• 今天国际原子能机构公布了一关于伊朗核计划的报告

    TODAY, the International Atomic Energy Agency released a report on Iran's nuclear program.


  • 国际原子能机构要求伊朗库存大部分送往俄罗斯法国,以便这些铀的纯度提升至20%,并转化成燃料

    The IAEA wants Iran to send most of its uranium stockpile to Russia and France to boost it to 20 percent and turn it into fuel rods.


  • 国际原子能机构官员将按计划选定伊朗设施进行核查。

    Officials from the International Atomic Energy Agency are expected to visit selected Iranian nuclear facilities.


  • 我们希望伊朗就此国际原子能机构进行合作

    We expect Iran to cooperate with the IAEA on the issue.


  • 一份限制散发范围国际原子能机构报告指出伊朗已经囤积超过2.5的低度浓缩铀

    A restricted report by the International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran's stockpile of low-enriched uranium has grown to more than 2.5 tons.


  • 国际原子能机构已经表示伊朗没有就科学家研究进展作出回复作出密切关注”。

    The IAEA has expressed "serious concern" about Iran's failure to give an account of the research its scientists have carried out.


  • 但是,国际原子能机构一份报告中伊朗上周又开始制造用于发电浓缩铀,目前浓缩试点工厂共有164台分离机

    But an IAEA report said Iran just last week resumed making low-enriched uranium, suitable for power plant fuel, with a cascade of 164 centrifuges at its pilot enrichment plant.


  • 八月底国际原子能机构IAEA)刚刚公布伊朗浓缩进程缓慢,内贾德就突然放出相反说法

    No sooner had the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported at the end of August that Iran was going slow on uranium enrichment than he popped up to say the opposite.


  • 国际原子能机构,他们星期四收到了伊朗对于计划的“初步回应没有透露任何细节

    The IAEA said it received Iran's "initial" response to the plan Thursday, but did not provide any details.


  • 希望伊朗国际原子能机构全面合作澄清有关遗留问题恢复国际社会信任

    It is hoped that Iran and the IAEA cooperate comprehensively to clarify issues left over from history so as to restore trust of the international community.


  • 此外,国际原子能机构要求提供证据解释为何俄罗斯武器专家会帮助伊朗技术人员掌握此类的同步高爆引爆技术。

    The agency has also asked Iran to explain evidence that a Russian weapons expert helped Iranian technicians to master synchronised high-explosive detonations.


  • 了解国际原子能机构8报告的人士伊朗建造了一个带有舱室的核弹头,这个舱室很有可能为了携带核弹而设计

    A secret annex to an IAEA report last month said Iran had, for instance, developed a warhead with a chamber that seemed designed to carry a nuclear bomb.


  • 我们希望有关各方能够加强沟通合作,也希望伊朗加强国际原子能机构合作,解决目前一些悬而未决问题

    We hope relevant parties strengthen communication and cooperation with each other and Iran intensify its cooperation with the IAEA so as to resolve the pending issues.


  • 国际原子能机构(IAEA)上月发布报告警告说,伊朗浓缩正在扩大机构不能排除其用于军事的可能。

    In a report released last month, the International Atomic Energy agency (IAEA) warned that Iran's uranium enrichment is expanding, and the agency could not exclude military use.


  • 问题国际原子能机构并不知道伊朗还在没在其它地方进行核计划,知道伊朗有没有把核技术运用到其它什么地方。

    The trouble is that his agency has no idea where else Iran is doing nuclear work, and so no idea where else these skills may be applied.


  • 国际原子能机构总干事天野之伊朗没有提供必要合作”,叙利亚没有机构2008年中就提出的一些疑问做出答复。

    The head of the International Atomic Energy agency, Yukiya Amano, says Iran is "not providing the necessary cooperation" and that Syria has not responded to agency queries since mid-2008.


  • 国际原子能机构干事星期四伊朗叙利亚它们活动方面缺乏透明度表示失望。

    The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency expressed frustration Thursday that neither Iran nor Syria been completely transparent about their alleged nuclear activities.


  • 同时我们认为遵守国际原子能机构有关规定基础伊朗和平利用核能权利

    On the other hand, we believe that Iran, on the basis of the IAEA rules, has the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy.


  • 我们注意到国际原子能机构发表报告希望伊朗国际原子能机构充分合作建立国际社会核计划和平性质信任

    A: Having noted the IAEA report, we hope Iran fully cooperate with IAEA and build trust of the international community in the peaceful nature of its nuclear program.


  • 伊朗否认是个秘密工厂表示已经星期早些时候告知国际原子能机构

    Iran denied it was clandestine and said it had informed the IAEA about the plant earlier this week.


  • :中方最近伊朗关于加强国际原子能机构合作方面表态评论?

    Q: What's your comment on Iran's position of strengthening its cooperation with IAEA?


  • 今天国际原子能机构代表将维也纳开会,对伊朗阻挠核查妨碍秘密设施曝光一事进行讨论

    IAEA delegates are to discuss Iran at a meeting in Vienna today amid concern that it has been curbing inspections and making it harder to uncover any secret facilities.


  • 双方强调一切努力采取建立信任措施呼吁伊朗国际原子能机构总干事的提案作出积极回应。

    The two sides emphasized that all efforts should be made to take confidence building steps and called on Iran to respond positively to the proposal of the IAEA Director General.


  • 国际原子能机构报告对于伊朗项目可能军事上的应用表示深切担心

    The IAEA’s report says that it “has serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme.


  • 国际原子能机构报告对于伊朗项目可能军事上的应用表示深切担心

    The IAEA’s report says that it “has serious concerns regarding possible military dimensions to Iran’s nuclear programme.


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