• 上百参数会传送出去。

    There are hundreds of parameters.


  • 该表中发现一些数据会传送STP

    Some of the data found on this form is passed on to the STP.


  • 客户会传送IGMP加入群组讯息指定的群路由器

    The client sends an IGMP join message to its designated multicast router.


  • 即使货币传送某种信号这种信号也可以通过观察金融资产价格变化了解。

    Even if money is sending a signal, it can often be intercepted by what is happening to the prices of financial assets.


  • 完成自动检测顺序结果可能传送打印机PC机通过RS232接口

    At the completion of the automatic test sequence, the results may be sent to a printer or to a PC through the RS232 interface.


  • 发动机置于腹部,它所发动的电波传送鱼的全身,从而驱动向前移动。

    The motor, placed in the fish's midsection, initiates a wave that travels along the fish's flexible body, propelling it forward.


  • 如果其中一个呼叫方法引发例外状况,委派停止并且例外状况会传送至委派的呼叫端。

    If one of the called methods raises an exception, then the delegate ceases and the exception is propagated to the delegate caller.


  • 用户端传送使用者密码根据摘要,以及用户端伺服器认得资料做为验证要求回应

    As a response to the challenge, the client sends a digest that is based on the user's password together with data that is known both to the client and to the server.


  • 如果有东西出现在鲨鱼附近鱼皮上的管状物就发现周遭压力变化,而管内毛发传送信号鲨鱼脑部

    When something moves near the shark, tubes pick up the pressure changes and hairs inside the tubes send signals to the brain.


  • 例如LiveOps公司会传送测验加入评定是否适宜从事”技术环境中的工作

    LiveOps, for instance, submits people who would like to join its pool of freelancers to a battery of tests to assess their suitability for cloud-mediated work.


  • 然后通过水下游泳池旁边摄像机记录下运动员动作这些图像会传送安装软件计算机里。

    The swimmer is then videoed in action using underwater and poolside cameras, with the images fed into a computer equipped with the software.


  • 关于孩子传送小宝宝营地小学一年级不久突然想起远你的孩子有来自您第一次举行或她在您的武器。

    In regard to your children, you may be sending your little one off to camp or first grade soon, and be suddenly reminded of how far your child has come since you first held him or her in your arms.


  • 打败影子领主 另一个动画发生.动画结束传送贝尔扎依入口.得到关键目影子碎片 Shadow Fragment.

    Once the cutscene ends, you will be transported back to the entrance of Castle Zvahl Baileys. You will also receive the key item Shadow Fragment.


  • 拉瑞德推测无论何时我们微笑神经肌肉传送打开大脑快乐中心的信息,“结果一个微笑花费任何成本可以使感觉良好。”

    Whenever we smile, nerves and muscles may transmit messages that turn on happiness centers in the brain, Laird speculates. "The bottom line is that a smile doesn't cost anything and may do you good."


  • 虽然可能原谅智能手机偶尔出现错误,但你门锁传送错误信息可能没有那么大的耐心

    While you may forgive your smartphone an occasional fault, you probably have less patience for error messages from your door lock.


  • 因此,在正常情况下传送工作条目请求导致产生删除或者创建工作条目的事件

    Thus, a transfer work item request normally results in a delete and a create work item event.


  • 展示内容之后传送客户浏览器上,浏览器负责用户接口表现出来

    This content is transferred to the browser on the client tier, which takes care of rendering the user interfaces.


  • 互联网的早期创建者们发现,如果数据信息分成许多较小集合,即数据包,一个个单独发送传送速度大大提高。

    The early creators of the Internet discovered that data and information could be sent more efficiently when broken into smaller chunks, sent separately, and reassembled.


  • 激光器不能远离发动机因为他们的强光束破坏任何光纤,这些光纤是用来将传送汽缸中的

    Nor could they be located away from the engine, because their powerful beams would destroy any optical fibres that delivered light to the cylinders.


  • 放射科医生解释这些图像传送一份检查结果书面报告的医生。

    A radiologist interprets the images and sends a written report of the findings to your doctor.


  • 如果没有这种附加信息需要重新传送大量数据这样降低传送速率,从而适应高丢包率的网络

    Without this extra information, it would need to retransmit much more data and slow down its sending rate to accommodate what looks like a high-loss network.


  • 不回答这些问题问题导致项目传送延迟糟糕质量

    Left unanswered, these types of questions can lead to delays in project delivery and poor quality.


  • 位于餐盘背后模型编码记录寿司传送上来循环多长时间;如果时间长,一个小型机器人手臂处理掉它们。

    Matrix codes on the backs of plates keep track of how long a sushi portion has been circulating on conveyor belts; a small robotic arm disposes of any that have been out too long.


  • 说话使用听话者理解冲突的单词可能激起听话者的不快的反应从而传送-接收系统崩溃

    The words used by the speaker may stir up unfavorable reactions in the listener which interfere with his comprehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down.


  • 高延迟导致任何给定时刻大量正在传送等待应答

    Because of the high delay, there are often large Numbers of packets "in flight" waiting for acknowledgment at any given time.


  • 图像来说根据将要展示的屏幕大小,图像自动缩减,因此文件变小传送加载起来更快

    For example, images are automatically trimmed down to a resolution corresponding to the screen they are displayed upon, making them smaller in size for faster delivery and loading.


  • 斯普金思看来癌细胞大量产生一种正常方式传送分子名为干细胞因子这种分子引诱正常干细胞到癌细胞的处所。

    Sipkins said it appears the cancer overproduces a normally expressed molecule called a stem cell factor, which entices normal stem cells into the cancer niche.


  • 斯普金思看来癌细胞大量产生一种正常方式传送分子名为干细胞因子这种分子引诱正常干细胞到癌细胞的处所。

    Sipkins said it appears the cancer overproduces a normally expressed molecule called a stem cell factor, which entices normal stem cells into the cancer niche.


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