• 斯坦利·麦克里斯特尔将军《赋能》一书描述伊拉克战争早期军队等级结构对军事行动阻碍

    In his book, Team of Teams, General Stanley McChrystal describes how the army's hierarchical structure hindered its operations during the early stages of the Iraq war.


  • 导演大卫·拉塞尔演员乔治·克鲁尼戏剧性伊拉克战争场景爆发冲突。

    Director David O. Russell and actor George Clooney are reported to have physically confronted each other on the set of this Iraq war drama over the filmmaker's treatment of an extra.


  • 但是结束伊拉克战争、承担重建阿富汗责任的同时,我们必须恢复国家元气

    But as we end the war in Iraq and transition to Afghan responsibility, we must rebuild our strength here at home. Our prosperity provides a foundation for our power.


  • 这个网站鼓励访问者图片中添加自己相片,该图片栏显示着人们抛拖鞋以示抗议伊拉克战争

    The site encourages visitors to add their own images to a simple gallery of photographs showing people holding up their potential footwear projectiles to protest the Iraq war.


  • 部分解释了反对伊拉克战争的原因,这一反对使2002年再度当选,严重破坏了欧美关系

    This partly explains his opposition to the war in Iraq, an opposition which helped him to get re-elected in 2002, but badly damaged transatlantic relations.


  • 手术讲述现代史激烈武装冲突之一伊拉克战争严重炸伤一位9岁男孩的故事。

    "Operation Lion Heart" is the story of a 9-year-old Iraqi boy who was severely injured by an explosion during one of the most violent conflicts of modern history - the Iraq War.


  • 手术讲述现代史激烈武装冲突之一伊拉克战争严重炸伤一位9岁男孩的故事。

    "Operation Lion Heart" is the story of a 9-year-old Iraqi boy who was severely injured by an explosion during one of the most violent conflicts of modern history -the Iraq War.


  • 最近2003年日本也向美国伊拉克战争提供燃油补给的怀疑开始增大,美国对此矢口否认

    Suspicions have recently grown that Japanese-supplied fuel was used by the United States in 2003 in the run-up to the war against Saddam Hussein, something America denies.


  • 奥巴马告诉聚集当地高中的民众,改善国家卫生保健改变伊拉克战争政策并且改进国家教育系统

    Obama told the crowd gathered at a local high school that he would improve the country's health care, change Iraq war policy and improve the nation's education system.


  • 但是伊拉克战争中,美国官方如果现行安全措施进一步允许削减开支,美国战斗部队可能锐减至一半

    But on the war in Iraq, U.S. officials say American combat brigades could be reduced by half, if current security gains allow for the drawdown to continue at its current pace.


  • 反对美国领导的伊拉克战争大型抗议活动美国几十个盟国展开,其中包括加拿大英国德国日本

    Major protests against the U. S. -led war in Iraq have been mounted in dozens of countries allied with Washington, including Canada, Britain, Germany, and Japan.


  • 反对美国领导的伊拉克战争的大型抗议活动美国的几十盟国展开,其中包括加拿大英国德国日本

    Major protests against the U.S.-led war in Iraq have been mounted in dozens of countries allied with Washington, including Canada, Britain, Germany, and Japan.


  • 不论是伊拉克战争爆发过程,还是各种秘密项目曝光,都让美国人民屡屡感到他们受到了某些不必要蒙蔽

    And whether it was the run-up to the Iraq War or the revelation of secret programs, Americans often felt like part of the story had been unnecessarily withheld from them.


  • 最近反对伊拉克战争,他批评伊拉克战争诗集还2004年获得威尔弗雷德·欧文

    Most recently he had campaigned against the occupation of Iraq, being awarded the Wilfred Owen award for poetry in 2004, for a collection of work criticising the war.


  • 最近奥巴马对有关从政经验说法进行反击继续希拉里支持伊拉克战争例来说明之间重要区别。

    In recent days, Obama has fired back at Clinton's claims about his experience, and continues to cite her initial support of the Iraq war as a key point of difference between the two of them.


  • 一直明确地反对伊拉克战争因为认为我们必须限制过度使用武力时刻思考我们行动所产生长远后果

    I opposed the war in Iraq precisely because I believe that we must exercise restraint in the use of military force, and always consider the long-term consequences of our actions.


  • 英国调查伊拉克战争工作小组公布一名情报官员信件。他表示自己受到寻找证据支持军事行动的巨大压力

    A British inquiry into the invasion of Iraq has released a letter from a former intelligence officer who said he came under strong pressure to find evidence to support military action.


  • 英国勉强伊拉克战争抽身,又纠结阿富汗战争资金生命代价令其重新评估自己世界地位

    As it limps away from the war in Iraq and struggles with the cost, in money and lives, of another in Afghanistan, Britain is re-evaluating its place in the world.


  • 周二美利坚合众国结束伊拉克作战任务,在负责任地结束伊拉克战争上迈出重要一步

    On Tuesday, after more than seven years, the United States of America will end its combat mission in Iraq and take an important step forward in responsibly ending the Iraq war.


  • 伊拉克战争侵蚀共和党反恐战争优势主要是因为布什于2004年竞选时将两者成功绑在了一起

    The Iraq war has also eroded the Republicans' advantage in the "war on terror", not least because of Mr Bush's success in tying the two subjects together in the 2004 campaign.


  • 来自研究生入学考试的第16道题说道,“2003,美国盟友发动了伊拉克战争伊拉克人民带来了深重的灾难。

    Question 16 from this year'sNEEP says, "In 2003, the US and its allies launched the Iraq war, whichhas caused a serious disaster for the Iraqi people.


  • 还有巴马先生为什么查克·黑格尔,这位作为受勋越战退伍军人而对伊拉克战争大加批判内布拉斯加州共和党人呢?

    And why doesn't Barack Obama pick Chuck Hagel, a Nebraska Republican and decorated Vietnam war veteran who has been one of the loudest critics of the Iraq war?


  • 布什任职期间失业了。2002年失业,她努寻找类似于律师助理工作,她也因伊拉克战争花费的代价而感到沮丧。

    During Bush's tenure, she struggled to find comparable work as a paralegal after she was laid off in 2002, and she's been dismayed by the costs of the Iraq war.


  • 签名主题——收入公平富人永久征收更高税款反对伊拉克战争(迟来反对),这些在民众中都有不错的反响。

    His signature themes-greater income equality, permanently higher taxes for the rich, a rather belated opposition to the Iraq war-play well with the grassroots.


  • 这家公司老板斯科特拉斯穆森提醒,调查结果说明更多选民共和党偏移而不代表他们伊拉克战争观念有所改变。

    Scott Rasmussen, the firm’s boss, cautions that this finding may simply reflect a broader swing towards the Republicans, rather than shifting views on Iraq itself.


  • 2000年,乔治·布什聘请选举捍卫自己佛罗里达利益最近请他审视美国伊拉克战争泥沼中脱身办法

    George Bush recruited him to defend his interests in Florida during the disputed election of 2000, and more recently to examine ways out of America's morass in Iraq.


  • 真正使批评欧洲反战论的美国人不得其解的,欧洲各国站出来反对伊拉克战争拒绝阿富汗战争作出更大承诺

    What really irks Americans who criticize Europe's alleged pacifism has been opposition to the Iraq war or refusal to make greater commitments for the war in Afghanistan.


  • 为了有助于阐明观点瑞德取出伊拉克战争条目将其制作成纸质书籍,由此说明后台发生的那些讨论有多么不可思议

    To help illustrate the point, Mr. Bridle took the entry on the Iraq War and made physical books that illustrate the incredible discussion taking place in the background.


  • 佩尤全球态度调查计划美国伊拉克战争继续拖累国际社会对美国观点”,许多尼日利亚人更接受的是美国实力具有弹性。

    While surveys by the Pew Global Attitudes Project say that the US war in Iraq is a “continuing drag on opinions of the United States,” many Nigerians are very accepting of the US’s muscle flexing.


  • 佩尤全球态度调查计划美国伊拉克战争继续拖累国际社会对美国观点”,许多尼日利亚人更接受的是美国实力具有弹性。

    While surveys by the Pew Global Attitudes Project say that the US war in Iraq is a “continuing drag on opinions of the United States,” many Nigerians are very accepting of the US’s muscle flexing.


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