• 65胡德法之前蒙特利尔康考迪大学任教。她参观德黑兰伊温监狱之后,于66日被捕

    The 65-year old Hoodfar, who most recently taught at Concordia University in Montreal, was arrested on June 6 after a visit to Evin prison in Tehran.


  • 抱歉。”·拉·安吉拉

    "I'm so sorry," said Wendy Moira Angela.


  • ·拉·安吉拉·达琳。”自豪地回答

    "Wendy Moira Angela Darling," she replied with some satisfaction.


  • 这个雕刻品与·兰金没有关联但是引用诗人埃德∙摩根的诗句——第一个雕刻作品中提到的诗人。

    This sculpture had no known connection to Mr. Rankin, but it did quote from poet Edward Morgan - whose poem inspired the first sculpture.


  • 对这位之前英国参与道德实践上都错误的大主教来说,上是抚人心布道

    This was no soothing homily from a man who has previously described decisions leading to Britain's involvement in the war as being morally and practically flawed.


  • 但是罗索(人们习惯称呼他为杜老爹)作为刚果——以及整个非洲——第一乐坛明星,他并没有把这种命令放在心上。

    But Mr Kolosoy, who was better known as Wendo, or Papa Wendo, and was one of Congo 's-and so Africa 's-first music stars, ignored this injunction.


  • 布兰迪· 汉明顿,·马丁史蒂芬·莎共同编写报告——出生人口:2009年初步调查数据,此数据以下发现提供了一个更为准确的统计分析

    The report, â Births: Preliminary Data for 2009, â written by Brady E. Hamilton, Joyce A. Martin, and Stephanie J. Ventura, offers a breakdown and closer analysis of the findings


  • 调查发现男性比女性渴望在网络上有艳遇,也更易于在网络上寻找更多的艳遇,这个调查结果并不让人意外尔莎·多夫(IlseWendorff),她是华盛顿特区的一名临床心理学家

    It's not surprising that the survey found men are more likely to hope for, pursue and have more romantic relationships online, says Ilse Wendorff, a clinical psychologist in Washington, d.c..


  • 莎贝拉·史,对吧?

    You're Isabella Swan, aren't you?


  • 2009年3月14日新任女友德·欧文科罗拉多州莱克武德,愉快看着好友“佛陀尼克·纳尔逊纹身的过程。

    Ian and his new girlfriend, Devin Ervin, enjoy watching Nick 'Buddha' Nelson get a brass-knuckles tattoo March 14, 2009, in Lakewood, Colo.


  • 安东尼•克罗·索刚果河船修理工、拳击手伦巴歌手2008年7月28日逝世享年82岁。

    Antoine Wendo Kolosoy, a Congolese riverboat mechanic, boxer and rumba singer, died on July 28th, aged 82.


  • 一个值得注意一幕,皮特•戈德负责保护正在视察战场安•史密斯戈德站着都在幻想杀死这个拒绝结束这场必败之战的

    There is a remarkable scene in which Peter Godwin guards Ian Smith who is visiting the arenas of war, and he stands dreaming of killing this man who will not let the unwinnable war end.


  • 一些朋友惨死这场灾难,救了一些朋友,包括姊妹茱莉凯文艾伦人。

    Wendy's friends die a tragic death in this disaster, but she also saved some friends, including good sisters Julie, Kevin, Alan, Ian and others.


  • 鲍德国王那么现在回到父亲贝林保护朝圣

    King Baldwin IV: Then go now to your father's house at Ibelin, and from there protect the pilgrim road.


  • 杜还有一学徒,叫楚·申—章,此人最终安然渡过黑暗时期

    Another of his Padawans was Echuu Shen-Jon, a Jedi who would ultimately survive the dark times.


  • 是因为糕点厨师埃尔·尔斯所说的那样,一个华而不实混频器

    This is, as Per Se pastry chef Elwyn Boyles put it, a glorified mixer.


  • 苏格拉底柏拉图·拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生与亨利·大卫罗。马娅·安杰卢与奥普拉·弗瑞。查尔斯昆西·琼斯·鲍勃·诺与史蒂夫·乔布斯

    Socrates and Plato. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey. Ray Charles and Quincy Jones. Bob Noyce and Steve Jobs.


  • 这里经历死寂春天,”保守党人保罗- 万斯英格兰洛克大部分地区,“森林鹿根本没有的踪迹

    "It's the silent spring here, " said Paul Evans, a conservationist in Much Wenlock, England. "The woods are full of deer, but there's no one about at all.


  • 王子,于是我们就默认了。

    Tywin said that it was Prince Aegon and we took him at his word.


  • 德尔博士的作品贝尔钢琴出版社韦恩勒波特出版公司、世界图书馆出版。

    Dr. scheide s compositions have been published by belwin, piano press, wayne leupold, and world library.


  • 犹他州多弗空军基地曼哈顿诺拉计划名单中,它面临损害无法弥补的。

    The Manhattan Project's Enola Gay Hangar at Wendover Airfield in Utah, also on the list, is at risk of irreparable damage.


  • 诗歌一种全民消遣不是什么特别的“专业活动”,冰岛大学冰岛文学教授·格维·埃吉尔松(Sveinn YngviEgilsson)说。

    Poetry is a national pastime, but not a particularly "specialist activity, " said Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson, a professor of Icelandic literature at the University of Iceland.


  • ·辛普森阿森纳主帅告知可以今年夏天离开

    Simpson has been told he can leave Arsenal this summer by Gunners boss Arsene Wenger.


  • 阿尔塞纳·承认切赫·斯琴什尼应该得到机会展示的能力,但是也已经提醒波兰门将有的是时间

    Arsene Wenger agrees that Wojciech Szczesny deserves a chance to show what he can do - but he has reminded the Polish keeper that he has time on his side.


  • 黑池主教练恩·霍洛威刚刚在结束了三个月的租借合同曼纽尔·托马斯送回酋长球场现在询问阿尔塞纳·是否能够租借苏努段时间。

    The Blackpool boss Ian Holloway has just sent Emmanuel Thomas back to the Emirates after a three-month loan deal, and now he has asked Arsene Wenger if he can take Sunu for a spell with the Seasiders.


  • 虽然阿森纳主帅阿瑟·选择贾斯丁·威廉·加拉来填补这个阿什利·科尔转会切尔西空出的位置,但克利希名正宗左后卫。

    While Arsenal chief Arsene Wenger has elected to use both Justin Hoyte and William Gallas in the position vacated by Cole's switch across the capital to Chelsea, Clichy is a specialist in the role.


  • 特别提到斯托克热刺交锋中的次判罚,在看来错误地纵容了对方的危害动作。

    Wenger had particularly highlighted several challenges in the game between Stoke and Tottenham that, in his opinion, Foy had wrongly allowed to go unpunished.


  • 特别提到斯托克热刺交锋中的次判罚,在看来错误地纵容了对方的危害动作。

    Wenger had particularly highlighted several challenges in the game between Stoke and Tottenham that, in his opinion, Foy had wrongly allowed to go unpunished.


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