• 决定美国海军陆战队士兵。

    He decided to enlist in the Marines.


  • 人们脏话时,两方都会受到激励。

    When people trash talk, it can motivate both teams.


  • 他们,他们宁愿森林亡命之徒,也不愿永远美国总统

    They said they would rather be outlaws a year in Sherwood Forest than President of the United States forever.


  • 疲惫推推搡搡公共汽车地铁时,许多刻薄争论侮辱性争吵爆发了。

    Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes.


  • 寻找那些使那些成功小组获得成功品质的时候,她发现小组成员个人智力结果无关

    When Woolley looked for the qualities that made successful groups successful, she found that the individual intelligence of group members was unrelated to the outcome.


  • 德说,主持人提出一个问题之后,几乎立刻椅子上站起来,步伐有力地快步走向主持人,然后加迟疑地马上作答

    When [moderator Tom] Brokaw would ask a question, he would almost jump out of his chair and walk powerfully and quickly toward Brokaw and answer quickly, with no pause.


  • 星湖妻子他们一岁大的儿子睡着的时候,已经半夜了。他们仔细的把儿子用被子包好放在靠墙内侧床上,以防儿子在翻身的时候掉下床。

    It was midnight when Wu Xinghu and his wife finally persuaded their one-year-old son to go to sleep, tucking him carefully into the corner of their bed, against the wall so that he would not roll out.


  • 慢慢移动尝试练习那些粗鄙单词但是她的声音制止了她。

    While the line slowly moved her forward, she tried to practice saying some ugly words, but her voice failed her.


  • 比如衰退中失望人们暂时退出劳动愿意工作的比率可能会下降

    The share of people willing to work may fall in a recession, for instance, as discouraged people temporarily drop out of the workforce.


  • (剩下的16%)怀疑论者,没有其他选择时使用先进技术

    Laggards (the remaining 16%) or skeptics will only use advanced technology if they have no other choice.


  • 尽头老奶奶面前时,他感到很困惑。

    When he got to Grandma, at the end of the line, he was bewildered.


  • 问及期待观众们能给他什么样的反应时,,“知道,真的知道。”

    Asked what he expected from the crowd, Woods said: "I don't know." I don't know.


  • 但是出现的时候,迪戴上了保护作用的帽子走进里去了。

    But then, when a gaggle of pedestrians appeared, he jammed the protective hat on his head and dashed into the building.


  • 英国巴西特:运载着英国士兵灵车驶过街道时候哀悼者伤心哭泣

    Wootton Bassett, England: Mourners weep as hearses carrying the coffins of two British soldiers are driven through the streets.


  • 罕什挪威学者还是男孩的时候,经常光顾祖父南非西海岸农场

    Henshilwood is an academic in Norway, but when he was a small boy, he would often visit his grandfather's farm on the western coast of South Africa.


  • 雅布伦斯基找到托特恩,告之他计划相同事情不过通过电影然后故事拍成了麻雀之歌第一,一切便开始了。

    Jablonski approached Totten with the idea to do the same thing, but with film, and things came full circle when Wood became the subject of Sparrow Songs' first episode.


  • 有趣,维克的第三解释是:一支获胜时,每个人都希望从中分享胜利一杯羹。

    But most interestingly, Visek's third point is this: When a team is successful, everyone wants a piece of the action.


  • 一个门口男人三个警察走过时偷着说:“精英来了。”

    “There goes the Elite Squad,” said one man from a doorway, chuckling as the three officers passed by.


  • 一个门口男人三个警察走过时偷着说:“精英来了。”

    "There goes the Elite Squad," said one man from a doorway, chuckling as the three officers passed by.


  • 类似银行多个出纳员服务等待客户开发人员完成任务准备进入下一个任务的时候他们效率会有所改进

    Similar to multiple bank tellers servicing a single line of waiting customers, efficiency improves when developers instead sign up for the next task when they've completed the last task.


  • 举起手杖走过我们,挨个儿儿子时,惭愧痛苦恐惧身体排山倒海

    Shame, anguish, and terror surged throughout my body as he raised his cane and began to walk the human line, beating each of his sons in turn.


  • 这部《协作送到奇彻斯特节日剧院的时候,导演两部戏剧是不是分开创作的。

    WhenCollaboration” was submitted to the Chichester Festival Theatre, its director asked Mr Harwood whether the two plays might not be done together.


  • 这部《协作送到奇彻斯特节日剧院的时候,导演两部戏剧是不是分开创作的。

    When "Collaboration" was submitted to the Chichester Festival Theatre, its director asked Mr Harwood whether the two plays might not be done together.


  • 先生叙述过国外竞赛时受到的厨房挑战

    Mr. Korzun recounted several times when teams competing in foreign countries were presented with culinary challenges.


  • 佩恩删去的一段话中,吐温严厉斥责“邪恶的古巴-西班牙战争纳德·将军哈瓦那总督时毒气般恶臭的行为”。

    In a passage removed by Paine, Twain excoriates "the iniquitous Cuban-Spanish War" and Gen. Leonard Wood's "mephitic record" as governor general in Havana.


  • 所有球员回归之后我们的队就会有所不同了,并且机会赢得更多比赛,前我们所需要的就是要尽可能赢得一些比赛。

    We now have a decent squad overall when everybody is back and we have chance. First we just need to put a few wins together.


  • 季后赛来临,就可以看到这些之间针尖麦芒厮杀以及和热刺这样球队狭路相逢。

    Just wait until the playoffs get here, when each of those teams goes to head-to-head with each other and teams like the Heat and Celtics, or Lakers and Spurs.


  • 季后赛来临,就可以看到这些之间针尖麦芒厮杀以及和热刺这样球队狭路相逢。

    Just wait until the playoffs get here, when each of those teams goes to head-to-head with each other and teams like the Heat and Celtics, or Lakers and Spurs.


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