• 第一个在地球轨道之外执行私人任务我们预想的更早。

    The first private mission outside of Earth's orbit is closer than many of us think.


  • 美国政府官员批准私营太空公司月球快车2017年底执行项脱离地球轨道任务

    U.S. government officials are set to approve a mission by privately-held space company Moon Express to travel outside of Earth's orbit in late 2017.


  • 它们可以到达更远轨道美国国家航空航天局计划未来大部分发射任务尤其是月球火星的)中携带立方体卫星。

    They can attain more distant orbits; NASA plans for most of its future earth escaping payloads (to the moon and Mars especially) to carry CubeSats.


  • 印度第一次超越地球轨道太空任务

    This is India's first space mission beyond the Earth's orbit.


  • 接下来会发射“嫦娥2号”进行另外轨道任务;2012发射月球车;2017年用机器人进行月球表面取样然后返回;最后就是载人月球之

    Chang 'e 2 is set to follow next year with another orbital mission, followed by a rover in 2012 and a robotic sample-return mission in 2017. A manned trip could come after that.


  • 随着一项简单任务寻找其他地球”,开普勒轨道天文台启动

    The Kepler orbiting observatory was launched with a simple mission - to find other Earths.


  • 执行火星任务可能涉及到如何摆脱地球轨道成为火星卫星,然后才慢慢地降落

    A mission to Mars could involve swinging a spacecraft out of the Earth's orbit and into that of Mars before slowly making a descent.


  • 这种类型卫星在执行轨道攻击任务发射攻击需要不到15分钟飞行时间

    Total flight time from launch to impact for these types of weapons is usually less than 15 minutes when attacking low orbits.


  • 美国空军X-37B太空船当时正在环绕地球某个官方未公开轨道执行秘密任务天空观察者发现了

    The US Air Force's X-37B space plane is circling Earth and, although it is on a classified mission with an officially unpublished orbit, sky watchers have spotted it.


  • 他们使命只是做地球轨道飞行,测试月球阿波罗11以及以后的登月任务所使用的登月舱

    The mission was planned as a low-Earth orbit to test the Lunar Module, the lander later used by Apollo 11 and subsequent missions to land on the moon's surface.


  • 拍摄奋进号完成STS- 126任务已经前哨轨道上停留超过2星期了。

    Endeavour had been docked for almost two weeks during the STS-126 mission at the orbital outpost when this image was taken.


  • 分钟进入轨道准备完成太空站运送补给任务

    Eight and a half minutes later she was in orbit, ready to complete her mission of carrying supplies to the space station.


  • 轨道飞行器任务火星表面寻找证据而且水量必须足以生命栖息地维持相当时间

    The orbiter was commissioned to search for evidence that water persisted on the surface of Mars for a substantial period of time - long enough to provide a habitat for life.


  • 43分钟电影记录哈勃20年历史,包括2009年维修任务绕地轨道天文台热点宇航员拍的镜头

    The 43-minute movie chronicles the 20-year life of Hubble and includes highlights from the May 2009 servicing mission to the Earth-orbiting observatory, with footage taken by the astronauts.


  • 执行阿波罗11登月任务土星5号正在自己运行的轨道,此照片由负责监测发射飞机拍摄。

    Rocket Men: Saturn V, which carried the Apollo 11 Moon mission, climbs toward orbit after lift-off in a photograph taken from a plane monitoring the launch.


  • 国际空间站神七接近高度是由特殊轨道任务引起的。

    The similar altitudes of both the iss and SH-7 arise from some of the peculiars of orbital missions.


  • 迪勒第三任务称为猎户座i”(Orion i)的无人飞行试验发射真正的猎户座太空船轨道

    The third mission, called Orion I, is planned to launch an actual Orion spacecraft into orbit, but on an unmanned test flight, Diller said.


  • 月球侦查轨道器将微型芯片到了月球肩负探索地生命任务开普勒太空望远镜则搭载了一张致地外智慧生物的光盘,上面存满了人类的名字写给地外生物的信息

    The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter took a microchip to the moon. And the exoplanet-hunting Kepler telescope took a DVD full of names and messages to ET into orbit.


  • TanDEM-X卫星已经被发射进入轨道,它任务获得精确地球表面地图

    The TanDEM-X satellite has blasted into orbit on a mission to acquire the most precise 3D map of the Earth's surface.


  • 为了抵消轨道牵引力任务控制中心必须使用f飞船自带的推进器定期将其推进一个更高轨道

    To counteract its orbital drag, mission controllers must use propellant in attached spacecraft to periodically loft the station to a higher orbit.


  • 欧洲气象卫星应用组织角度来看确实强调讨论第三静止轨道气象卫星(MTG)任务关键性作用

    And from a Eumetsat perspective, this really emphasises the crucial role of the Meteosat Third Generation mission which is now being debated.


  • 神州7号”三名宇航员今天(星期五)凌晨抵达距离地球343公里最终轨道开始执行任务

    The three-man crew of the Shenzhou (" sacred vessel ") Seven settled into their duties after reaching their final orbit 343 kilometers above the Earth earlier today (Friday).


  • 每个轨道配置不同的方式每一任务根据什么宇航员希望看到每个窗口显示

    Each orbiter is configured differently for every mission, according to what the astronauts want to see displayed in each window.


  • 这个任务包括一对孪生飞船,它们进入轨道工作几个月,测量关于重力场的一些前所未有细节

    The mission consists of twinspacecraft that will enter tandem orbits around the Moon for severalmonths to measure the gravity field in unprecedented detail.


  • 发现号航天飞机现在正在地球轨道奋进号亚特兰蒂斯还有飞行任务

    The shuttle Discovery is, at this moment, in orbit; Endeavour and Atlantis each has one more flight.


  • 国家宇航局不仅面临重新改造硬件设施和到达轨道之外任务必须重新改造宇航员

    NASA isn’t just tasked with reinventing its hardware; to get beyond low-Earth orbit, it must reinvent its astronauts.


  • 一些他们走进了轨道此之后他们出色的完成了任务

    A few words got them on track, and they've done great work since.


  • 一些他们走进了轨道此之后他们出色的完成了任务

    A few words got them on track, and they've done great work since.


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