• 重要的,支持

    Above all, she has supported the Iraq war.


  • 比尔·理查德森要求国会“不授权”

    Bill Richardson demands that Congress "de-authorise" the war.


  • 关于400,000份秘密文档

    Nearly 400,000 secret documents about the Iraq war.


  • 新闻秘书托尼“斯诺宣布白宫调整策略

    Press Secretary Tony Snow has announced the White House will adjust its strategy for the war in Iraq.


  • 坚定支持疏远2000大选投票摇摆

    His unswerving support for the Iraq war has alienated the swing voters who swooned over him in 2000.


  • 摄影师万。娄老兵来到拉克,他们职业大相径庭。

    Photographer van Lohuizen traveled to Iraq with two veterans of the war - from very different professions.


  • 爆发时,可以转变美国力量利用方式观念社会工程顾虑

    By the time of the Iraq war, the belief in the transformational USES of power had prevailed over the doubts about social engineering.


  • 虽然没有过赞成票,但是的对政策看起来也仅仅快速撤军。

    Even if he never voted for the Iraq war, his policy for dealing with that country now seems to amount to little more than pulling out quickly.


  • 一位退伍军人走进马萨诸塞州利兹市的一家退伍军人无家可归者收容所

    An Iraq war veteran walks into a veterans homeless shelter in Leeds, Mass.


  • 投票后民调显示,对于那些伊战问题放在首位共和党选民,麦凯恩他们的首选

    Exit polls show he is first choice among Republican primary voters whose top concern is Iraq.


  • 自从2003年爆发以来,已有200万拉克逃离故里,流浪国内各地

    Nearly two million Iraqis have fled their homes and become refugees in other parts of their country since the 2003 war.


  • 塔特认为,同样现象出现公共政策领域比如以及欧盟创造统一货币

    But Douthat says the same sort of phenomenon has cropped up in the realm of public policy with such endeavors as the wars in Vietnam and Iraq, or the European Union's creation of a common currency.


  • 精英阶层多达88%认为助燃反美国主义主要原因之一,在公众一比例为71%。

    A whopping 88% of the elite cited Iraq as one of the main factors driving anti-Americanism, as did 71% of the general public.


  • 例如,某些可能认为,美国拉克糟糕会打击那些极力主张伊战保守主义者。

    For example, one would think that the disastrous war in Iraq would have discredited and sidelined the neoconservatives who dreamed up the idea and promoted it so assiduously.


  • 应受谴责的莉莎毫不遮掩的表示,美国狡辩时“过分相信支离破碎情报信息”。

    Most damningly, she said bluntly that there was an "over-reliance on fragmentary intelligence" to justify the war.


  • 证词与托尼·布莱尔1月调查会上诸多陈述截然相悖,后者期间担任英国首相。

    Her testimony directly contradicts a number of statements made to the inquiry in January by Tony Blair, prime minister at the time of the Iraq invasion.


  • 对这位之前英国参与道德实践上都错误的大主教来说,上是温抚人心布道

    This was no soothing homily from a man who has previously described decisions leading to Britain's involvement in the war as being morally and practically flawed.


  • 由于陷入伊战泥潭,美国强权不再那么超级了,萨科奇现在可以这个一蹶不振的超级大国宽宏大量一点了。

    Now that the Iraqi debacle has made American puissance look rather less hyper, Mr Sarkozy can afford to treat the chastened superpower with magnanimity.


  • 积极的一面是,之后北约阿富汗,虽然由于美国深陷中导致其中很长段时间这里都被忽视

    More positively, NATO is still in Afghanistan after nine long years, many of them characterised by America's neglect of the campaign while it was bogged down in Iraq.


  • 尽管2003身为利诺斯州参议员巴马曾经反对今天胜利营地举行奥巴马接待会仍然热烈非凡。

    Despite his opposition to the war as an Illinois senator in 2003, Obama's reception among troops on the Camp Victory base was rapturous.


  • 他们不同于首席执行官们,不能去归咎于不利市场形势货币走向非典夏季或是冬季暖冬。

    Unlike chief executives, they cannot blame adverse market conditions, currency movements, Sars, the Iraq war, the wet summer or the mild winter.


  • 白宫甚至没有参加安全调查的资格。近年在国会出的重要票还是授权发动,对此十分后悔

    Mrs Clinton did not even have security clearance in the White House, and her most important vote in recent years, to authorise the Iraq war, is one that she admits she regrets.


  • 随着美国媒体开始筹备诺曼底/盟军登陆纪念报道法国是否伊战采取“高姿态问题呼之欲出

    As America's great media outlets have begun preparing for coverage of the D-Day celebrations the question of a “grand gesture” by the French toward the American war in Iraq has been raised.


  • 赢得美国数次经历严重倒退,典型例子(58,000美国丧命伊战中死亡人数的16)。

    The country that won the cold war also endured several grievous reverses, notably Vietnam (where 58, 000 Americans were killed-16 times the figure for Iraq).


  • 布什多次萨科齐为朋友”,赞扬这位法国领导人修复由于法国反对而严重损坏两国关系急切之情。

    Bush has repeatedly called Sarkozy "my friend" in recognition of the French leader's eagerness to repair relations severely damaged by France's opposition to the Iraq war.


  • 也是最近9.11之后,美国人才发现尽管这个世界了解美国文化但这之中仍然有很大一部分喜欢美国

    Not until recently since the 9.11 and Iraq war when the Americans found out even the whole world know about American culture, there are large proportion of them don't like America.


  • 也是最近9.11之后,美国人才发现尽管这个世界了解美国文化但这之中仍然有很大一部分喜欢美国

    Not until recently since the 9.11 and Iraq war when the Americans found out even the whole world know about American culture, there are large proportion of them don't like America.


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