• 他们军事已经削弱了,因为空军证明不是只有战斗

    Their military capability has gone down because their air force has proved not to be an effective force.


  • 部电影于2020年1月上映。中国女排不仅是一支具有竞争的体育队,还展现了拼搏和永不放弃的精神。

    The film hit the screen in January, 2020. The Chinese women's volleyball team not only is a competitive sports team but also shows the spirit of struggling and never giving up.


  • 他们购买昂贵球票,是看到一支有竞争而不是一张良好财务报表。

    They pay for the most expensive tickets in football, and want to see a competitive team, not a competitive balance sheet.


  • 一系列连锁反应然后志愿者感觉有影响进一步提高自己慈善工作

    This can be a chain reaction, with the volunteer team then feeling more empowered to go a step further with its own charity efforts.


  • 未来12个月四个联盟搅局者中--安东尼保罗霍华德威廉姆斯--保罗身处竞争最差

    Between the four most likely "agitators" of the next 12 months -- Anthony, Paul, Howard and Williams -- Paul is the one with the worst team.


  • AOLMSN销售工程师上有所重叠故而两家公司进行合并后,在不对生产产生较大影响情况下削减各种重叠的成本开支

    AOL and MSN have overlapping sales and engineering teams, so a merger would create all kinds of overlapping costs that could be cut without sacrificing much in the way of production.


  • 取决于国家是否日益增大的劳动转化生产

    It depends on whether the country can put its growing Labour force to productive use.


  • 竞争财政纪律方面德国那些国家心目中的偶像。

    In competitiveness and fiscal discipline, Germany is where the stragglers want to be.


  • 阿姆斯特朗有着很强的爆发据说1923年一次录音时,必须在距离同伴15英尺处演奏,为的是不破坏整支队声音平衡

    Armstrong was such a powerful player, it's said he had to stand 15 feet behind his partners on a 1923 recording session, to avoid upsetting the sound balance.


  • 无家可归退军人全国联盟之类影响慈善机构捐款,或是较小地方团体比如当地施舍所或者流浪汉之家都可以。

    Give to a large charity like the National Organization of homeless Veterans, or a smaller regional group, like your local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.


  • 为了打造具有全球竞争劳动印度需要不仅仅世界级的教育体系需要的是彻底改造自己教育系统

    To produce a globally-competitive workforce, India needs more than just world-class educational institutions: it needs to fundamentally reform its education system.


  • 过去十年期间,亨希尔博士的研究小组已经通过发现有说服证据而动摇了传统智慧。 这些证据表明生活洞穴里的现代行为出了重要的步伐。

    Over the last decade, Dr. Henshilwood’s teams have shaken conventional wisdom by finding persuasive evidence that people living in the cave were taking important strides toward modern behavior.


  • 消极的情绪具有传染的,它野火一样传遍整个这种情况发生时,球队是没有希望获胜的。

    Negativity is contagious and can spread through a team like wildfire, and when that happens there is little hope.


  • 增加妇女保健受教育机会、促进加入劳动、提高其生产收入可减少贫困促进经济增长,”Buvinic

    "Increasing women's health and education as well as boosting their participation in the labor force, productivity and earnings reduces poverty and promotes growth," says Buvinic.


  • Gazzaley研究集中注意大脑两个网络志愿者个的大脑网络快速运转,正在进行现场记忆是,个可以从面部形状变化评估得出是变得兴奋的。

    Gazzaley says the team focused on two networks in the brain, one that revs up when volunteers are trying to keep the scene in mind and another that becomes active as they evaluate a face.


  • 有创造苦楚退军人

    You have been the veterans of creative suffering.


  • 支持HR1207法案证人(汤姆·兹——译者)给出了一些非常说服的理由,毫不令人奇怪他认为这个法案不过反映了基本常识

    The witness testifying in favor of HR 1207 made some very strong points, which was no surprise considering the bill is simply common sense.


  • 参观站点以后,想像回来了提供二个提案

    After visiting the site, the Imagination team returned offering two proposals.


  • 这个整合资源时代只要不断打通人与人之间链接形成强大的规模化躺着赚钱

    In this era of integration of resources, as long as can share, constantly through links between people, form a powerful large-scale team, you can make money lying!


  • 采集器带到名为阿拉瑞斯主卫星月球上——位于卡西克星系,以对居住基族部落进行试验

    The Force Harvester was brought to the moon of Alaris Prime, located in the Kashyyyk system, to test on the Wookiee tribes that resided there.


  • 教练无关你的领域其中出售产品改善你与客户激励你的销售提高生产

    Your business coach will work with you to find new areas in which to sell your product, improve your relationships with clients and motivate your sales team to increase productivity.


  • 尔特订单指定交付日期具有法律约束

    The delivery date given by Würth in the order is binding.


  • 儿童心理学家尔夫森博士补充道,“鼓励式教育”经常古典音乐有助于提高儿童的记忆

    Child psychologist Dr Woolfson added that "supportive parenting" and regularly listening to classical music can also aid a child's memory.


  • 一个真正又责任感队员知道自己所有注意都放在队目标帮助最好方法

    A player who has fully committed to the team knows that dedicating the whole of the mind's attention to the team's collective goal is the best way to contribute.


  • 同样严峻考研还有提高竞争决心

    Equally hard will be a test of the new team's resolve to improve competitiveness.


  • 但是相比接受凯文·布莱克维尔攻击喝彩杰拉德渴望关注他的好友卡拉格的伟大时刻

    But rather than accept the plaudits for his role in the demolition of Kevin Blackwell's side, Gerrard is keen to focus on what was a momentous occasion for his good friend, Carra.


  • 艺术生涯总是惬意地创造在一起,而不是与古板的学究为

    Throughout his career he was always more comfortable among creative people, than with academic pedants.


  • 艺术生涯总是惬意地创造在一起,而不是与古板的学究为

    Throughout his career he was always more comfortable among creative people, than with academic pedants.


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