• 孩子生活未必总是一致但是不怕表达自己

    The kids' views on life don't always coincide, but they're not afraid of voicing their opinions.


  • 对于户外活动爱好者来说,有划船各种活动。

    For lovers of the great outdoors, activities range from canoeing to bird watching.


  • 认知心理学家断言行为价值了解自己处境方式选择的影响。

    Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our situations and by choice.


  • 理念热衷在家教育而不是学校教育的家长很有吸引力这份课程大纲巩固世界

    His ideas appeal to home school parents. This curriculum reinforces their outlook.


  • 陈水华鸟者满怀热情地当地学校举行鸟类展览”,同时赞颂那些大多数中国人视为浪费空间湿地和被视为食物的野生动物。

    Mr Chen and fellow birdwatchers spread their passions in local schools, holding school "bird fairs" and celebrating wetlands and wildness that most Chinese people regard as a waste of space or food.


  • 所以科学家可以中子星添进可以实验室里进行测试物体的列表中了。

    So, scientists can add neutron stars to their list of cosmic things they can test in the lab.


  • 利用新的视频训练系统只能得到有限的训练来显著提高单音节单词唇读能力非常困难任务

    Using a new video-based training system, viewers with very limited training significantly improved their ability to lip-read monosyllabic words, which in itself is a very difficult task.


  • 孩子成长过程中和交流关于金钱- - -如何省钱,如何挣钱,重要的是如何明智花钱

    Communicate with children as they grow about your values concerning moneyhow to save it, how to make it grow, and most importantly, how to spend it wisely.


  • 可能源于一切问题方式,并采用分析师称之为“甘地工程”的原理——一种自觉挑战传统智慧朴素

    It started by looking at everything from scratch, applying what some analysts have described as "Ghandian engineering" principles-deep frugality with a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom.


  • 每年十一月十二月下弦月最佳蟹时机澳大利亚官方建议游客选择这个时间前来圣诞

    For the best crab viewing, Australian officials advise tourists (pictured, a Christmas Island visitor in an undated photo) to arrive during the last quarter of the moon in either November or December.


  • IPCC任务是决策者提供简单精炼的科学答案也许受决策者非即白世界影响了

    The IPCC exists to distil science to answer policy makers' questions. But it is perhaps too often influenced by policy makers' black-and-white view of the world.


  • 网友纷纷表示该片赞赏之情,很多像刘啸宇父母一样在流下热泪。

    Many Web users subsequently said they greatly appreciated the film and most of them said they cried right along with Liu's parents.


  • 但是多年发现公司CEO实际上已经具备基于事实的世界,远胜于媒界学术界政界

    But what I have found over the years is that the CEOs of the biggest companies are actually those that already have the most fact-based worldview, more so than in media, academia or politics.


  • 天使看来蔑视坚定生活活动,由此房间是洞房

    The cherubs also seem to be looking down on some life-affirming activities, which is why it's called the room of the Bride and Bridegroom.


  • 已经形成固定思维国家公务员六个小时道德培训是否就能够改变的道德

    Will six hours of pounding ethical principles into resistant brains reshape their ethics for the better?


  • 分析师表示假设有10家日本工厂继续明年该国天然气消费量就可能增长七分之一左右。

    Analysts say that assuming 10 Japanese plants remain shut the country's gas consumption could rise by about a seventh next year.


  • 俱乐部成员正在研究不同种类以及数量变化

    The members of the Birdwatching Club are studying the different kinds of birds and the changes in their numbers.


  • 马刺半场领先16分第三过后领先27分,这就意味着波波维奇首发球员下半场大部分时间里都作壁上,一边还琢磨骑士活塞

    San Antonio's lead was 16 at half time and 27 after three, meaning Popovich's starters spent most of the second half on the sideline thinking about Cavaliers and Pistons.


  • 父母孩子性格培养,人生树立命运走向方面可以发挥不可替代作用

    Parenting will have many indispensable roles to play in shaping children's character, establishing their life outlook and influencing their destinies.


  • 然而有趣的是女士吹嘘自己读过很多书是因为关心女性朋友对她评价,这无疑会现代姐妹产生负面影响。

    However it's interesting women are most concerned about being judged by their female peers, casting a shadow on modern day notions of sisterhood.


  • 先生台前戏,感觉怎样

    Gentlemen, how did it seem to you, to go, in front?


  • 必须知道这个人生舞台上,只有上帝天使可以作壁上

    Men must know, that in this theatre of man's life it is reserved only for God and the angels to be lookers-on.


  • 地球上朋友吧…确认步调步调中所有的事情也同时在影响

    Friends of Earth... look inside... recognize the pace in which all these things are affecting you.


  • 第三次影时留意到微小的不一样点例如孩子看起来长大了些。

    But on my third viewing I noticed slight differences, such as the kids looking slightly older.


  • 第三次影时留意到微小的不一样点例如孩子看起来长大了些。

    But on my third viewing I noticed slight differences, such as the kids looking slightly older.


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