• 我们公司一直从事企业并购中的马太效应研究

    Our company has been studying the Matthew effect in merger and acquisition.


  • 因此,对企业并购重组实践进行研究无疑具有重要的意义。

    So it is very important to research on merger and reorganization of Chinese enterprises.


  • 本文正是这种背景下研究跨国并购企业文化整合

    Just under this backdrop, the thesis studied on the cultural integration of multinational merger and acquisition enterprises.


  • 研究企业并购财务决策原理模型程序

    The principle, model and program of finance decision making for enterprise merger and acquisition are studied.


  • 国内外学者企业并购绩效评价通常采用非正常收益会计指标进行实证研究

    The performance evaluation of corporate mergers and acquisitions and foreign scholars commonly uses index of non-normal earnings and accounting empirical study.


  • 因此企业并购市场风险成为目前企业亟需研究识别课题

    So market risk of enterprise M&A has become a topic that is in great need of researching and discerning.


  • 一部分,通过企业并购垄断分析作为文章研究论述基础

    The first part of the analysis of mergers and acquisitions and monopoly is a the basis for the research and discussion.


  • 传统研究并购中文化整合的分析往往侧重企业层面

    Traditional researcher in this field tended to focus on the enterprise level.


  • 论文通过当前价值评估理论文献研究找出企业并购价值提升主要原因

    Through the study to the current literature about the valuation assessment theories, the thesis finds out the main reason of the value promote about the merger.


  • 希望本文所做研究能够解决我国企业海外并购面临人力资源整合问题有所裨益

    Hope that this study can be done to solve the transnational mergers and acquisitions in China's enterprises facing the human resources integration benefits.


  • 本文第二部分介绍了旅游企业并购模式研究理论成果,评价了其贡献和不足。

    The article makes an analysis and evaluation of the theoretical conclusion about the M&A mode of tourism enterprises in the second part.


  • 因此研究跨国并购提升企业竞争优势中的作用重要理论价值实践意义

    Therefore, the research on the function of cross-border M&A in promote the competitive advantage has the important theoretical value and practical significance.


  • 应用实物期权博弈理论方法研究随机市场环境下,目标企业存在财务杠杆情形下,企业并购时间条件

    Using a real option game theory and method, under a stochastic market, and assumption the target firm is both debt and equity financing, the paper analyzes the timing and terms of mergers.


  • 本文研究中采取的企业并购绩效衡量指标企业并购市场绩效经营绩效。

    The performance index is market performance and management performance among the research of this text.


  • 研究发现,共同价值双方实现各自并购战略目标基础企业并购收益需要经过时期才能实现。

    It points out that mutual value is the base for the parties to merge. The profit of the merged enterprise will not be made until a certain period of time.


  • 本文结合并购整合一般理论重点研究跨国并购中的企业文化整合问题。

    This dissertation combines general theory of M&A integration, while emphasizing the importance of cultural integration after enterprise international M&A.


  • 通过企业并购理论实务探讨,试图企业并购理论研究与实务操作有所贡献本文选题宗旨

    The intention of the selection of this topic is mainly try to give some contribution to the M & A theory research and practice operation through the probe on the M & A theory and practice.


  • 因此研究并购中的纳税筹划问题企业并购产生深远的意义

    Therefore, on mergers and acquisitions in corporate tax planning issue of the acquisition will have a far-reaching significance.


  • 第二部分包括第2,3两章,研究企业并购中目标企业价值确定的实物期权方法。

    The second part, include 2 and 3, is the study on corporate valuation using the real option theory.


  • 这样的情况下,对跨国公司并购国内企业的有关问题进行深入地研究具有积极现实意义

    Under this complexion, it has an active and realistic significance that we do research into the issue that the MNC merge and acquire Chinese corporations.


  • 研究方法上,本文企业理论经济学管理学财务学等跨学科理论本文的理论基础,对并购重组各项效率进行考察。

    When it respect to research method, the writer put the business theory, economics, management and other interdisciplinary theory as the theoretical basis for this article.


  • 本文在相关文献研究基础首先界定并购定价风险概念,将其内容单一的收购目标企业实际支付价格偏离期望价格的可能性及其程度扩展由于定价的不准确而导致的并购结果不确定性。

    Base on the researching of literature, this paper was to define the concept of the risk of evaluation in M&A at first, extended it from price departure to the uncertainty of trade outcome.


  • 许多学者失败案例进行研究发现企业文化成为影响企业并购成功与否重要因素

    Many scholars who study the failures found that corporate culture has been an important factor which influences the success or failure of the merger.


  • 所以并购研究中,本企业的价值链提升值得关注的。

    So it should be focused on the way of improvement of value chain in the research of M&A.


  • 本文主要微观角度,核心能力分析工具,从企业层面出发来研究企业并购目标企业选择问题。

    This dissertation stands in the position of enterprise and studies the choice of target company in M&A by means of core competence in microcosmic angle.


  • 因此关于房地产企业并购及其价值创造研究显得尤为迫切。

    So it is very important that we make a full research with the value creation of the real estate M&A.


  • 通过企业并购理论研究并购动因分析,探究当前企业并购成功失败原因

    Through the academic research and analysis of motivation for the merger of enterprise, the author demonstrates the reasons of success and failure relating to the merger of enterprise.


  • 传统理论战略角度研究影响企业并购决策因素

    These factors are usually studied in terms of strategy in classic theories.


  • 最后本文综合IT治理IT风险理论研究基础上进行企业并购信息系统整合风险问题的研究企业并购整合管理的后续研究拓宽范围

    What's more, based on IT management and IT risk theories, the present study broadened the range of future study in management of integration in the process of mergers and acquisitions of companies.


  • 研究企业并购尤其是研究中国上市公司并购活动,不仅有着重要理论意义而且还有着重要的现实意义。

    Researching M&A, especially researching M&A of the Chinese listed company, not only has important theory meanings, but also has important realistic meanings.


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