• 有人担心一系列事情可能重新引发之间敌意

    There are fears that the series could rekindle animosity between the two countries.


  • 哈利韦尔女士联合儿童基金特使身份访问菲律宾

    Ms. Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of UNICEF.


  • 任何敌对活动都可能招致报复,进而使联合部队卷入战斗中。

    Any hostilities could result in retaliation and further embroil U.N. troops in fighting.


  • 即使疯了一千,他还是威尔士王子,一证实这一点的。

    Were he a thousand times mad, yet is he Prince of Wales, and I, the King will confirm it.


  • UNICEF,也就是联合儿童基金家庭健康组织合作

    UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, will work with Family Health International.


  • 慈善机构帮助他人组织例如联合儿童基金世界野生动物基金可以通过付出时间金钱捐赠拥有的东西来帮助慈善机构。

    Charities are organizations that help others, for example, UNICEF or the World Wildlife Fund, you can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own.


  • 这些举措可能消除那些生活出口恐惧它们引起进口恐慌因为这些必须依赖剩下出口物资

    Such moves may eliminate the fears of those living in the exporting countries, but they are creating panic in importing countries that must rely on what is then left for export.


  • 如果有人回应任何握军权的人都是这样表现,回答军队必须共和控制之下。

    If someone were to reply that anyone who bears arms will act in this manner, I would answer that armies have to be commanded by the republic.


  • 联合儿童基金正在一个营利性组织合作,艾滋病预防项目惠及五个更多妇女儿童

    UNICEF is joining with a nonprofit group to bring AIDS prevention programs to more women and children in five countries.


  • 去年12月担任联合儿童基金一次活动的主持人。

    She also acted as moderator or leader at a UNICEF event last December.


  • 这些可能包括威胁冻结欧盟提供贫困地区欧盟大型项目资金甚至暂停某个成员欧盟部长级理事投票权

    These might include threats to freeze EU funds for poorer regions and EU mega-projects, and even the suspension of a country's voting rights in EU ministerial councils.


  • 1889年,他在巴黎万博览上举办音乐,大获成功。

    He gave concerts at the Universal Exposition in Paris in 1889, which was a great success.


  • 第十一届亚洲奥林匹克运动主办

    China is the host of the Eleventh Asian Olympic Games.


  • 之后联合儿童基金实习拉丁美洲工作10个月

    After that, she worked for 10 months in Latin America as an intern for UNICEF.


  • 在公开场合下,如果有人反对开放市场20领导们感到震惊

    Publicly, the G20's leaders would be shocked, shocked if anyone were to turn against open markets.


  • 这样政策显著降低储蓄率投资率)。

    Such policies can dramatically reduce a nation's rate of national saving and domestic investment (see this).


  • 巴勒斯坦正在等待采取什么步骤以及是否宣布巴勒斯坦之内建立声明

    He says the Palestinians are waiting to see what steps the United States will take and whether Washington will announce that a Palestinian state will be created within a year.


  • 意大利房地产市场降温同样伤害的经济。

    Cooling housing markets in France and in Italy are likely to hurt those economies too.


  • 另外一些遭到20集团其他成员强烈反对,例如金融交易过程中收税救援提供资金以及一些减缓气候变化措施

    Others will run into deep hostility from other G20 members, such as a tax on financial transactions to pay for aid and measures to mitigate climate change in the poor world.


  • 外交官担心欧元区17可能抛开其它欧盟成员寻求欧元区内设立新的规则

    British diplomats fear the 17 euro members could seek an agreement on new rules between themselves, in effect excluding other eu countries.


  • 但是通常我们认为贫困物价相对发达便宜因为当地劳工成本比较低。

    But you would expect average prices to be cheaper in poor countries than in rich ones because Labour costs are lower.


  • 如果决定卖掉我们接手的。

    "If Inter decide to sell we will be there," he said.


  • 这样觉得自己已经进入目的时区了。

    This tricks your mind into thinking that you are already in the new time zone.


  • 增加自行负责资本偿清银行数量,这一法规来自巴塞尔委员这个富有银行监管员协

    And rules to increase the money Banks must hold for liquidity are coming from the Basel Committee, a club of rich-country bank supervisors.


  • 艾东尼斯先生说:“奥运主办火炬手希腊运动员手中接过火炬,第二在奥运史上还是一回。”

    "This will be the first time a torchbearer from the Games' host country will take the flame from a Greek athlete and run the second leg," Aidonis said.


  • 甚至部分选民那些服务数十年的老龄选民蒙羞。

    Or they insult older voters who have served their countries for decades.


  • 此外即使是缔约违反公约尤其执行孩子遣送虐待倾向时候

    Moreover, even signatory countries may be bad at abiding by the convention, especially when it means enforcing the return of children to a parent alleged to have been abusive.


  • 此外即使是缔约违反公约尤其执行孩子遣送虐待倾向时候

    Moreover, even signatory countries may be bad at abiding by the convention, especially when it means enforcing the return of children to a parent alleged to have been abusive.


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