• 尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)我国华南淡水中的优势种

    Oreochromis niloticus is the dominant species in freshwaters of South China.


  • 蔬菜地共有121517个优势为金色狗尾草

    There are 12 families, 15genus, 17 species in the vegetable site and the advantage species is Setaria glauca.


  • 洛阳地区军团菌感染以6优势型。

    It was indicated that the infection of LP in Luoyang District was caused by LP6 an excellent strain.


  • 优势为轮虫类枝角类,这此有机污染,耐氧。

    These species could tolerate the organic pollution and low dissolved oxygen.


  • 草本优势会抑止其它草本植物进入延缓弃耕地演替速度

    The superior species of herb were able to hold back the entering for other herbs and delayed the succession velocity of old-field.


  • 优势种为犬复孔绦虫,犬钩虫,犬弓首蛔虫,是主要对象

    The Dipylidium caninum , Ancylostoma and Toxocara ganis are preponderance and the major object in repelling worm.


  • 报道了木里县鸟类组成、特点以及优势常见资源鸟类类型

    In this paper the writers have studied the faunal composition, the dominant and common species of birds reproduced with different vertical zones in the Muli and the resources types of birds.


  • 西宁地区油菜蜘蛛主要610其中锥腹肖蛸优势种

    There are mainly 10 spider species in 6 families in rape fields in Xining, among which Pardosa astrigera(L. Koch) and Tetragnatha maxillosa Thorell are the dominant species.


  • 目的了解云南省大绒体表寄生、空间分布情况、优势及其间关系。

    Objective To understand the species, species distribution, the dominant species and their interspecies interaction of chigger mites on Eothenomys miletus (a dominant species of rats) in Yunnan.


  • 杂草枣园节肢动物各类群的明显高于杂草的冬园,并且优势种不明显。

    The arthropod species and individuals at the jujube yard with weeds were considerably higher than those without weeds.


  • 山坞稻田普遍使用化学除草剂,杂草数明显少于城北村,水竹叶成为禹山坞稻田的优势

    Application of herbicides to paddy field at Yushanwu was widespread which resulted in less weed species than that at Chengbei.


  • 33采用遇见频次指数法进行数量统计其中优势种5常见8稀有20

    And the statistics of 33 species of birds, by means of meeting frequency index, show that there are 5 dominant species, 8 common species and 20 rare species.


  • 19储藏害虫中,优势种害虫米扁虫世界广泛分布,因此应该列为限定检疫害虫

    Among the 19 storage pests on dried osmund, Cathartus advena Waltl is the main pests, but they should not be listed in the regulated quarantine pests because they are worldwide distributed.


  • 试验结果表明:水体增温水库浮游植物的组成优势优势度、藻类密度生物量均影响

    The results of investigation and indoor simulated test showed there were effects of increased water bodies temperature on the structure, dominant, density and biomass of phytoplankton community.


  • 优势种平均干重热值去灰分热值都表现:层藤本>乔木1层>乔木2层>灌木层>草本层。

    The GCV and ash-free caloric value (AFCV) decreased in the following order: lianas, tree layer 1, tree layer 2, shrub layer and herb layer. The AFCV differed among various components.


  • 结果捕获鼠形动物772只,隶属241013优势种为黑线姬鼠、大林姬鼠棕背? 。

    ResultsTotally 772 rat-shaped animals were caught, belonging to 2 orders, 4 families, 10 genera and 13 species.


  • 草在所调查大部分植物群落基本上为优势并且优势显著相关

    Cabomba had been the dominant or co-dominant species in the most investigated submerged plant communities, and its dominance negatively correlated with the number of species markedly.


  • 数量随栖息地面积减少而减少木榄优势,表明造成木榄成为主要原因人为砍伐

    With the number of wood rugby reduced habitat area decreased, but the wood is still the dominant species rugby, rugby describes the wood species become rare human deforestation is the main reason.


  • 灌木疏林林群落兼有天然次生林啮齿动物群落农田啮齿动物群落特性优势为达乌尔黄鼠和松鼠类。

    The community in shrub forest owned both the characteristics of natural secondary forest and farmland, its dominant species were yellow mouse and squirrel too.


  • 毛榛子林分灌木中的优势优势种养分循环中起着重要的或突出的作用重点保护的灌木

    Corylus mandshurica and Deutzia amurensis are dominant or sub-dominant shrub species in the forest and have an evident effect on nutrient cyclings, and should be protected.


  • 环链拟青霉是真菌,是皖南宣城敬亭山马尾松林生态系中的优势松林控制害虫起到了至关重要作用

    Paecilomyces cateniannulatus, an entomogenous fungus and one of the predominant species of the fungi in a Masson spine plantation ecosystem, plays an important role on forest pest control.


  • 浙江仙居俞坑森林群落植物丰富优势种明显,群落中植物类以常绿阔叶树为主,落叶阔叶成分也一定比例。

    The Yukeng forest community in Xianju County of Zhejiang Province has abundance of plant species, of which the dominant population is not so clearly classified.


  • 本文报道了作者于1976、1979年巴里坤草原自然罩笼条件下,观察优势蝗虫取食范围、取食程度等研究结果。

    The feeding habits of six dominant species of Catantopinae, Acridinae and Oedipodinae of Acrididae were studied in 1976 and 1979 in Barkol grassland, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


  • 确定汉江水华硅藻优势的分类地位,对该水华硅藻的形态特征进行电镜观察,结果表明小环藻属、冠盘藻属比较相似。

    In order to identify the dominant species in Han-jiang diatom, the micrograph and the valve picture under electron microscope of the dominant species was investigated.


  • 地区集中分布古老遗物这些大多群落建群优势,对维持草原化荒漠区脆弱的生态系统具有重要作用。

    Many ancient relic species centrally distributed in the area, most of them were the constructive or dominant species of desert community, their existence played an import.


  • 花粉杂交系统隔离并不经常发生,花粉隔离随优势种数字上占优势出现并不完全利用一系列的有利于传粉的动物(11)。

    Pollinator and mating system isolation are less frequent, with the former arising when the focal species is numerically dominant but does not fully use the array of available animal pollinators (11).


  • 广赤眼蜂、涓夜蛾绒茧蜂、广大腿小蜂分别为卵期、幼虫期蛹期天敌优势,其最高寄生率分别为30 %、80 %和65 %。

    Among them, Trichogramma evanescens, Apanteles sp. and Brachymeria obscurata were dominant species with the highest parasitizations of 30%, 80% and 65% respectively.


  • 海南山地雨林理解群系,其下根据综合特征分类,优势命名可划分为婆罗椎栗、吊皮栲、陆均松、尖峰栎、龙楠等13个群系(或混合群落)。

    The mountain rain forest can be considered as a formation group, and under this formation group 13 formations (mixed community) are recognized according to the dominant species.


  • 尽管第一个长出木本植物体积很小,但接下来的其他植物便能够因此迅速从木本结构优势获利,仅仅几百万的时间,其中一些具有木本的植物便进化得像现在的树一样了。

    Although the first plants sporting wood were small, subsequent species quickly took advantage of wood's structural strength: in just a few million years, some had attained treelike stature.


  • 结果表明,白蜡虫泌蜡期天敌群落共有捕食寄生性天敌18群落优势种和物组成变化较小,群落相似性程度较高,相似性系数最高达95.12%,最低为73.86%。

    The results showed that there were 18 species of natural enemies in the communities. The highest coefficient of community similarity was 95.12%, and the lowest coefficient was 73.86%.


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