• 女性基督教长老会神职已有好多年了。

    Women have been ordained for many years in the Presbyterian Church.


  • 奥利福特政府卡特政府期间都联邦政府能源部门的职位

    O'Leary served in federal energy posts in both the Ford and Carter administrations.


  • 过去的22年建国参加了志愿者工作,保护了吉林长白岛上成千上万的野鸭。

    Over the past 22 years, Ren Jianguo has carried on volunteer work to protect thousands of wild ducks on the Changbai Island in Jilin.


  • 深深地一口气出来,再吸,再吐,想象身体所有紧张都随风而逝,轻飘飘溪流前进;继续深呼吸,吸气,呼气,再吸气,再呼气,闭上你眼睛,想象自己正站在世界最雄伟的瀑布高处,汹涌的水流带走你全部的紧张不耐烦,取而代之的是安宁、冷静和耐心。

    Take a deep breath in and breathe out, once again. Now imagine that the tension in your entire body melts away and you are flowing softly in the stream of serenity.


  • 一位老师大约玉树60四川省。他,地震发生时也感觉到了,然后马上开车震中附近亲人是否安好。

    Genqiu Renqin, a teacher who lives in Sichuan Province, about 60 miles from Yushu, said he felt the earth shake and immediately drove to see if relatives who lived near the epicenter were safe.


  • 而在时期德国,出版者混杂了很多剽窃者,他们复印全新出版物低价出售而不用担心受到什么处罚

    In Germany during the same period, publishers had plagiarizers — who could reprint each new publication and sell it cheaply without fear of punishment — breathing down their necks.


  • 对于一位国际银行巅峰职位长达多年来说,全球金融讲述实在太少——这是在考虑到过去的种种麻烦问题而特意做出的省略。

    For a man who spent so many years at the top of international banking he has little to say about global finance, a peculiar omission given the troubles of the past three years.


  • 实际上•马克(1935年1939年间美国众议院议员)自造新词。

    But in reality it was created by Maury Maverick, who was a member of the House of Representatives from 1935 to 1939.


  • 夏季种种问题遮掩了起来,热天什么都人乐颠的。

    Summer masks all manner of problems. The hot weather makes many things more pleasant.


  • 天狗》这样游戏狗就像真的屏幕跳了出来

    With a game like Nintendogs, the dogs really pop up out of that screen and you can see them.


  • 2006年,有两名印度渔民酒后小船小船过安达曼湾,森提海滩搁浅。

    In 2006 two Indian fishermen, in a drunken sleep aboard their little boat, drifted over the reef and fetched up on the shore of North Sentinel Island.


  • 日本第五首相能否力挽狂澜呢?

    Can Japan's fifth prime minister in four years succeed where others failed?


  • 日本举行婚礼葬礼等其它传统习俗活动时,需要发出邀请因为这些活动属于是社团群体的,它们是日本村落所有人共同担的事情。

    There is no need to send invitations to weddings, funerals, and the like as they are community events which are Shared by all in Japanese villages.


  • 过去10CEO感到非常自豪,我坚信未来10年在的领导更好

    I am enormously proud of my last decade as CEO, and I am certain that the next 10 years under Larry will be even better!


  • 来自佛罗动物摄影师-尼德兰每年奔走上万,就为拍下一个个精彩瞬间。

    Animal photographer Ren Netherland from Florida, travels thousands of miles every year capturing these stunning transformations.


  • 美林证券分析师最近RosePark顾问时,工作令人紧张部分当属于投资者会面了。

    One of the most stressful parts of my job as an analyst at Merrill Lynch, and now at Rose Park Advisors, is to meet with investors.


  • 六十年代中期,黑温哥华所监狱心理医生

    In the mid-60s, Hare was working as a prison psychologist in Vancouver.


  • 例如受试者第三星期工作日最后一个相比第一个星期同一务的表现满意度。

    For instance, the subjects faired poorly on the last test of the day they took during week three as compared with that same test during week 1.


  • 创始人格·韦斯-科布上世纪80年代美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)摄影师编辑,现在每天都在网上搜集正面新闻在GNN上发布

    The founder Geri Weis-Corbley, who was a CNN camera operator and editor in the 1980s, spends her days browsing for reports of positivity and Posting them on the site.


  • 位于伦敦餐厅“LePontdelaTour”曾招待戈登.布朗,他去年三月,也就是英国首相最后几天曾在此用过。 李.贝内特这家餐馆的老板。

    "We only found out about 48 hours before, " says Lee Bennett, executive chef at London's Le Pont de la Tour, where in March last year, Gordon Brown ate one of his last meals out as prime minister.


  • 根据上周末普索•莫调查机构(Ipsos Mori)《经济学家》杂志做的一份调查,公众反而似乎令人意外地对该计划听之之。

    The public, by contrast, seems surprisingly resigned to it, according to polling over the weekend by Ipsos MORI for the Economist.


  • 所大学语文教员

    He worked language teacher in that university.


  • 暗影婆娑世界沉沦季节了又,回了

    I fall not repair in shadow whirling world, as the season went back again, back and go.


  • 当时31岁克洛伊也没只当自己艺术创作,这搁置起居室角落它落满了灰尘

    Not thinking anything more of the creation, the 31-year-old left the painting to gather dust in the corner of her living room.


  • 新世纪又一次响起钟声举起晶莹思绪悄悄地伴随钟声身边深深地祝福春节快乐

    In the new century, the bell rang again, I lift the cup, crystal clear thoughts quietly accompanied by the bell to float to your side, deeply bless you happy Spring Festival!


  • 来自佛罗动物摄影师-尼德兰每年奔走上万,就为拍下个精彩瞬间。

    Animal photographer Ren Netherland, who is from Florida, travels thousands of miles every year capturing these stunning transformations.


  • 如今村子只要,就全都老祖宗子孙后代。”老汉告诉

    "At present this village inside, as long as is the surname allows, is all descendant posterity of old ancestor. "Allow an old man to tell me.


  • 早晨10刚刚好、困顿无比的小八爪鱼放到婴儿床

    Task 1 10am: Put a just-fed, super-sleepy octopus in a crib.


  • 早晨10刚刚好、困顿无比的小八爪鱼放到婴儿床

    Task 1 10am: Put a just-fed, super-sleepy octopus in a crib.


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