• 三分之一以上员工他们按规定休假期间被召回办公室

    More than a third of workers said they called into the office while technically on holiday.


  • 内夫圣诞节休假期间免费便车去了纽约

    Neff hitchhiked to New York during his Christmas holiday.


  • 休假期间顶替工作。

    I'm covering for Jane while she's on leave.


  • 休假期问,她在国际上谈论了环境问题。

    During her vacations, she spoke internationally about the environment.


  • 休假期间乔布斯秘密飞往田纳西州进行移植手术

    During the leave Mr. Jobs secretly flew to Tennessee for a liver transplant.


  • 他们十分重视假期每人每年,都可以有几周休假时间。

    And their vacations very seriously, and everybody gets mortable weeks of vacation in a year.


  • 回国休假期间,拜访了祖母看到后院一个喂鸟的容器。

    On a vacation back in the United States, she visited her grandmother and noticed a bird feeder in the backyard.


  • 最重要美国人同时有着最短带薪休假假期

    On top of that, Americans also have some of the shortest paid vacation leave.


  • 那家海滨旅馆夏天休假期间漫天要价。

    That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.


  • 知道惯例假期应该但是,我也发现条惯例并不是明文规定,偌大的美国没有一关于休假时间的法律。

    I realize that two weeks is the norm, but I also realize that it isn’t written down anywhere. There aren’t any laws about about vacation time.


  • 正如人们预想一样,夏季求职最麻烦的休假期间安排面试

    The trickiest part of a summer job hunt is, as you might imagine, scheduling interviews around people's vacations.


  • 一个女人丈夫休假期间牙医

    A woman and her husband interrupted their vacation to go to the dentist.


  • 在同当前雇主商量超出你的额定假期之外的休假之前需要考虑一下公司政策

    Before approaching your current employer to ask for time off that is over and above your current vacation allotment, you need to consider company policy.


  • 2009年一月乔布斯开始病休休假期间,乔布斯秘密飞往田纳西州进行移植手术

    In January 2009, Mr. Jobs went on a medical leave. During the leave Mr. Jobs secretly flew to Tennessee for a liver transplant.


  • 巴德罗已经假期延迟;实在有太多领导人休假享受日光浴。

    Mr Zapatero has postponed his holidays; too many other leaders are off sunning themselves.


  • 很不赞同美国标准假期一些企业,员工迫于老板的压力,居然从不休假

    It's just a shame that the two week vacation is such a standard in the country. Some workers are pressured by employers to not take any vacation at all!


  • 其中一个首创就是在旅游者工作休假期间提供度假机会

    One initiative has been the development of tourist opportunities in which the tourists both give and receive through working vacations.


  • 调查,80%受访者认为,我国假期总数不算少,主要问题在于很多不敢休假

    According to the survey, 80 percent said the number of holidays on the Chinese mainland was reasonable.The problem is many people don't dare to take long vacations.


  • 调查,80%受访者认为我国假期总数不算少,主要问题在于很多不敢休假

    According to the survey, 80 percent said the number of holidays on the Chinese mainland was reasonable. The problem is many people don't dare to take long vacations.


  • 所以尽管描述性研究报告表明休假生产效率健康益处颇多,但一个长的假期对于美国雇员而言不受欢迎的,他们会觉得不放心,觉得不切实际甚至觉得是不可能的。

    So despite research documenting the health and productivity benefits of taking time off, a long vacation can be undesirable, scary, unrealistic or just plain impossible for many U.S. workers.


  • 例如对于Bob人事部门负责批准休假请求职员来说,“假期并不意味着是同一事物

    For instance, "vacation" doesn't mean the same thing to Bob and to the personnel department clerk in charge of leave requests.


  • 并且若是休假期间没有查收的话,一直那样感觉,会有人很开心取代自己去做这样的工作。

    And if you don't check in on your days off, there's that lingering feeling that there's always someone else more willing who'd be happy to replace you at a moment's notice.


  • 那家海滨旅馆夏天休假期间漫天要价。

    The inn at the beach charged inrationally during the summer holiday. That seaside hotel charges exorbitant prices during the summer holidays.


  • 现在既然度假租赁为业工作一部分就是帮助美国人拥有放松享受假期即便他们在各处可能只能休假一周

    Now that I'm in the business of vacation rentals, part of my job is to help Americans have relaxing, enjoyable vacations, even though they may only get a week off here or there.


  • 一些公司这样休假长达22除了正常带薪假期外;这种休假大量库存多年慢慢累积起来的。

    Some companies give 22 such days, on top of normal paid holiday; vast stocks of these have built up over the years.


  • 大多数国家全职工作者有带假期不过强迫一定休假

    Full-time workers in most countries all received paid vacation days, but no one forces you to use that time.


  • 如果所在公司仍旧允许今年假期明年使用,不休假会让公司增加成本

    If you happen to work in a company that still allows vacation days to be carried over from one year to the next, this costs the company money.


  • 如果所在公司仍旧允许今年假期明年使用,不休假会让公司增加成本

    If you happen to work in a company that still allows vacation days to be carried over from one year to the next, this costs the company money.


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