• 相信足够优秀英格兰效力

    I believe he will be good enough to play for England.


  • 枪手老板阵容已经足够优秀可以赢得英超冠军

    The Gunners boss says his squad is already good enough to win the Premier League – and end the club's worrying four-year trophy drought.


  • 将我们的生命更加优秀地延续会拥有一个更加幸福的生活。

    She will surely carry on more happy and prosperous life than her parents.


  • 战斗机任务就是利用它们优秀飞行能力去摧毁敌方飞机,并以此获取制空权

    Their task will be to gain air superiority by destroying enemy aircraft using their superior flight characteristics.


  • 尽管那样我们可以想象不久将来会有某个独一无二的插件优秀地工作移动环境中

    Still, we imagine that developers will soon be thinking of all sorts of unique add-ons that work best in a mobilized environment.


  • 如果了一个确信无疑自己可以达到的承诺——或者更好、更优秀地达成这个承诺——你许多未来成功成长打下基础

    If you make a commitment that you know without a doubt you can keep-or even better, exceed-you will build a foundation for many future successes and growth.


  • 现在可以理所当然声称自己世界上优秀

    She can now legitimately claim to be the best in the world.


  • 博物馆应该要求经常参观付费成绩优秀的学生提供免费门票作为奖励,让他们可以更多欣赏博物馆。

    Museums should require regular visitors to pay a fee, but provide free tickets as prizes for high achieving students who can appreciate them more.


  • 优秀文章通常诞生你热切寻找一个灵感时候不是在紧张寻找错误的时候。

    Good writing most often occurs when you are in hot pursuit of an idea rather than in a nervous search for errors.


  • 多亏了我的志愿者老师,我的生活改变了很多。我会努力学习,成为像她一样优秀的人,”当学生李素梅兴奋说。

    "Thanks to my volunteer teacher, my life has changed a lot. I will study hard and become an excellent person like her," Li Sumei, a local student, says excitedly.


  • 到她的经历,谭说:“参加 WLA 论坛,与伟大的科学家面对面交流,进一步鼓励了我做数学之类的科学研究。我梦想着取得和顶尖科学家一样优秀的研究成果。”

    Talking about her experience, Tan said, "Taking part in the WLA Forum and communicating with great scientists face to face have further encouraged me to do scientific research like math and I dream of achieving good research results like the top scientists."


  • 我们应当使优秀最有才智的人能够方便这里来企业开发产品创造就业机会

    We should make it easier for the best and the brightest to come to start businesses and develop products and create jobs.


  • 衡量一个人是否优秀真正标准我们灵活优雅驾驭自身矛盾能力——按我们本来面目接受自己永不停息追求更好。

    The true measure of greatness is our capacity to navigate between our opposites with agility and grace — to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never to stop trying to get better.


  • 毕竟仙台日本东北大学所在,这所大学是全国优秀科技大学之一。

    Sendai, after all, is home to Tohoku University, one of the nation's top science and technology schools.


  • 作为一种单一性状成功冒险广泛认为是优秀基因表征

    As a single trait, successful risk-taking is universally appreciated as a sign of good genes.


  • 因此,对于优秀 SVT测试人员来说,重要品质能够清楚了解每个特性客户价值

    Therefore, the most important trait of a good SVT tester is to have a clear understanding of the customer values of each feature.


  • 当然我们已经危机吸取了很大的教训,优秀学者们一如既往这些思想运用教学研究当中。

    Of course, we have learned many things from this crisis, and the best scholars will try as they have always tried to use those insights in their teaching and their research.


  • 他们需要不断证明自己与竞争对手同样优秀或者超过对手,从而不断产生忧虑压力正是不幸疾病起因

    This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than one' s fellow-competitor creates constant anxiety and stress, the very causes of unhappiness and illness.


  • 优秀企业利用这点一丝不苟思考自己什么想做什么,来展示自己优势

    The best companies will use this to their advantage by thinking through more rigorously what it is they are trying to say and do.


  • 优秀软件应该尽可能易于理解无论是创建者来说,还是对维护人员来说

    A great application should also be as easy as possible to understand, both for its creators and for the people who maintain it.


  • 而是过多用于面向对象语言来取代其他拥有优秀特征抽象

    Rather, I'm suggesting that it is overused in object-oriented languages in lieu of alternative abstractions that have better characteristics.


  • 如果我们注重英国夸赞,我们不得不过多摆脱自己身上优秀的东西,过多接受他们劣质的东西。

    If we begin to attach too much importance to the applause of Englishmen, we shall have to be rid of much in us that is good, and to accept from them much that is bad.


  • 其实不然,一旦触及移民问题,他们便齐齐反向用力—最大限度世界上优秀具才智的人美国门外

    But when it comes to immigration they are doing exactly the opposite-trying their best to keep the world's best and brightest from darkening America's doors.


  • 现在有所改变的不再责备自己在网球上没有足够的天赋,因为我已经确切知道达到一个优秀的水准需要怎么做。

    What's changed is that I don't berate myself any longer for falling short. I know exactly what it would take to get to that level.


  • 机械表的众多齿轮巧妙互相配合如果表的制作者优秀的话,可以在好几年内准确显示时间

    The gears of amechanical watch fit together ingeniously, and if the watchmaker wasany good, it will accurately show the time for many years.


  • 非常赞同说法:真正优秀一定觉得自己孤独的,他们清醒认识到自己的优秀来源于一份孤独。

    I appreciate the view as follows: People of excellence are necessarily lonely, and they must have known that loneliness contributes partly to their excellence.


  • 他们优秀记者冒昧揣测他们长年奔波,不下火线动机并未改变:战争所带来的刺激任何其它故事都难以比拟的。

    Both are fine journalists but I venture to suggest their motive for staying on the road, or rather under fire, remains the familiar one: wars confer an adrenaline rush such as no other story matches.


  • 邓巴先生面对着难题市场已经被吉莲•优秀著作傻瓜金子所覆盖是这一领域极其险恶复杂

    Mr Dunbar faces two big problems: the first is that the market has already been well covered by Gillian Tett in her excellent book, "Fool's Gold"; the second is that the area is fiendishly complex.


  • 令人抓狂是,最好获取方式竟是招聘优秀管理人员安全经营银行再次获利

    And, maddeningly, the best way of achieving that was to recruit good managers to run those Banks and make them safe and profitable again.


  • 令人抓狂是,最好获取方式竟是招聘优秀管理人员安全经营银行再次获利

    And, maddeningly, the best way of achieving that was to recruit good managers to run those Banks and make them safe and profitable again.


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