• 皮托内和凯拉对比了佩珀有内心语言和没有内心语言时的行为,发现机器人有自我对话时的任务完成更高。

    Comparing Pepper's actions with and without inner speech, Pipitone and Chella discovered the robot had a higher task-completion rate when having self-dialogue.


  • 软件开发项目新陈代谢组织完成所承诺特性任务速度

    A software development project's metabolic rate is the speed that the organization executes on the committed features and tasks.


  • 虽然任务简单并且重复性,但保持出错需要消耗相当脑力出错为百分之十。

    Although the task is simple and repetitive, to keep providing the right answer demands a fair bit of brain power: people make a mistake about 10% of the time.


  • 典型任务测试新的推进剂燃烧

    Typical Assignment: Test burn rates of new propellants.


  • 再者外部力量应该致力于稳定货币,这个国家货币的通货膨胀已经超过40m %,这可不是简单任务

    Next, outsiders must help stabilise a currency whose annual inflation rate may have surpassed 40m %; not an easy task.


  • 在摆脱危机下滑状态之后,没有一个主要经济体重新陷入衰退不过考虑偏低经济增长以及债务削减所面临的艰巨任务这种风险依然存在)。

    No big economy has yet fallen back into recession after exiting its post-crisis downturn (although that risk remains given the low level of growth and how far debt reduction has to go).


  • 这种当前文档围绕当前文档创建任务方式应该能够提高生产因为能增进应用程序耦合

    This notion of creating a task about or from the current document should increase productivity because it increases coupling between applications.


  • 具体项目一项具体任务而言,已经做完、可衡量的工程量或任务通常百分表示

    The amount of measurable work that has been done for a specific project or task. Usually expressed as a percentage.


  • 因此第一个任务就是定义解释现值、回报资本机会成本

    So this chapter’s first task is to defineand explain net present value, rate of return, and opportunity cost of capital.


  • 因为它们都是现成产品所以应该可以收集到很多信息包括日志文件任务完成次数故障和故障等等

    Since these are existing products you should have a wealth of info, such as, log files, completion rates and times, drop out rates and drop out points, etc.


  • 福岛主要任务之一鼓励家庭友好”政策提高日本出生

    One of her major tasks will be to encourage family-friendly policies to boost Japan's low birth rate.


  • 当然语言可以为我们提供可以简化任务特性时,一切那么美好不过代码生成通常一个必需——通常其生产非常高——的任务

    Sure, it's nice when the language gives you features like generics to make things easier, but often code generation is a necessaryand extremely productivetask.


  • 广州日报》报道,临近岁末,放贷过度银行为达到规定的存款准备金不得不居民揽存款"冲任务"。

    Stressed by the Central Bank's reserve ratio, cash-ridden local banks and their brokers lure deposits by offering cash rewards, the Guangzhou Daily reported.


  • 年俩次的报告打算集中力量制定央行的双重任务提高就业同时保持稳定通胀

    The twice-a-year report is intended to draw focus to the central bank’s dual mandate: promoting maximum employment while keeping the inflation rate low and steady.


  • 他们发现自动化系统明显优于者们,较之后者32%准确,前者完成同样任务准确达到80%。

    They found that the automated system significantly outperformed the human lip-readers –scoring a recognition rate of 80 per cent, compared with only 32 per cent for human viewers on the same task.


  • 海洋馆员工介绍章鱼执行上次任务即预测2008年欧洲杯的赛事结果时,其命中也有8成

    According to Sea Life staff, the octopus notched an 80 percent record of forecasts during his last assignment - the UEFA European Championship tournament in 2008.


  • 我们可以计算Ted全部任务分配花费时间计算出下个迭代的估算准确假定0.7。

    We can calculate all Ted’s assignments and spent time and define estimate accuracy for next iteration, let’s say it is 0.7.


  • PureCoverage很大程度简化检查代码覆盖任务使识别一部分的代码已经或者没有被测试变得非常简单

    PureCoverage greatly simplified the task of inspecting code coverage, making it easy to identify which parts of the code had or had not tested.


  • iPhone4支持任务操作,录制高清视频拍摄500万像素分辨照片,LED闪光灯

    iPhone 4 can multi-task, it can record HD video and take photos with a 5 MP resolution with an LED flash.


  • Polpo管理任务具体明确简单明了而设计的,Polpo使用一个内容编辑流动布局兼容屏幕分辨

    Specifically designed for making administration tasks clearer and easier to navigate, Polpo USES a fluid two column layout ideal for content editing on larger screen resolutions.


  • 任务失败很高修改引起非预期副作用很多,生产

    Unintended consequences of change are high. Productivity is low.


  • 研究人员认为原因可能所给的任务过于简单(女士们答题正确高达90%以上)。

    Researchers say that is probably because the tasks were so simple (the women got more than 90 percent correct overall).


  • 几乎一个职位衡量成功标准——客户满意度完成任务时间完成的工作量,错误甚至内部绩效排名

    Almost every role has a measurement of success - customer satisfaction, time to complete a task, volume of activity completed, error rate or even internal performance measurement rankings.


  • 概述未来任务计划文件可以避免负担过重帮助制定现实目标保持有序经营提高生产

    A document that Outlines your mission and plans for the future can prevent overload, help you set realistic goals, keep you on track and boost your productivity.


  • 南斯拉夫1992年- 96:有限规模净资产收益打算履行预防任务一系列部署

    Former Yugoslavia 1992-96: a series of deployments limited in both scale and ROE but intended to fulfill a dual prevention task.


  • 结果表明:完成知觉判断任务时,有竞争条件正确显著高于无竞争条件下的正确组合因素没有影响

    The results indicated that the accuracy of perception judgment was significant higher in competition condition than in non-competition condition, but combination had no effects.


  • 完成知觉推理任务时,组合条件正确显著高于单人条件下的正确,竞争因素没有影响

    The accuracy of perception reasoning was significant higher in combination condition than in single person condition, but competition had no effects.


  • 可以使用氦离子显微镜进行离子散射能谱分析从而将这项灵敏度最高表面技术应用同时要求具有空间分辨分析任务中。

    Ion scattering spectroscopy can be carried out with HIM, allowing this most surface sensitive technique to be applied to analysis tasks where spatial resolution is also required.


  • 可以使用氦离子显微镜进行离子散射能谱分析从而将这项灵敏度最高表面技术应用同时要求具有空间分辨分析任务中。

    Ion scattering spectroscopy can be carried out with HIM, allowing this most surface sensitive technique to be applied to analysis tasks where spatial resolution is also required.


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