• 研究王朔小说优秀理论成果不胜枚举,目前大多数的研究仍旧集中在王朔小说创作风格、语言特点人物形象领域

    Outstanding theoretical research results of Wang's novels are abound, however, most of which are still focused on the style, the language features, characters and other fields.


  • 理论艺术:对来说怎样哲学理论才是优秀

    Art of theory: What does excellent political theory look like to you?


  • 侧重理论的文章摆在面前无论多么优秀人们还是会抱怨那些信息并不“有用”。

    When an article focuses on theory, no matter how brilliant it is, people complain that the information isn’t “useful”.


  • 幸运是,有以下三种优秀正则表达式理论来源可供使用。

    Luckily, three excellent sources of regular expression theory and practice are available.


  • 这本书虽说十分优秀,但也存在不足之处,就是试图长尾巴理论应用于远远超出娱乐电子商务之外的领域

    One weakness of this otherwise excellent book is that it tries to apply the theory of the long tail to fields far beyond entertainment and e-commerce.


  • 觉得自己一个优秀媒人,并自己行之有效的兼容性理论——男人女人要长得

    She considers herself an excellent matchmaker, with a well-tested compatibility theory of her own-that a man and a woman should look alike.


  • 此种理论优秀先驱在线书商旅行社随着零售店广泛吸引力他们可以提供个性化服务

    The classic pioneers of this approach are the online bookseller or travel agent: with the mass appeal of a major retailer, they can also offer a personalised service.


  • 经济学缺乏有效方法衡量不同文化所造成的差异,不同的文化差异对于那些优秀经济学理论来说始终是个无法逾越的障碍

    Economics lacks tools to examine cultural differences and distinctions, the role that culture plays in economic development has been a barrier to good economic theories of that development.


  • 医院文化当代医院管理理论重要组成部分,培育优秀文化氛围是医院管理的重要课题

    Hospital culture is the important content of hospital management, and rearing the outstanding culture is an important research area.


  • 程序性法律论证理论、语用-辨证法律论证理论其中优秀代表

    The theory of procedural legal argumentation and the theory of pragma-dialectical legal argument are the outstanding representatives in them .


  • 拉卡·知识目前优秀的知识理论之一

    Lakatos' theory of knowledge is among the best epistemological theories today.


  • 前景理论几十年来优秀关于风险决策描述性模型的出现是预期效用理论的一个挑战,甚至可以说是对预期效用理论的一个替代

    Prospect theory is a very successful descriptive model about decision making under risk during recent several decades, it challenges the expected utility theory to fight, and even can substitute it.


  • 再次建立一支德才兼备、具有高尚师德、具备良好教育理论知识较高水平的数学专业素养优秀高中数学教师队伍

    Thirdly, we should have excellent maths teachers with both ability and political integrity, noble virtues, good knowledge for education theory and high professional quality in maths.


  • 一个优秀理论,唯有生动幼教实践中生根发芽,才能够实现潜在的意义价值

    An outstanding theory, only when it is rooted and budded in the lively preschool education practice, can realize its potential significance and values.


  • 优秀模型密切了观测理论之间联系改变了我们土星光环认识

    This elegant model could provide the missing links between a suite of observational and theoretical results that have changed our understanding of Saturn's rings.


  • 研究试图积极心理学理论观点,从心理弹性一角度,探讨优秀贫困大学生心理弹性建构的相关重要因素

    According to the Positive Psychology, this research tried to probe into the important resilience construction factors of excellent impoverished undergraduates.


  • 对于进一步提高我国CBA优秀后卫的进攻能力提供有力的理论支持

    This enhances China's CBA guard outstanding offensive ability to provide strong theoretical support.


  • 这个沟通信息过载广袤世界里我们需要优秀翻译家他们不仅需要掌握理论知识应具备良好的实践技能

    So in this vast world of communication and information overload, we need competent translators who have both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills to do their jobs well.


  • 众多国外优秀企业(沃尔玛列)在市场驱动理论指导下,从自己良好的顾客关系获得了明显超出竞争对手的优势

    For example, guided by the market-driven theory, Wal-Mart and Gillette have taken great advantages in their customer relationship which is much superior than that of their competitors.


  • 做为一名优秀健美操裁判员无论理论水平思想认识还是临场执法,都要具备良好心理素质确保实现竞赛目的的基本保证。

    To become an excellent referee on calisthenics, good psychological quality is required, either concerning his thoughts or his skill level. This will ensure the goal of the competitions.


  • 研究运用文献资料、数理统计数学计算等方法优秀排球运动员防守诸问题进行理论研究。

    Based on the documentation, mathematical statistics and mathematical computing methods, the author do some theoretical research on the defense of the elite volleyball sportsmen.


  • 2000年《民族理论政策课程建设获自治区优秀教学成果一等奖

    In 2000 the course of Theory and Policy of Ethnology won the first prize of Provincial Excellent Teaching Results.


  • 要求产品设计人员必须认真学习产品责任理论优秀产品设计质量极大限度地减少用户企业风险。

    The designers are requested to learn carefully the theory of product responsibility so as to produce the best quality to reduce the risk of consumers and companies.


  • 理论物理研究所博士后流动站获得2005年人事部授予全国优秀博士后科研流动站。

    Institute of theoretical physics became "the excellent center for post-doctoral studies" awarded by Ministry of Personnel in 2005.


  • 这些理论传统优秀教学法本质相同

    His theory was as same as the essence of the Excellent Traditional Method.


  • 优秀跳远运动员跳远成绩影响因素进行灰色理论分析,寻求影响因素影响度

    This paper analyzes some influence factors that affect the performance of elite jumpers with the method of gray relation theory in order to find out the effect degree.


  • 孙犁一位优秀现实主义作家同时又是一位出色的现实主义文学理论批评家

    The core of Sun Li s literary theory and criticism is realistic literary view, which Sun Li advocated, adhered to and carried on all his life.


  • 作为城市规划新生事物规划理论实践存在不少的问题,相对国外优秀科技工业园区,也存在一定的差距

    But the newborn thing of urban planning still has a lot of problems on planning theory and practice, and has a certain gap compared with foreign excellent industrial zones of science and technology.


  • 作为城市规划新生事物规划理论实践存在不少的问题,相对国外优秀科技工业园区,也存在一定的差距

    But the newborn thing of urban planning still has a lot of problems on planning theory and practice, and has a certain gap compared with foreign excellent industrial zones of science and technology.


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