• 这个建议使惊呆了。

    This suggestion dumbfounded Joe.


  • 珠宝设计工艺意大利历史悠久,可以追溯到三千前的特鲁利亚人。 此次展览是意大利悠久手工艺传统的生动写照,正是这些设计工艺使意大利数百年来保持着珠宝设计领域的杰出地位。

    Jewellery design has a long history in Italy, which can be traced back 3,000 years to when the Etrurian civilisation boomed.


  • 一种典型的约克郡吃法,使想起节的晚上(焰火之夜),涂着浓浓黑色糖浆,再加上一杯清茶,在那天晚上的必美餐。

    A quintessential Yorkshire treat and, while I always associate it with Guy Fawkes Night, this rich, dark treacle and ginger cake is my chosen slice with a cup of builder's tea.


  • 那种使丈夫当作陌生人杀人凶手脑组织炎症很快又转肺部使她呼吸困难。

    The brain inflammation that made Eva see her husband as a stranger and a killer soon moved to her lungs, and her breathing became painful.


  • 在关于1995年波斯尼亚和谈回忆录开头引用了希梅尔自白,“结束战争”:“来说,遥远事物一种不断的渴望,这一直使我备受折磨。”

    He cited Ishmael's confession near the beginning of his memoir of the 1995 Bosnian peace talks, "to End a War" : "as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote."


  • 荷马里亚特》讲故事这样的:阿奇·里斯的母亲河里给出生的阿奇·里斯沐浴为了使一样地永生不死

    This is the story Homer tells in the Iliad. Achilles' mother bathed him as a baby in the River Styx to make him immortal, deathless like a god.


  • 亚历克斯·福博客有朝一日症候群》那些对于工作简直病得太重了。仍然通过改变工作焦点使保持有效经营

    When Alex Fayle of the blog Someday Syndrome is too sick to work, he still manages to stay productive by changing the focus of his work.


  • 知道不该做出响应,换句话说如果他附和拉,意味着让这句话落在实处使一个可怕猜测变成真实,而且更加粗俗

    He knew he was not meant to respond, that to speak, to acknowledge Moira's words, would make them concrete, more vulgar, something real rather than a horrible speculation.


  • 处于医生的观察下时,认为特的诽谤毒化的脑筋、使不愉快是不妥的。

    While he was still under observation I didn't think it well to upset him by poisoning his mind with Yvette's slanders.


  • 但是如果马利基使该党无法参与竞选那么,萨达尔将是独立党,如此以来,他们甚至可能南部获得全胜

    But if Mr Maliki seeks to disbar the movement from competing in the elections, the Sadrists may still run as independents-and could yet sweep the board in the south.


  • 他们致力于使这些房屋成为首都第一无源之家协会认证的房屋。协会是利诺州的一个私立组织,有着最为严格的美国能效标准

    It aims to be the first home in the nation's capital to earn certification from the Passive House Institute, a private Illinois-based group that has the toughest U.S. standards for energy efficiency.


  • 气候变化使暴风雨危害猛烈,经济学家可以定量算出保护人们免受危害所需的花销。

    Economists, said Yohe, can quantify what it takes to protect people from storm damage made more intense by climate change.


  • 为了摆脱这个困局,开发了一种全新工艺以降低成本使他们融入传统汽车价格之中

    To get around this problem, Eaton has engineered a completely new way of building them that reduces cost and makes them accessible to conventional vehicle pricing.


  • 什拉克试图改变产品销售方式迎合挑剔的消费者,并累积使公司能够获得经济利润的高效益成本数据

    To appeal to stingy customers, he wants to change the way Medtronic's products are sold, gathering data on cost-effectiveness so that the firm can "project offerings in economic terms".


  • 工人医生引用利诺州大学研究音乐能够使所有工人提高6.3%产出

    Workplace Doctor cites a Univ. of Illinois study that suggests listening to music improvesall types of workersoutput by 6.3%.


  • 先生一个商业银行家他说借钱使母亲间产生微妙距离

    Mr. Ley, who is a commercial banker, said the exchange of money has pushed him and his mother apart insubtle ways.


  • 虽然现在世界无论哪里不是慕雷·斯梅尔王国那样多夫妻制,但也不是完全类似现代一夫妻制的社会,一夫一妻制使妇女比较广泛分布

    Though the world in which humanity evolved was nowhere near as polygamous as Moulay Ismail's, neither did it resemble the modern one of monogamous marriage, which distributes women widely.


  • 盛气凌人侦探充满虚张声势,却不敢看苏尼伽的目光。终审宣布定罪无效一天下了他们第一个孩子。 苏尼伽是坐牢期间结婚使她怀孕的。

    On the day of the final appeal, which quashed the conviction, Eva, whom Mr Zúñiga married and made pregnant while in prison, gives birth to their first child.


  • 源泉种使直立人出现之前所有被称为属的物种遭到质疑,”德·

    "Sediba casts everything called Homo before erectus into question, " says de Ruiter.


  • 使维菌素使疾病控制取得了明显进展非洲目前每年有逾6千万接受治疗

    Treatment with ivermectin has enabled significant progress in the control of onchocerciasis, and currently reaches more than 60 million people in Africa annually.


  • 去年十一月,巴西国内民营银行之二Itaú(或译:屋)Unibanco宣布合并,股作气使银行跃升为全国第一。

    In November Itaú and Unibanco, two of the country’s largest private banks, announced a tie-up that catapulted the new entity to the number-one spot.


  • 年前梅尔特通用电气2010年前使收入增长,至100亿美元。

    Two years ago, Immelt said GE would double its revenues in China to $10 billion by 2010.


  • 欧文一系列大胆的举动为迎来了众多的追随者而且使成为了全球知名人士。照片上显示的2003年时,欧文美国著名的晚间娱乐节目今夜秀》中亮相,站在他旁边的是节目主持人·莱诺。

    Irwin's daredevil antics won him a wide following - and made him a global celebrity. This US appearance was on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno in 2003.


  • 欧文一系列大胆的举动为迎来了众多的追随者而且使成为了全球知名人士。照片上显示的2003年时,欧文美国著名的晚间娱乐节目今夜秀》中亮相,站在他旁边的是节目主持人·莱诺。

    Irwin's daredevil antics won him a wide following - and made him a global celebrity. This US appearance was on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno in 2003.


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