• 仿真结果表明,本文提出短波盲信快速分析算法分离精度信道正确分离率都较高、抗噪声干扰能力

    Simulation results show that the proposed blind channel algorithm is of high separation precision, high right separation rate and stronger anti-noise-interference ability.


  • 实例仿真结果表明系统动力学方法科研项目管理正确决策提供了科学依据。

    The simulation results of the examples indicate that the System Dynamic method offers scientific evidence for the right decision-making in scientific research project management.


  • 设计好的制导控制算法嵌入六自由度弹道模型进行验证,仿真结果表明了此快速仿真架构正确制导、控制方案可行性

    The GNC algorithms designed are embedded in the trajectory model. The results show that the simulation structure is valid and the GNC schemes are feasible.


  • 仿真结果表明所提出方法能够正确辨识核动力蒸汽发生器水位特性具有较高的辨识精度

    The proposed method that can identify the characteristic of NSG water level correctly and has enough precision of identification is demonstrated by computer simulation.


  • 接着特征提取方面尝试一种新的组合形式仿真实验结果表明将多种特征参数进行合理组合有助于提高说话人识别系统正确识别率。

    Thirdly, a new combined form of feature parameters was attempted in the thesis, and reasonably compounding Characteristic parameters has been proved helpful in improving the correct recognition rate.


  • 仿真实验结果看出方法训练样本数相对较少的情况下,仍然具有较高的检测正确,同时也具有较低的警率。

    Then simulation results express this method has better detection rate, overall accuracy and false positive rate reduced with less training sample size.


  • 结果表明仿真系统结构合理可靠子系统采用数学模型仿真算法正确可信。

    The results show that the architecture of the system is reasonable and reliable, and the mathematics model and simulation algorithm of the sub-systems are also valid and practicable.


  • 通过自由度刚体系统计算机仿真识别,结果表明文中所述识别理论方法正确有效的。

    The results of computer simulation of a two-rigid-body system with two degrees of freedom of each rigid body show that the method presented in the paper is feasible and effective.


  • 设计仿真结果表明低通滤波器电路设计正确,电路结构简单,所用元器件数目较少

    The simulation results show that the proposed method is feasible and the design circuits have characteristics of simple structure and less number of components.


  • 仿真试验结果符合CPL原理正确反映CPL系统正常运行状态下的动态特性,符合对象的过程机理。

    The results of simulation are in of accord with the principles of CPL and correctly reflect the dynamic characters of CPL system in normal running status.


  • 仿真结果表明算法正确高效实用机器人绕过随机运动障碍物具有一定的参考价值

    The computer simulation shows that the algorithm is a correct, efficient, practical and successful one, which has the reference value for robots to bypass the moving obstacle.


  • 论文最后进行实验数据分析,将实验数据仿真结果进行比较,进一步证实仿真方法反常衍射理论适用性正确

    The last part of paper analyzed and compared the experiment data with simulation data, and proved that the correctness and applicability of the simulation method and anomalous diffraction theory.


  • 分析结果表明建立正确仿真模型辅以参数化设计方法解决摩擦学仿真问题非常好的实现方法

    The analytic results show establishing proper simulation model and attaching parameter design approach are greatly good realization methods of solving the problems of tribological simulation.


  • 测试不同压下挠度矫直时H型钢几何形态主要力能参数,进一步证明理论分析仿真结果正确

    Geometricshape and energetic parameters of H-beam are tested for different bending deflection. Theresults of test show that theoretical and simulation analysis is correct.


  • 仿真结果表明算法是正确有效并且算法不受光照条件的影响,同时具有较低计算复杂度

    Simulation results show the correctness and the effectiveness of the proposed method with low computational complexity and inflexibility to light intensity.


  • 文中给出圆周测距、测向公式,从理论上分析了测距性能计算机仿真结果验证理论分析正确

    The formulas of calculating range and bearing for circular array are derived, and ranging performance are analysed theoretically. The simulation results show that the theoretical analysis is correct.


  • 仿真结果表明方法产生回波信号与箔条实际回波的各项分布特性相同从而证明了该方法的正确

    The simulation results indicate that the generated chaff echo of this method has the same distributions of the actual chaff echo. Thus it proves the correctness of this method.


  • 仿真结果表明稳态功率因数接近1(0.99),验证了给出的励磁电流控制方法象限开关正确

    The simulation results show that the power factor approaches to 1 (0.99) at stable state, and the exciting current control method and switches table in four quadrants are correct.


  • 模型基础上对系统进行并网发电仿真仿真结果显示系统模型建立正确,选用的方案能够很好的实现可再生能源的并网发电。

    Based on the given model, the system is simulated. The simulation results show the model build in this paper is true and the scheme can realize connect the renewable source systems to power grid.


  • 文中详细介绍了OPNET仿真实现TD MA多路访问技术主要过程仿真结果验证协议正确有效性

    This paper introduces the main processes for simulating TDMA technology using OPNET. The simulation results demonstrate that protocol is correct and effective.


  • 通过仿真模型计算结果西南石油学院钻头研究室部分台架实验结果进行对比,验证了该仿真模型正确性。

    Compared the result of the simulate model with the experimental data that collected by the Lab. of Drilling Bit in Southwest Petroleum Institute, the model has been validated.


  • 针对理论分析,进行了各种方案比较分析,经过试验结果仿真分析结果进一步支持论证了理论分析正确和实用性。

    And detailed compare of different schemes are given. The experimental and simulation result give a further support of the correctness and the practicability of the theoretical analysis.


  • 模型仿真结果临床检测结果基本一致表明模型能够正确反映出呼吸运动心血管系统的影响。

    It indicated that the simulation results agreed well with the experimental data, and the extended cardiovascular model could reflect the cardiopulmonary interaction.


  • 模拟发电机组进行实验仿真分析实验结果验证仿真结果正确

    The field loss test and simulative analysis are carried out on a simulative generation system and the experimental results verify the correctness of simulation results.


  • 仿真结果表明补偿方法对于不同接线方式不平衡负荷都具有较好的补偿效果,证明理论推导正确

    The simulative results show the compensation effectiveness on the unbalanced load with different connection, which verifies the correctness of theoretical deduction.


  • 进行一系列多种实验条件下现场实测之后,实验结果仿真结果进行了对比分析,验证了该系统数学模型正确

    After a series of practical test under various conditions, the test results is analyzed and compared to the simulation results, then the mathematic model of this system is verified.


  • 模型应用固态开关仿真中,仿真结果实验波形证明模型的正确准确性

    When the model applied to Solid-State Switch simulation, the comparison between the experimental and simulation result proved the validity and accuracy of the model.


  • 结果表明,所建立仿真模型可以空气悬架大客车平顺作出正确预测

    Having been compared simulation results and test results, the paper indicates that the simulation model can make correct prediction to air spring suspension bus ride comfort.


  • 通过汽车空调风机级调速系统仿真结果的分析,表明模糊pi控制优于传统的PI控制,证明了无级调速系统仿真模型的正确性。

    The analysis on the simulation results in stepless speed regulating system of automotive air-conditioning fan shows that the fuzzy PI control is better than the conventional PI control.


  • 仿真结果表明接收正确解调相应信号,实现FM语音通信系统基本功能。

    The result showed that the corresponding signal could be demodulated by the receive end and the basic functions of FM voice communication system were achieved.


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