘摇

    Leaving behind not only the people, but also the books read,the story in books would fall into pieces and their figures have become vague and indistinct gradually.


  • 相信人们可能认为黑洞吞噬中子,别有天机。

    People who believe in astrology or aliens may look for hidden meaning in this model of a black hole sucking neutron stars into its maw.


  • 尽管如此,困境中的“老友”还是希望不久之后在银幕上重聚能帮他们重振日渐式微的好莱坞途。

    Nonetheless, the Friends in need will be hoping that their upcoming screen reunion revives their flagging Hollywood careers.


  • 尽管如此,困境中的“老友”还是希望不久之后在银幕上重聚能帮他们重振日渐式微的好莱坞途。

    Nonetheless, the Friends in need will be hoping that their upcoming screen reunion revives their flagging Hollywood careers.


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