• 现在价格一半

    The cost is about half as much again as it was two years ago.


  • 是的夸大房屋价格抵押贷款愿意借钱任何人一个脉冲危机必要前提

    Yes, the inflated price of homes and the mortgage industry's willingness to lend to anybody with a pulse were necessary prerequisites for the crisis.


  • 但是让人侧目还有高昂价格:每年的耗费预算范围从几亿美元到数十亿美元,还是在未知地球脱碳功能的前提下进行估算。

    Even more impressive was the price tag: somewhere between a few hundred million dollars and a couple of billion dollars a year, compared with the unknowable cost of decarbonizing the entire world.


  • 外包存在前提相当简单如果一件事肯定有人同样事情价格还便宜。

    Outsourcing exists on a fairly simple premise: If you can do something, there must be someone else out there capable of performing that same taskonly cheaper.


  • 原则上来说,如果这类符合税收的一般准则,即能够不对价格信号企业造成大的损害的前提下增进价值那么它们的确有用的。

    In principle such levies are useful if they meet the test for taxes: to raise revenue without harming price signals and enterprise too much.


  • 当然这个假设是建立在能源价格不再攀升前提下。

    Of course, this assumes that energy prices have peaked.


  • 另外Gazprom给了TNK -BP一个选择可以以市场价格回购原来股份25%,前提条件是BP要完全履行这次的交易责任。

    In addition, Gazprom gave TNK-BP an option to buy back 25% of the field at a market price, but only if BP fulfils its part of the deal.


  • 大部分地区不会绝对粮食短缺的,而且可以在不过分损害农民利益前提下降低国内粮食价格

    In most places there are no absolute shortages and the task is to lower domestic prices without doing too much harm to farmers.


  • 同理繁荣前提大宗商品消费者将会竭尽全力地追逐这些原材料以至他们价格推高非常荒唐水准至少段非常时间这样。

    Similarly, in boom conditions commodity consumers will be so desperate to get their hands on raw materials that they will drive prices up to absurd levels, at least for a short time.


  • 旅游企业尝试保持业务另一方式,推出前提时间许多的提前预订折扣包括夏秋旅游旺季折扣价格

    Another way companies are trying to lock in business is to offer discounts on advance bookings far earlier than they used to, including peak summer and fall travel periods.


  • 保养良好二手通常比较保值当然前提的时候价格也合理。

    Used boats that are well maintained generally hold their value fairly well, assuming you got a good price to begin with.


  • 同时降低车主保养费用方面做文章,比如广本全系车型配件价格下调7%就是明显例子

    At the same time they also make little issue of maintaining costs for example the suggestion of 7% price reduction of all parts of model arose previously by Guangzhou Honda is an obvious case.


  • 成本领先战略作为种有效竞争战略,对企业规模素质提出了很高的要求充分自由价格竞争前提

    The leading cost strategy, as the effective competition strategy, requires the remarkable enterprise scale and qualities and takes the complete free price competition as the prerequisite.


  • 一些案例中这些谷物价格研究发现巩固了先前已知趋势来的假说。

    In some cases, the findings of these grain price studies confirm previously known trends or previously advanced hypotheses.


  • 价格相当前提倾向入住一种类型的酒店?

    Which one would you prefer to stay on the same price basis?


  • 然而更好的一点就是可以通过价格卧室数量,是否能养宠物以及其他一些对你重要的前提条件,来筛选房子信息。

    Better yet, you can filter by price, number of bedrooms, pet availability, and several other pre-requisites that may be important to you.


  • 我们本着在诚信服务前提提供给各位同行优惠的价格服务大众

    We will be in service in good faith under the premise that peer-to provide the best price to serve the public.


  • 然而阻塞费用阻塞线路分摊中,目前提出的影子价格边际存在一些不合理的地方。

    Unfortunately in the congestion cost allocation to congested lines, the shadow price method and the marginal and incremental method existed have some defects.


  • 许多过去都认为房屋价格可能出现全国性的全面下跌做出金融决策的时候也自然地作为前提假设。

    It appears that many people thought that house prices would never fall nationally, and made financial decisions based on this premise.


  • 汇率变动服从模型前提给出一种期权价格界限判断方法

    Secondly, Provide one option price demarcation line judge the method base on the premise that the exchange rate change obeys two forks of tree models.


  • 罗马俱乐部方面声称从未排除过将这位土生土长罗马中场卖掉可能性,当然价格合适前提下。

    Club directors have never completely ruled out the possibility of selling their man and the feeling at Trigoria is that the Rome-born midfielder will be sold for the right money.


  • 芯片代理前提我司LED发光二极管领域一定优势体现在品质、价格售后服务方面

    In the chip under the premise of Deputy Secretary in my field of LED light emitting diode has a certain advantage, reflected in the quality, price and after-sales services.


  • 器件选择原则保证精确度前提选择功耗较的器件,以及低成本,以此保证该监测仪在野外可以时间工作价格便宜。

    Under the precondition of ensuring the accuracy , the principle of discreteness choice is low-consumed and low-cost , which can make the apparatus work more time and spend less money.


  • 我们在保证质量前提价格降低最低

    We have reduced our price to the bottom without sacrificing the quality.


  • 价格波动性股票市场与生俱来特性也是股票市场存在并正常运行前提条件

    Price fluctuation is a feature of the stock market and it is also a premise for the stock market to go forward smoothly.


  • 并在保证良好质量前提不断努力降低成本确保有竞争力价格

    Under such condition our company tries to lower down the cost with good quality so that the competitive price can be ensured.


  • 并在保证良好质量前提不断努力降低成本确保有竞争力价格

    Under such condition our company tries to lower down the cost with good quality so that the competitive price can be ensured.


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