• 数情况下,动物冠状病毒进化并在人群中传播,如中东呼吸综合和严重急性呼吸综合(SARS)。

    Rarely, animal corona-viruses can evolve and then spread among people, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).


  • 综合可能房结附近瘢痕组织引起,后者减慢干扰或是阻断冲动传导。

    Sick sinus can also be caused by scarring near the sinus node that's slowing, disrupting or blocking the travel of impulses.


  • 表明妇女如果孕期饮酒过多表观遗传变异可能导致他们子女出现胎儿酒精综合中的一些固定症状

    This suggests that if women drink too much in pregnancy, epigenetic changes may cause some of the permanent symptoms seen in fetal alcohol syndrome in their children.


  • 他们忧心忡忡巴马向人大其税而富人已经支付了差不多美国所得税如此大幅加税,恐怕殃及美国经济

    And they fret that Mr Obama's tax hikes for the rich, who already pay nearly all the income taxes in America, would have to be so high that the economy would suffer.


  • 母亲使用酒精可能造成胎儿酒精综合以及早产并发症新生儿健康发育不利

    Alcohol consumption by an expectant mother may cause fetal alcohol syndrome and pre-term birth complications, which are detrimental to the health and development of neonates.


  • 卵细胞染色体数目错误可能导致胚胎流产导致唐氏综合之类的严重婴儿病症。

    Having the wrong number of chromosomes can cause an embryo to miscarry, or lead to serious medical conditions such as Down's syndrome.


  • 一个研究中毒性休克综合 的前沿专家认为,用全棉的卫生棉条减低患中毒性休克综合风险

    One leading expert on toxic shock syndrome argues that you're at lower risk if you use an all-cotton tampon.


  • 众所周知孕妇饮酒过度导致胎儿出现酒精综合,引发孩子出生行为身体损伤

    It's well known that fetal alcohol syndrome occurs when pregnant women drink excessively and causes behavioural and physical harm to the child after birth.


  • 连续几个星期时常感到胃胀而且厕所不能这种感觉消失,快个时间医生吧。如果是肠易激综合,去完厕所症状能缓解,你的肠胃也自动平静下来。

    'If you feel constantly bloated for more than a couple of weeks and that feeling doesn't disappear after you've been to the loo, then book an appointment to see your GP.


  • 多数患者10痊愈少数患者(特别是幼儿老人)感染后可能危及生命的疾病例如溶血性尿毒综合

    Most patients recover within 10 days, although in a few cases (particularly in young children and the elderly), the infection may lead to a life-threatening disease, such as HUS.


  • 一种称为“上半规管综合”(下文称SCDS)内耳疾病放大身体处地方活动声音即便眼球滚动声音。

    A disorder of the inner ear called superior canal dehiscence syndrome causes every sound within the body to be amplified, even the movement of one's eyeballs, all the time.


  • 综合癌症烧伤传染而产生,包括禽流感很多流行病学家认为禽流感一个重大的流行病亚洲暴发

    The syndrome can also result from cancers, burns and infections, including bird flu, which many epidemiologists believe will be the next big disease outbreak in Asia.


  • 海伦很好现在博览接触一些公司

    Helen: Good. Now you should be going to job fairs and meeting with companies.


  • 于胶超级市场购物要求更多的胶袋?

    Do you ask for more shopping bag when you shop in supermarket after Environment Levy Scheme?


  • 于胶超级市场购物要求更多的胶袋?

    Did you ask for more shopping bag when you shop in supermarket before Environment Levy Scheme?


  • 缺乏这些理解可能导致诊断不精准,进而手术结果将导致美学结果不佳,严重的还出现功能紊乱

    Lack of such understanding may result in inaccurate diagnosis and therefore incorrect surgical indications, leading to unfavorable aesthetic outcomes and sometimes serious functional derangements.


  • 希望计划扩散其他更多商铺

    Do you wish to spread the scheme of plastic bag levy to other types of shop?


  • 另外代谢综合改善后,可能患者对干扰素治疗的应答减轻

    So perhaps improving metabolic syndrome might associate with a better respond to the interferon. We just don't know that, it has not been studied prospectively.


  • 干眼综合并不造成视力下降,不过让人觉得严重降低患者生活质量,患者经常通过人造眼泪或是其他药物来减轻这种痛苦。

    While it does not cause vision loss, dry eye syndrome can be painful and severely decrease quality of life for its victims who constantly search for relief with artificial tears and other medications.


  • 心衰一个临床综合,在实际工作中,诊断心衰时往往遇到一些令人困惑问题,临床医生难以确认是否有心衰存在。

    But cardiovascular physicians often have difficulties to identify if a patient really suffer from CHF, because CHF is a clinical syndrome which lack of specificity.


  • 包括新生时期在内的胞外信号影响染色体修饰从而调控代谢相关的基因表达进而影响我们代谢综合易感性

    Chromatin modifications in response to extracellular cues, including during early life, regulate metabolic gene expression and may contribute to metabolic disease susceptibility.


  • 法布雷加斯渴望带领球队周一梦剧场,但是不想着伤势进一步加重的风险。

    Fabregas would love to lead his side out at Old Trafford on Monday but he doesn't want to risk further damage.


  • 慢性疲劳综合(简称CFS)一种非常普遍失能状态人们持续出现不明原因的疲劳。

    Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a very common and disabling condition, in which people suffer from persistent symptoms of fatigue that are unexplained.


  • 空隙可以存在衰减分立它们容易高能粒子驱动不稳定从而一定条件下造成高能粒子损失

    Weakly damped discrete modes can exist in these gaps. These weakly damped modes can be driven to be unstable by energetic particles, which results in the particle loss.


  • 驱逐出境对的已经进入美国,不论这人呆在美国是合法还是非法,驱逐出境强迫此人离开

    Deportation affects people who are already in the U-S, either legally or illegally, by forcing them to leave.


  • 急性筋膜间区综合延误治疗时机导致肢体残废甚至危及生命

    Delaying the treatment time of acute compartment syndrome will lead to the disability of limbs, even make damage to life.


  • 压力综合导致秃头人体免疫系统错误攻击头皮细胞造成头发大片脱落

    Stress syndrome can lead to disease bald human immune system error against the scalp hair cells, causing large fall off.


  • 压力综合导致秃头人体免疫系统错误攻击头皮细胞造成头发大片脱落

    Stress syndrome can lead to disease bald human immune system error against the scalp hair cells, causing large fall off.


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