• 道德规范委员可能决定进行警告批评

    The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him.


  • 这个委员可能行使酌情决定权调查那些指控

    This committee may want to exercise its discretion to look into those charges.


  • 明年夏天奥运可能成为闹事目标

    Next summer's Olympic games could be targeted.


  • 下一个洗手间可能花园不需要再肥料

    Your next toilet may come packed in fertilizer for your garden.


  • 当然诺贝尔委员可能感兴趣

    Of course, the Nobel Prize Committee probably wouldn't go for that.


  • 思考这个问题时-,你们会可能想到幸福本质话题

    Now, in thinking about this question, this is — you might think of the topic as the nature of wellbeing.


  • 一个我们考虑九个月大和生活环境是否可能影响小孩

    One of the things we're looking at is whether there are maybe life circumstances between nine months and two years that can influence the odds of a child becoming an undesirable weight.


  • 委员可能陷入僵局建议被否决,造成市场混乱这本方案竭力避免

    The commission could deadlock, or see its proposal voted down, precipitating the sort of market disruption the scheme was meant to avoid.


  • 那么这样可能失败数据库级别IBMCognosBI运行造成巨大负载

    This operation may potentially fail or cause significant overhead at either the database level, or for IBM Cognos BI operations at run time.


  • 的话语令人胆寒,并激发人们热议委员可能产生什么样的调查后果,拒绝说明详情

    His chilling words have sparked intense speculation about the commission's likely findings, but he refuses to elaborate.


  • 治理委员可能定义团体但是一般情况下各自团体拥有决定角色许可用户等等的职责。

    The governance board may define the community map, but in general the respective communities own the responsibility to determine their roles, permissions, user groups, and so forth.


  • 甚至2010年温哥华冬季奥运可能附近尔布拉夫斯稀有森林产生环境污染作出计划

    Even plans for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver risk causing environmental damage to rare forests in the nearby Eagle Ridge Bluffs.


  • 委员可能倾向排放量超过130g/km这个标准的汽车车每征收95欧元(相当于137美元)。

    The commission would like to impose fines of Euro95 ($137) per car per gram on emissions exceeding 130g/km.


  • 然而目前情况可能出现某种程度紧缩特别是由于基金可能不大愿意银行筹集更多外部资本扩张海外业务。

    As things stand, however, some kind of retrenchment seems possible, particularly since the foundations may be reluctant to allow the bank to raise more outside capital to expand its activities abroad.


  • 金融稳定委员可能已经过高调表明态度使人们更难达成一致但是由于缄默寡言,让人很难判定政策制定者身份

    The FSB may have taught him that broking consensus is harder with lots of loud voices, but his reticence makes it hard to judge him as a policymaker.


  • 可能判处精神伤害赔偿

    Damages may be awarded for emotional injury.


  • 这份报告可能政府非常尴尬

    The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government.


  • 内阁可能背弃这些承诺

    The cabinet may backpedal on these commitments.


  • 沮丧可能语无伦次

    Depressed people may mix up their words.


  • 牙医可能认为智齿需要拔掉

    The dentist may decide that the wisdom teeth need to be extracted.


  • 我们可能炉子。” —“它呢!”

    "But we might ruin the stove."—"Who cares?"


  • 商场可能清理库存降低价格

    The market might abandon the stock, and knock down its price.


  • 调试相机可能很费事

    Setting up the camera can be tricky.


  • 政府可能猝不及防

    The government could be caught flat-footed.


  • 药物存放可能失去效力

    If you keep a medicine too long, it may lose its potency.


  • 这种贷款利率可能很高

    Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high.


  • 这种贷款利率可能很高

    Rates of interest for this type of borrowing can be high.


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