• 清单3输出清单2的目标解析器方法输出相同但是速度应该提高很多,因为lxml可以在内部优化事件处理

    The output from Listing 3 will be identical to that of the target parser method in Listing 2 but ought to be much faster because LXML can optimize the event handling internally.


  • 舵机控制电路参数测试过程中,选择适当数据处理方法优化测试电路性能对于提高测试精度同等重要的。

    In the testing system, it is same important to select an appropriate data processing method as to optimize performance of hardware to improve the test accuracy.


  • 传统优化方法相比进一步提高设计速度设计质量

    Compared with traditional optimization methods, it improves further the speed and quality of design.


  • 设计企业战略关联薪酬体系利用有限资源最大限度地优化人力资源管理,有助于企业增强人才竞争力提高企业绩效

    Designing a salary system linking with company strategy, optimizing HR management with limited resources and improve company's competitiveness of keeping talents.


  • 优化设定新的现有自动化工艺优化生产线布局工艺参数提高生产效率产品质量

    Optimization and setting of new and existing automotive processes, Involved in the optimization of the production line layout and process parameters, improve production efficiency and product quality.


  • 目的优化场MR颅脑急症病例成像序列检查顺序,实现快速诊断鉴别诊断,提高诊断效率

    Objective to optimize MR sequences and examination order in low strength MR scanner for emergency brain injury patients, and to elevate diagnostic efficiency in diagnosis and differential diagnosis.


  • 通过优化原有工艺采用技术提高模块的可靠性拓宽了应用领域

    After optimizing correlative crafts and adopting new technology, we have improved its reliability and broaden its application domain.


  • 思想提高动态测量系统精度恢复性优化动态测量系统组成匹配具有重要意义。

    This idea will be sure to improve the accuracy restorability and optimize the composition and matching of the dynamic measuring system.


  • 无功优化电力系统电压稳定经济运行核心问题也是提高电力系统电压质量重要措施

    Var optimization is core problem of voltage stability and economic operation of electric power system, also important measure to improve voltage quality.


  • 提高号高密缎纹织物浆纱质量整经工艺浆料配方、浆纱工艺进行调整优化

    To enhance sizing quality of fine count high density double weft satin fabric, adjustment and optimization of warping processing, sizing formula, sizing processing were done.


  • IMC战略实施路径包括:提高市场感知能力、战略财务整合、优化组织结构流程

    The implementation of IMC Strategy includes improving the institutional perception, combining strategy and finance and optimizing the procedure of institutional framework.


  • 针对战时通用物资保障建立订购调配运输优化模型,旨在探讨如何保证军事效益的前提下提高保障的经济效益

    Aiming at general materials supply in wartime, the paper establishes the optimized model of order, allocation and transportation in order to increase military economic efficiency.


  • 优化奶牛品种提高牛奶产量品质奶业生产中的核心环节

    Optimizing dairy cow variety and improving creamery yield and quality are the core tache of milk trade produce.


  • 现场生产实际结合优化二次冷却制度铸坯质量得到明显提高

    Through the combination with actual production and optimization of secondary cooling system, billet quality has been improved obviously.


  • 方法传统设计方法相比大大缩短优化设计周期提高设计精度

    Compared with traditional optimization, the proposed method can greatly reduce optimization effort and improve design precision.


  • 通过优化气筒制动阀以及制动管路选择布置获得合理制动协调时间,以提高制动安全性

    By optimizing the choice and layout of the air tanks, brake valves and brake pipelines, more reasonable time for braking coordination is obtained, and the braking safety is enhanced.


  • 信贷资产存量盘活增量优化提高商业银行资产的效益性安全性关键所在。

    The utility of stock amount and optimization of incremental amount on credit assets are the keys to increase profitability and security of gross assets of commercial banks.


  • 亚世代数据团队分析师团队紧密合作优化第三方数据源提高研究水平

    Work closely with existing Pacific Epoch data team and research Analysts to strategically determine optimal data sources to advance technology research efforts.


  • 根据下坡路段事故统计资料,分析坡坡度、坡曲线下坡衔接平曲线道路安全关系提高长大下坡路段安全,优化设计提供参考

    So the relationship between longitudinal gradient, grade length limit, vertical curve and safety is analyzed, which can be referred to improve the safety and optimize the profile design.


  • 同时,对现有图像分析方法做了进一步的优化提出一个基于图名分析的误连判断消除机制提高图像分析方法结果的正确性。

    In addition, this paper optimizes the image analysis approach, and presents a drawing-title-analysis-based method for judgment and elimination of incorrect connections to improve the correctness.


  • 结果表明打脚二次打顶后,烟叶质量提高,等级结构优化

    The result indicated that: cutting bottom leaves to higher place and double tip pruning leaves can improve quality and optimize configuration of tobacco leaves.


  • 调整镁碳砖配合料颗粒控制混合湿度优化压制过程等措施可以提高生产质量

    Quality of production can be increased by adjusting the particle size distribution, controlling mixture humidity and optimizing the way of pressing.


  • 为了提高可逆逻辑自动生成优化效率我们提出模板技术一类快速算法

    For raising the efficiency of the reversible logic automatic born and optimization, we put forward the similar template technique and a type of fast algorithm.


  • 这种情况下,如何引导市场行为优化市场结构,进而提高市场运行效率产业经济研究者面临问题挑战。

    At the time, it is the issues and challenges for industrial economy investigators that how to guide market participators' action and optimize market structure and improve market efficiency.


  • 理论分析实验测试结果均表明通过全局优化设计后,提高风机效率降低了噪音

    The theory analysis and experiments indicate that, with the integrative optimistic design, the axis flow fanner has evidently improved in efficiency and reduced noise.


  • 只有重视出手速度教学训练才能优化提高铅球的成绩

    Only pay attention on the teaching and training of "the release speed" can optimize and promote the shot put results.


  • 优化设计采用试验设计全局优化算法结合提高设计稳健性,加速收敛

    Design of experiment and global optimization algorithm are integrated in the system to enhance optimization robustness and accelerate convergence.


  • 因此优化系统设计开发提高企业生产效率和经济效益具有重要意义。

    So the design and implementation of optimized planning system is very important to increase the work efficiency and economic benefit for enterprise.


  • 随着熔炼过程指标要求的提高铜闪速熔炼过程进行数值分析优化显得日趋重要

    With the development of flash smelting, it shows more and more importance of the numerical analysis and optimization of flash furnace.


  • 随着熔炼过程指标要求的提高铜闪速熔炼过程进行数值分析优化显得日趋重要

    With the development of flash smelting, it shows more and more importance of the numerical analysis and optimization of flash furnace.


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