• 企业统计模型转化为决策引擎嵌入应用程序

    They will turn models intodecision engines” embedded in internal and external applications.


  • 基于现值进入模型市场均衡状态下企业进入决策一个描述。

    The entry model based on NPV theorizes the entry decision of firms which are in market equilibrium.


  • 本文研究石油机械企业多产品生产规划决策问题运用系统动力学原理建立相应系统模型

    This paper researches the planning and decision making problem of petroleum mechanical multiproduct enterprises, and establishes the corresponding system model by using systematic dynamic principle.


  • 研究了企业并购财务决策原理模型程序

    The principle, model and program of finance decision making for enterprise merger and acquisition are studied.


  • 通过建立两个企业阶段技术开发随机对策模型分析不同状态企业动态决策风险选择

    This paper analyzes dynamic decision and risk selection in different states by developing a stochastic game model for two companies with multi-steps of technological development.


  • 企业筹资决策支持常用决策模型进行了分析给出了企业筹资决策支持系统系统结构

    The conventional decision models for business finacing decision support were analysed, and the system structure of DSS for business finacing was given.


  • 本文交易费用理论企业核心能力理论分析提出虚拟人力资源管理决策模型

    This paper elicits the decision-making model of VHR management from the theory of transaction cost and the theory of enterprise core competence.


  • 分析结果表明模型能够有效降低库存企业科学决策提供了支持

    The analysis result indicates that this model can reduce inventory effectively, and provides support for enterprise science decision.


  • 考虑整体成本目标个体企业约束条件基础上,建立一个供应链构建决策模型

    By considering the cost objective of the whole supply chain and the constrain conditions of the individual enterprise, we build a decision model for supply chain formation.


  • 包括:(1)B - S期权定价模型企业战略投资决策中的应用。

    Includes: (1) The application of B-S option pricing model in enterprise strategy investment decision.


  • 本文提出灰色系统的理论方法物流行业的应用,针对物流企业管理决策实际问题建立基于灰色系统理论数据挖掘模型

    This article introduces grey theory into logistics trade, and builds data mining model based on grey theory to solve the practical problem in logistics enterprises' management and decision.


  • 提出了物流联盟物流企业学习有效途径给出学习数学模型,对信念更新规则、决策规则进行了分析

    Logistics Alliance is a effective way to study for the logistics enterprises, and has produces the study mathematical model, then analyses how to update the rules for conviction and decision-making.


  • 讨论了林业企业设备更新问题给出了设备更新决策模型

    The equipment renewal problem of forestry enterprises was discussed and the decision model of equipment renewal was also presented.


  • 通过对生物制药企业技术创新阶段影响因素分析建立基于模糊决策分析模型

    This paper analyzes the influencing factors of technology innovation in three phases for Bio-pharmaceutical enterprises, and puts forward a model based on fuzzy decision based on entropy.


  • 针对这种情况,笔者结合企业实际采用灰色局势决策方法建立起目标市场决策定量化决策模型此基础进行策略优化问题探讨。

    Based on business practice, a quantitative model is established by the method of the gray situation decision making, and the problem of strategic optimization is discussed.


  • 提出安全成本承受阈限事故损失期望线概念改进建立用于分析企业决策行为博弈模型

    Put forward the safe cost and afford the threshold and concept of expecting the line of accident loss, improve and set up the chess match model used for analyzing enterprise's decision behavior.


  • 本文针对企业库存管理深入分析重点库存决策模型研究

    This text aimed at the inventory management of the business enterprise, doing the thorough analysis, the point did the research to the inventory management decision model.


  • 服装企业可以不同生产状况下灵活运用模型作出满足期、成本合理切实最优决策

    Fashion companies can use the model flexibly under variety situation and make the practical optimum strategy to fulfill both the punctual delivery and the reasonable cast.


  • 经由自由现金流量折现模型评估,可以得到目前互联网企业价值股市低估还是高估,进而投资者投资决策提供参考价值。

    Internet companies can be present in the value of the stock market is undervalued or overvalued. The model provides a reference value of the investor's investment decision.


  • 文章构建了一个阶段博弈模型研究了面对潜在竞争企业进入威胁在位企业之间的兼容性决策问题。

    In this paper we study incumbent firms' compatibility strategies when market entry of competitive firm may occur by using a three-stage game theory model with network externalities.


  • 本文根据现行主要招投标评标方法分析基于博弈论建立与之相适应投标博弈模型方法施工企业投标的科学决策提供借鉴

    On the basis of bidding evaluation analysis, a set of suitable bidding game model methods are considered, which is useful for scientific decision on bidding practice in construction enterprises.


  • 灰色数据挖掘模型物流企业管理决策问题中的应用证明了基于灰色系统理论的灰色预测和聚类模型有效的、具有实用价值数据挖掘模型

    The application of grey data mining model in the management and decision of logistics enterprises has proved that the grey forecasting model and clustering model is effective and of practical value.


  • 组织决策视角剖析IT能力企业绩效影响机制,提出了相应的概念模型和理论假设。

    The influencing mechanism of it capabilities on firm performance is analyzed from the perspective of organizational decision-making.


  • 传统博弈论模型解释这种条件下企业决策行为,只能得到对应现实两种极端情况的两重纳什均衡。

    The traditional game theory model gave two Nash equilibriums to explain the decision of enterprises in this condition.


  • 实例计算结果证明了模型有效性,该模型可以订单式生产企业交货期决策提供有益的参考

    Example of calculation results proves the validity of the model, the model can provide a useful reference for MTO manufacturing mode enterprises with delivery decision-making.


  • 通过农业高新技术企业成长阶段常规决策问题研究发现少数者博弈模型适用解决常规决策问题。

    It was found that minority game model is appropriate to solve routine decision by studying the routine decision in the growing period of agricultural high tech enterprises.


  • 企业进行人力资源开发项目评选模型进行量化决策企业内部经营管理需要

    In evaluating the development projects for human resource, letting the enterprises use this model to carry out measuring decision is the demand of interior operation management in enterprises.


  • 前面定性分析基础上,分别建立生产型企业销售型企业有需求提前期库存优化模型,得出成本决策变量的最优解。

    Based on the above qualitative analysis, it constructs an inventory optimizing model for manufacturer and storing company respectively, fingers out an optional result of the cost decision variable.


  • 不仅石油企业提供模型辅助决策功能还给决策提供一个非常强大数据分析平台——数据仓库

    It provides petroleum enterprise with not only the function of assistant decision by former but also a data warehouse that provides the decision-maker with a strong data-analytic flat.


  • 不仅石油企业提供模型辅助决策功能还给决策提供一个非常强大数据分析平台——数据仓库

    It provides petroleum enterprise with not only the function of assistant decision by former but also a data warehouse that provides the decision-maker with a strong data-analytic flat.


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