• 标准尤其企业软件标准,用户有益的,但是厂商们有时不一致目标——抑制市场采用标准

    Standards, especially enterprise software standards, are beneficial to the user, but vendors may sometimes have conflicting goals that inhibit market adoption.


  • 信息服务提供了一个虚拟企业信息环境其中信息用户隐藏基础信息系统存储库复杂性

    Information services provide a virtual enterprise information environment in which the users of information are shielded from the complexities of the underlying information systems and repositories.


  • 例如创建功能需求(企业应用程序用户访问进行重新验证)为例。

    As an example, consider common capability needs such as user access revalidation for applications within an enterprise.


  • 大多数企业已经可以熟练用户使用VPN连接获取后端数据

    Most enterprises are already comfortable with using VPN connections with their users to get to back-end data.


  • 电力企业用户执行监督检查任务电力监督检查人员应当提供方便

    The electric power enterprises and users shall provide all convenience to electric power supervisory and inspective personnel who are on duty.


  • 第二人生企业用户提供了更多安全保障虚拟人物社区进行了升级。

    The Second Life Enterprise environment provides users an added layer of security and the ability to scale an avatar community.


  • 这些客户很多都是大型企业用户服务器压力很大,常常最先发现部署-阻塞缺陷

    Many of these customers were the large-enterprise users who heavily stressed the server and were among the first to find deployment-blocking bugs.


  • 广告文案用户行动呼吁应该用户需求企业目标之间有所平衡

    Your AD copy and call to action should balance the users' needs with your business objectives.


  • 制造所有潜在用户访问实用产品时,进步企业能够利用新的市场机遇并获得强大的竞争优势

    In making products that are accessible and practical for all potential users, progressive organizations can take advantage of new market opportunities and gain a strong competitive edge.


  • 创建用户用户并且要么给予要么拒绝它们任何企业bean方法执行许可

    Users and user groups are created and are either given or denied execute permissions on any enterprise bean or method.


  • 因此我们需要确保Spring变得企业应用开发者更加友好同时,要迎合这些苛刻用户

    So we needed to ensure that while Spring become even better for developers of business applications, we also catered towards the needs of these demanding users.


  • 根据Victor观点或许重要改变MySQL支持企业用户希望工具能够支持更大部署需求规模而不是使用一个内嵌数据库

    In Victor's opinion perhaps the most important change is their support for MySQL, Enterprise customers wanting to scale to larger deployments needed more than an embedded database.


  • 必须确保服务器使用LotusSametime 服务器相同企业目录用户执行身份验证。

    You must also ensure that the server uses the same enterprise directory or directories as the Lotus Sametime server to authenticate users.


  • 尤其考虑到Spring很多企业作为事实上标准这样一个定位避免任何用户体验破坏非常重要的。

    Especially given Spring's position as a DE facto standard in many enterprises, it was vital to avoid any disruption in user experience.


  • Scrum 中使用GlobalBacklog”就可以很好地做到一点,Global Backlog用户有价值的功能非功能需求企业视图

    This is well-covered in Scrum with a "global backlog", which is an enterprise view of the user-valued functional and non-functional requirements.


  • 我们全球企业用户而言只有这样一个黑莓手机安全方案一点我们所有开展业务市场并未改变。

    There is only one BlackBerry enterprise solution available to our customers around the world and it remains unchanged in all of the markets we operate in.


  • 状态模型——业务用户来说这个模型扮演企业面板捕获当前经营整体状况

    Stateful model - for business users this model represents the enterprise dashboard, capturing in its entirety the status of current operations.


  • 最小化服务中断来说,建立明确升级程序有效沟通渠道并入企业最终用户支持过程都是至关重要的。

    Establishing clear escalation procedures and integrating effective communication channels into the end user-support process of the enterprise are vital for the minimization of service disruptions.


  • 有关两个企业进行合作样例场景描述说明用户涉及的应用程序企业宏观相互作用。

    A description of a sample scenario where cooperation between two enterprises takes place, illustrating macro interaction among the user, the involved application and enterprises.


  • 报告总结说应用如此广泛增加一个很好标识性作用,平板电脑已经证明了其现有企业用户的价值

    "Such an across the board increase in usage is a good indicator of the extent to which tablets have proven valuable to current corporate users, " the report concludes.


  • 个人电脑多数用户企业它们根本不在乎机器外观以及用户多么友好——IT人员就是这个的。

    Most PC customers were corporations that were utterly indifferent to what the machines looked like or how user-friendly they were-that's what IT staffs were for.


  • SQL结构化查询语言基础建立数据库系统使得用户能够数据库进行简单操作管理。通过数据库技术可以用户更好企业进行管理。

    The database system based on the standard query languageSQL, makes user can easily manage and operate on the database.Users can manage the corporation better because of the database technology.


  • 同时,微软企业用户一般消费者做出了自己承诺

    At the same time Microsoft has reaffirmed its commitment to enterprises as well as general web consumers.


  • 问题中的项目包括一个企业用户应用软件正在进行中的维护以及重要特性增强

    The project in question involves both ongoing maintenance and major enhancements to an enterprise-scale, custom software application.


  • RBAC中心思想用户没有企业自主访问权

    The central notion of RBAC is that users do not have discretionary access to enterprise objects.


  • 虽然以上内容没有这场演示中体现出来,但这里面的众多特性这些组织来说极具吸引力特别是那些需要管理用户设备企业来说更是如此。

    Although not shown during this event, many of these features will be attractive to such organizations, especially those requiring the manageability of devices that are deployed to users.


  • 比如社交网络用户领悟到,他们可以通过“劫持媒介最初创建该媒介的企业施加压力

    Members of social networks, for instance, are learning that they can hijack media to apply pressure on the businesses that originally created them。


  • Vista系统很大选择权还是企业用户这些用户选择忽略并不是由于Vista内在不足。

    The group that did have a choice with Vista was businesses and they chose to avoid it, although not because of any inherent inferiority of Vista.


  • 根据职能企业业务分析设计出信息平台用户角色

    According to the business functions of enterprise information platform for the design and user roles.


  • 1展示了WDPE如何使IT业务用户能够变化进行快速有效反应从而实现一个敏捷企业

    Figure 1 illustrate how it enables the it and business users to response quickly and effectively to change, and to achieve an agile enterprise.


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