• 走进大厅仿佛走进一个魔幻森林设计师科幻电影《阿凡达》中的生命融入到大厅设计来。

    Into the hall, as if into a magic forest, the designer will be science fiction movie Afanda in the life of the tree into the design of the hall.


  • 顺着雕塑往里我们仿佛走进一个花园每当春天来临的时候,树木吐出新芽小草脑袋各种花儿也出来了。

    Go down the sculpture, as if we had walked into a big garden, when spring comes, trees spit out new bud, the grass out the head, all kinds of flowers grow back.


  • 人生旅途之中,某个时候我们内心火焰仿佛熄灭这时走进我们的生命,我们内心的火焰重新点燃。

    In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.


  • 提到美元人们土壤安静下来,他们仿佛看见不同肤色外国人走进来一样情绪完全转变了

    At the mention of dollars, a sudden silence descended on the people in the cell. Their mood changed as if a foreigner with a different color of skin had walked in.


  • 苔丝不久走进村子脚步声传到两边房子的墙上再反射回来,仿佛这儿一个死人的国度。

    Tess soon went onward into the village, her footsteps echoing against the houses as though it were a place of the dead.


  • 我们走进办公室上门,两人都沉默起来,仿佛权衡接下来的谈话要用多大的音量。

    When we shut the door to his office, there was a silence that spoke volumes about what needed to be said.


  • 但是如果走更远些,当走进那些遥远森林村庄时,你感觉时间仿佛倒流-从那些无地劳工和森林居民脸上棚屋里,你会感觉仿佛又回到了过去那段停滞的年代。

    But travel further into remote forests and far-flung villages and you will be travelling back in timethe past lingers here, in huts and on the faces of landless labourers and forest dwellers.


  • 人们走进建筑入口处可以清晰地辨认出体育场体量,建筑竖向木材合而成,仿佛是进入森林一般。

    On entering the building, the volume of the sports hall is clearly visible from the entrance, surrounded by the vertical timber members that create the look of a forest clearing.


  • 身临其境逼真现场效果,就走进现实场景穿梭往返每个专业场景仿佛置身一个真实世界

    Realistic immersive effect of the scene, like walking into a realistic scenario, the shuttle to and from the scene in every profession, like being in a real world.


  • 外国英语文学作品仿佛走进不同国家,一个不同的文化,一个不同的生活结识了一些不同的朋友

    Foreign English literary works seem to take me into a different country, a different culture, a different life, meet some different friends.


  • 第二走进,不知道是不是因为变得成熟了,了,趴下休息继续工作没有那么多抱怨仿佛看透工作本质

    The second time I came to MOULUR, I became more mature. When I felt tired, I took a rest and went on working without complaint as if I saw the nature of work.


  • 人生旅途之中,某个时候我们内心火焰仿佛熄灭这时走进我们的生命,我们内心的火焰重新点燃。

    In every ones life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being.


  • 注定一个不平凡的冬季因为已经不知不觉悄然走进孤独世界身心仿佛获得重生

    This is doomed to an extraordinary winter, because love has unwittingly quietly entered my lonely world, as if physical access to a rebirth!


  • 这里,春天时梨花遍布山谷冬天雪花覆盖大地在这里仿佛就像走进一个神话般的世界

    And up here, the fragrant flowers of the summertime fill the mountain valleys and pure snowflakes of the winter cover the landscape. It feels like walking into a mythical land.


  • 走进老城区就仿佛跌入了中古世纪日内瓦里面轻易找到属于那个时代的古典浪漫

    Walk into old the city zone to as if the Geneva that drops into mediaeval century, the classic romance that belongs to that times can be found easily inside.


  • 世界仿佛走进房间的那一刻便静止了。

    You walked into the room and my world stood still.


  • 母亲发出声近乎哽咽的叫喊仿佛死尸走进屋里来了。

    Mother uttered a half-choked cry, as though a corpse had entered the room.


  • 走进酒店大堂,便仿佛穿越时空来到古代某个宫殿帝皇尊贵气息瞬间将人淹没。

    Stepping into the hotel lobby, it's like travelling to an ancient palace and submerging in the honorable flavour of the emperor.


  • 走进“存珍堂”历代中国书画复制精品展展厅,使人仿佛置身于中国书画的长卷

    Into "Cun Zhen Tang" art exhibition of chinese duplicate painting hall, as if trapped in the history of Chinese painting and calligraphy.


  • 仿佛觉得自己走进如画的世界

    Uncouciously, it seemed that I had entered a pictorial world.


  • 仿佛觉得自己走进如画的世界

    Uncouciously, it seemed that I had entered a pictorial world.


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