• 投票表明人民党领先于何塞·路易斯·罗德里格斯·萨帕特罗领导的即将离职的社会党15个百分点,拉努力获取绝对多数议席

    With polls giving the PP a 15-point lead over jose Luis rodriguez Zapatero's outgoing Socialists, Mr Rajoy is heading for an absolute parliamentary majority.


  • 数百万计划参加庆祝·福克斯之夜大放焰火

    Millions of people are planning to attend fireworks displays celebrating Guy Fawkes Night.


  • 居留白宫对面具有一定历史的海-亚当斯酒店巴马夫妇是为了早点定居首都以便他们的孩子即时开始上学

    The Obamas, staying at the historic Hay-Adams hotel opposite the White House, took up residence in the capital early so the children could start school on time.


  • 消息称,之间发生什么。一些评论家也认为他俩根本无法形成合力。但是格里否认了这些说法

    Reports suggested there was a power struggle between Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Alexandre Pato, with some critics claiming they cannot play as a unit. But Allegri has rejected those descriptions.


  • 全世界看着我们身上发生了什么。

    The whole world is watching this happen to us in Taiz.


  • 消息称,之间发生什么。一些评论家也认为他俩根本无法形成合力。

    Reports suggested there was a power struggle between Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Alexandre Pato, with some critics claiming they cannot play as a unit.


  • 有关首相避免产生有特权形象而选择穿普通套装报道激起了人民普遍不满

    Reports that the prime minister, who eschews formal dress for fear of reviving his privileged Old Etonian image, would wear a plain suit provoked criticism from many quarters.


  • 炼钢已经没有了,但是制品以及带来的利益迅猛增长。欧洲最新高炉刚刚士堡投入使用。

    Steel jobs have gone, but production and profits are booming; Europe's newest blast furnace has just opened in Duisburg.


  • 2011年6月16日,土耳其兹密尔阿里雅加废料场,英国皇家海军航母无敌号静静地停靠爱琴海边

    Former Royal Navy aircraft carrier HMS Invinciblesits at Aliaga scrapyard in the Aegean port city of Izmir, on June 16, 2011.


  • 电话警告他们,瑞秋赶往婚礼现场

    Phoebe fights phone friction while trying to warn Joey and Chandler that Rachel is on her way to ruin the wedding.


  • 警方声明已经暗示他们自杀来追查此事线索。警方还表示事故发生施塔特·艾尔·维泽(Neustadt -Eilvese),恩克当场死亡

    A police statement had already intimated that suicide was the line of inquiry they were following and added that the incident happened in Neustadt-Eilvese and Enke died at the scene.


  • (如今认为包含了1000多个天体还有许许多多即将发现)直到1992年被发现。

    The Kuiper Belt - which is now known to host more than 1,000 icy bodies, with many more likely to be discovered - wasn't even discovered until 1992.


  • 英国教授Toby Dodgy一直都对过去美国诸多政策持质疑态度,他说:“这个国家(拉克)重新走上轨”。

    Professor Toby Dodge, a British expert who has been sceptical of many of the American administration's past policies in Iraq, says that "the state is beginning to re-cohere".


  • 科罗拉多州波尔得大学演奏钢琴表演看上去是为了分数实际上是为了此刻端坐前排聆听的“吉他之王”——安德烈

    Eva plays piano at the university in Boulder, Colorado. She plays for grades, but really she plays for Andre, King of Guitar, who listens from the front row.


  • 黑军团缺少前锋但是布拉坚持认为穆图不是他们寻求解决前锋谜题答案

    The Rossoneri are desperate for a striker but Braida insists is that Mutu is not the answer they are looking for to solve their striking conundrums.


  • 不那么直接地,是学校文化缺少男性——要是待在教师休息室,老师们谈论操场架来的约翰

    But less directly, the lack of male presence in the cultureyou've got a teachers' lounge, and they're having a conversation about Joey and Johnny who beat each other up on the playground.


  • 国内英语广播公司——以及一些听众——一反常态地在按照建议做出改变尝试地方口音来读国际地名

    With striking inconsistency, domestic English-language broadcastersand some listenersare making the change Ruiz recommends: attempting international place names with a local accent.


  • 班袅拉号能够抢风行方位有处,眼下沿着离岛东部航线行驶着。

    The HISPANIOLA was laid a couple of points nearer the wind and now sailed a course that would just clear the island on the east.


  • 瓦秋不仅仅是温暖舒适更是传递客户能量,可以久存于床榻

    Viktoria says that she doesn't just charge for a warm, comfortable bed, but also the positive energy that she transmits to the client, and that also becomes embedded in their bed.


  • 其时穿越地区尔库茨克向东了解俄国如何控制的远东地区的。

    I was traveling through this region, heading east from Irkutsk, to see how Russia is holding on to its Far east.


  • 在观察诺·马特艺术中心此时发生着的事情

    I am watching what is happening in Neumatt Arts Centre at this moment.


  • 麦考非法取走车辆的罪名,目前等候审判

    McCoy is charged with unlawfully taking the car, and is now awaiting trial.


  • 白宫发言人拉克战事评论家南希·佩洛西,领导巴格达举行代表会议,并领导举行会谈

    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a critic of the Iraq war, is leading a congressional delegation in Baghdad, holding talks with Iraqi leaders.


  • 丹妮丽丝四肢酸痛心中难过地回到金字塔觉得着什么古老卷轴姬奇则就拉卡洛争吵

    When Daenerys returned to her pyramid, sore of limb and sick of heart, she found Missandei reading some old scroll whilst Irri and Jhiqui argued about Rakharo.


  • 丹妮丽丝四肢酸痛心中难过地回到金字塔觉得着什么古老卷轴姬奇则就拉卡洛争吵

    When Daenerys returned to her pyramid, sore of limb and sick of heart, she found Missandei reading some old scroll whilst Irri and Jhiqui argued about Rakharo.


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