• 修正造成项目显示正确价格错误

    Fixed a bug which caused items to show incorrect prices.


  • 数小时苹果更正价格错误根据当地媒体表示,约超过20万份订单已经送出。

    Apple corrected the prices hours later but by that time more than 200,000 units had been ordered, local media said.


  • 最近几年里更多例子表明市场价格偏高而不是偏低了,但是其实种现象都存在,同时市场也在两个方向上都错误

    In recent years, there have been more examples of things that are priced too high than things that are priced too low but there are both and the market makes mistakes in both directions.


  • 错误是因为深陷危机所有银行股票价格借贷成本显示几乎完全崩溃信心

    Wrong, because in the depths of the crisis the share prices and borrowing costs of all Banks indicated an almost complete collapse in confidence.


  • 如果价格出现错误信号市场就会失灵

    Markets fail if prices send the wrong signals.


  • 而言之,数据输入系统打消了B2B电子化联系所带来大多数好处影响价格、降低了速度、可能带来更多错误

    In short, a data-entry package negates most of the benefits of a B2B electronic relationship: it may affect prices, it may slow things down, and it may cause more errors.


  • 不合理价格市场传递错误信息

    Silly prices like that send the wrong signal to the market.


  • 别克错误显而易见补救的方法价格关系不大。

    Buick's mistake is obvious, and the remedy has nothing to do with price.


  • 10%以下的消费错误价格合适时候买的太少或者价格太高时候买的太多

    Less than 10% were purchasing errors-buying too little when the price was right or too much at steep prices.


  • 最近金融危机中,最大问题在于投资者错误认为房产价格可以准确预测美国房市建造了一个巨大的衍生品体系

    In the latest crisis, the problem was that investors erroneously believed property prices were quite predictable and built a whole edifice of derivatives on the back of the American housing market.


  • 也许有人可能会认为永远不会成为现实但是看看网飞公司的遭遇。很多人认为,这是一家永远不会犯错的公司,直到错误地调高了服务价格并重回老路,剥离DVD租赁业务后,大家才意识到并非如此。

    You might not think that will ever happen, but look at Netflix, a company many thought could do no wrong until it mishandled a price hike and backtracked on a spin-off of its DVD business.


  • 还会提到过去的错误使得许多公司致力于价格竞争,非法联盟。这些行为极大地损害消费者的利益,而且要经过许多年才能改变局势

    She will say the mistake enabled many large companies to engage in pricing, wage and collusive practices that harmed consumers and took years to reverse.


  • 价格相关hmessage显示一个转换错误消息

    The h: message associated with the price would display a conversion error message.


  • 即使价格可能上升此外在极其错误时期买进已经造成Berkshire数十亿美元的损失。

    Even if prices should rise, moreover, the terrible timing of my purchase has cost Berkshire several billion dollars.


  • 1970年,官员们就曾经因为价格指数中排除了过多的价格种类而导致错误的低估了通胀的可能性。

    That was the mistake made in the 1970s, when officials deluded themselves that inflation was under control by excluding ever more prices from their indices.


  • 然而银行业理应会成为最后提出错误价格不能继续下去的一方。

    Yet the banking industry should surely be the last to argue that an incorrect price cannot persist.


  • 如果判断错误当前价格拥有公司股票也是划算的。

    And if I'm wrong, you'll own a piece of the sector at a decent price.


  • 十年前美国房屋购买者接受了错误保证:按全国水平上二战后房屋价格不会下跌的反复强调事实现在商业房地产价格下跌了。

    Earlier this decade American homebuyers took false assurance from the oft-quoted fact that house prices had not fallen, at the national level, since the second world war; well, they have now.


  • 由于公司管理松散或者执行错误战略导向,公司股票价格将会不断地下跌。 公司股票价格越低,对于其他公司或者投资者群体就越容易购买到公司绝大多数股份

    The further acompany’s stock price falls, due to lax management or wrong-headed policies, the easier it is for another company or group of investors to buy up a majorityof the shares.


  • 第三认识到性——也就是金融工具定价错误可以影响到市场价格应该反应的市场的根本

    The third step is to recognize reflexivity, which means that the mispricing of financial instruments can affect the fundamentals that market prices are supposed to reflect.


  • 在降低价格调低档次并错误做法:名专家指出,一个低档手提包拖累整个女性商品系列。

    Cutting corners can be a false economy; a cheap handbag, one expert argues, can drag down the rest of a woman's outfit.


  • 有些规模小竞争者作出了错误估计他们认为在众多商家云集市场上,他们降低价格招睐一些生意,也不会引起商家的注意

    In crowded markets, smaller competitors sometimes figurewrongly—that they can cut prices and win extra business without the bigger players’ noticing.


  • 为什么这样一个错误是因为这些机构破产还是机会低的价格买入?

    Why would that be a mistake? Because the institutions would collapse, or because you could get a better price?


  • 系列第1部分中,我们介绍如何使用CEP框架,在IBM产品价格目录中的错误出现影响客户之前帮助确定这些错误

    In Part 1 of this series, we'll describe how the BEP framework is used to help identify errors in the IBM product and price catalog before they occur and before they can impact customers.


  • “很多人犯的第一错误就是事业起步时制订了错误价格”,WilliamT.Lasley一个关于艺术品手工艺品生意指南来自About.com)。

    "The number-one mistake for people just getting started is pricing [incorrectly]," says William T. Lasley, a guide for arts and crafts business for About.com.


  • 这个Web服务服务器可能发现不了这个拼写错误的标准,SOAP响应消息中返回一个默认公司A股票价格

    The Web Services server could disregard the misspelled tags and provide you with a default value such as the stock quote of company a in a SOAP response message.


  • NGC支付价格为公司按照错误等级评估硬币当前公允市场价值

    The price NGC pays will be the current Fair Market Value of an accurately graded Coin at the original incorrect grade.


  • 我们错误认为价格下降

    We mistook assumption that the price would fall.


  • 同样重要的是,资产价格泡沫增加央行决策者错误风险,在破裂之前带来危害

    Equally important, frothy asset prices could cause damage long before any bubbles burst, by increasing the risk that central bankers make mistakes.


  • 同样重要的是,资产价格泡沫增加央行决策者错误风险,在破裂之前带来危害

    Equally important, frothy asset prices could cause damage long before any bubbles burst, by increasing the risk that central bankers make mistakes.


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