• 具有较低优先级的项目可能需要等待长的时间,这取决于预算资源可用性

    Projects that are low on the priority list may need to wait a long time, depending on budget and resource availability.


  • 需要别人先排出他们优先级,同时自己忙碌等待着。

    You need to let others sort out their own priorities while you keep yourself busy and wait.


  • 使每日构建减少等待时间有用的另一个方法首先确定什么失败划分优先级。

    Another way to make daily builds more useful for reducing wait time is to prioritize what failures to fix first.


  • 工作时,优先回答那些等待答复聘用经理时寻找那些能主动做事的人(不是呢?),这样大家一定会明白记住高效率

    In a job search, prioritize anyone who's waiting to hear from you; hiring managers looking for self-starters (and who isn't?) will appreciate and remember your promptness.


  • 最后早期的内核中,抢占可能的;意味着如果有一个优先级的任务执行优先级的任务只能等待完成

    Finally, preemption wasn't possible in the earlier scheduler; this meant that a lower priority task could execute while a higher priority task waited for it to complete.


  • RT系统必须小心管理同步防止优先线程等待优先级线程的情况发生。

    Synchronization must be carefully managed within a RT system to prevent high-priority threads from waiting for lower-priority threads.


  • 进一步优化每日构建验证策略有效性通过集中于将等待时间最小化来为每个失败划分优先

    To further optimize the effectiveness of your daily build verification strategy, prioritize every failure with a focus on minimizing wait time.


  • 优先请求等待,该功能可以避免非关键资源占用网络通道问题

    This avoids the problem of congesting the network channel with non-critical resources when a high-priority request is pending.


  • 基于优先FIFO行为——前面同步示例中,将接着执行具有最高优先级的线程——适用争用者等待队列

    Priority-based FIFO behavior — as in the earlier synchronization example where the highest-priority thread is chosen to execute next — also applies to the queues of lock contenders and lock waiters.


  • 可以代码中使用这个gem清除所有任务实现优先队列这样重要任务需要在例程作业等待了。

    This gem lets you fire off jobs in one line of code and implements a priority queue so that your important jobs don't wait behind routine jobs.


  • 类似地完成notify() 以后,等待最高优先队列前端线程等待解除阻塞。

    Similarly, when a notify() is done, the thread from the front of the highest-priority queue of waiters is unblocked from its wait.


  • 这些因素包括有患者位置治疗等待时间、患者优先选择会诊医生知识、会诊医生单元绩效以及治疗的费用

    Among the factors mentioned were locality to the patient, waiting time for treatment, patient preference, knowledge of the consultant, performance of the consultant or unit and cost of treatment.


  • 其他线程可以通过向其发送一个优先级格式消息请求服务然后等待结果的答复

    The other threads can request the service to the server by sending a properly formatted message and then wait for the answer with the result.


  • 种不希望发生的软件状态状态个高优先任务因为等待访问一个那时不再使用共享资源而被延迟

    An unwanted software situation in which a high - priority task is delayed while waiting for access to a Shared resource that is not even being used at the time.


  • 不希望发生的软件状态此状态优先任务因为等待访问一个那时不再使用共享资源被延迟

    An unwanted software situation in which a high-priority task is delayed while waiting for access to a Shared resource that is not even being used at the time.


  • 由于肝脏除了自身遗传缺陷外,运转功能仍然良好,因此众多等待肝脏移植候选人中并不具有任何优先权。

    Yet because his liver was functioning well, aside from its one defect, he would be a lower priority than many candidates for a cadaverliver transplant.


  • 如果一个优先线程请求优先级线程持有会造成优先级线程之后等待

    A higher priority thread can wait behind a lower priority thread if the lower priority thread holds a lock for which the higher priority thread is waiting.


  • 如果旅客取消航班订位对于出的位置,等待清单旅客优先

    If there are cancellations on the flight, the passenger on the waiting list will get preference for the space that has become available.


  • 作为最近政策改变结果18以下的儿童等待优先接受位置而且常常能够在从放在表列上的几周几个月内接受移植

    As a result of recent changes in policy, children under 18 years of age receive priority on the waiting list and often receive a transplant within weeks or months of being placed on the list.


  • 进程返回等待状态时,重置优先级。

    The priority is reset when the process returns to the wait state.


  • 时间控制使处理器违反计划调度,也就是说,这会导致一个拥有较高优先进程不得不等待CPU。

    Long lock hold times also keep the current processor from scheduling, meaning that a higher priority process-which really should be able to get the CPU-may have to wait.


  • 不同优先级的信元争抢资源时,应该保证优先信元得到服务,优先的信元缓冲器等待

    When the cells with different priorities compete for resources, the cells with high priority should be served first, and the cells with low priority should wait in the buffer.


  • 同样重要的是,麦当劳近期进行过度菜单多样化导致客户等待时间延长。然而,快餐业是速度优先行业

    Just as crucial, too much menu diversification, which McDonald's has suffered from of late, leads to longer customer wait times in an industry built on speed.


  • 采用抢先调度方式时,具有最高优先级的任务先执行直到进入等待僵死状态或者是有更高优先级的任务产生。

    Under preemptive scheduling, the highest priority task executes until it enters the waiting or dead states or a higher priority task comes into existence.


  • 用户程序DSP/BIOS调度任务、中断的优先排队等待执行。

    The customer procedure wait in line adjusts a degree to descend at DSP/BIOS by priority.


  • 另外进行数字分析阐明了信息流分布吞吐量优先重负负载及其位置平均等待时延影响

    In addition, it still carries out numerical analysis, expounds the influence of the message flow distribution, throughput, priority, heavy and light load, and their position to mean waiting delay.


  • 论述了对红外亚成像目标识别随机服务系统建立优先服务的等待制排队系统模型。

    Based on the queuing mechanism of the priority queues, a realization scheme for" self- recommendation" of the random service system was advanced.


  • 论述了对红外亚成像目标识别随机服务系统建立优先服务的等待制排队系统模型。

    Based on the queuing mechanism of the priority queues, a realization scheme for" self- recommendation" of the random service system was advanced.


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